41 An unexpected affair

Hello guys! Here I am! The_Auditor or The_Paragon, how you want to call me, is back!

Yes, you saw the title and you ain't blind, here's a new chapter! I just finished the main story of Nine Tailed System, I just need to post a chapter for each day.

Now I will have some things to day, first of all:

Fuck it, I will stop with harem, fuck Mizore. I can't do that shit without making it credible between a jealous vampire and a stalker and probably Yandere-ish snow woman, it's impossible.

Second, I don't care what you might say, but there is a possibility that this novel will end earlier than planned, why? Gabriel is too op to be blocked from normal enemies, I will do the novel as realistic as possible while making it as long as I can, but I can't promise that the novel will end after the 100 chapters.

Now, enjoy the story.


San reached the hostel where she worked before the others, and met with a delinquent-like man that was working at the entrance, he turned around and his face twisted in surprise.

Man: San!? Whadda you doin' back 'ere!!? Ya disappeared 4 days ago wi'out so much as a by your leave. I though' ya might a been plannin' to run away or sumthin'

San held her notebook and wrote something, before showing it at the man.

San: "I'm sorry, please allow me to work again from today onwards."

However, the man just clicked his tongue and said words that shocked her.

Man: Not happenin'... Yer already fired, San. It's expected nah!? We hardly got any employees yet you ran off to nowhere, and coz of that we had big problems. Whadda ya think trying to come back this late.

Suddenly, from a corner, the teacher Shizuka came out and called hastily.

Shizuka: Please wait a moment.

Man: What!? Who are you!?

Shizuka: I'm her teacher from high school. Nekonome Shizuka! There is a reason for San's unexplained absence. She was kidnapped away to a yakuza office in order to make money off her. Luckily her good friend was able to free her, it was really dangerous…(AN: For Gabriel or for the guys?)

Man: Hah!? Like I care. Anyway 'urry up an leave.

The next one to come was Gin, who walked to the man with a slightly pissed off face.

Gin: Hey you. That's no way to handle a lady now, is it? There's a mistake… Why don't you delay that firing a bit.

Man: Wh…

Then everyone else came and said.

Moka: Please do it for us. Isn't there some way you could reconsider?

Kurumu: Isn't this being a bit too arbitrary?

Yukari: Shouldn't you consider her reason?

Gabriel: Heh, you can't escape the masses.

Man: Wh-What the!? Where'd all these friends o' San come from… Freakin' hurry up and get lost, if I fired her then she's fired.

Gabriel just looked behind the man, and saw a sleepy woman in her pajama. She was Kawamoto Marin, the manager of the hostel.

Marin: Oy. Takashi, whatever privileges I said you had, well. The privilege to fire absent employees stops with me alone.

Takashi: !... Ah, Owner. But she was…

Marin: What about it? If San quits then won't it cause a bother for us?

The man turned around with a pissed off face and left, meanwhile Marin walked to San and patted her head.

Marin: ...Glad you came back. I was worried, San.

San was holding back her tears and with a puppy expression she showed her the notebook.

San: "Owner…"

Marin turned towards the group and called them.

Marin: And over there are the honourable guests from Yokai Academy? I'm surprised they're from your former school. It's a run down hotel, but please be welcome.

The girls talked to each others in a low voice.

Moka: She seems like a nice person.

Kurumu: And it looks like she is friendly with San.

Yukari: I'm convinced.

Meanwhile, Gin looked at his senpai and her boss with a satisfactory smile on his face.

[Meanwhile, in the beach]

Takashi was holding his phone and called someone.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

?: "Yes… Shuei Industries."

Takashi: Hello, hello, boss!? What's goin' on here!? That girl San just came back to the Hostel! This is different to what we agreed… You were going to take care of it so I cooperated. I would just pretend that San's kidnapping was just her running away and forge a letter of resignation.

?: "..."

Takashi: But San came back and ruined it, everything was just a lie. Whadda'm I meant to do.

?: "Haah, well. So she went back to the hostel, that San did."

The voice on the other side was completely different from what Takashi remembered… In a dark room, there was a obese man on the sofa, he looked really rich, probably he was the man Takashi thought he was talking to, but he looked beaten up.

The one holding the phone was a muscular young man with blonde spiky hair flowing down from his head, he wore a dark t-shirt and black pants, on his right hand he hand a finger on his index and was wearing a pair of headphones connected to an MP3 on his pocket.

Takashi: "Y… You aren't the boss. Who are ya…"

?: Your boss is dead. No… He's still living but, tomorrow he'll be a corpse.

Takashi: "...….Fairy Tale. You're the organization who asked Shuei Industries to kidnap San, weren't ya…?

?: …

Takashi: "Hold on… I don't have any business with it… The boss had me take care of a whole bunch a stuff so I had to cooperate…"

?: Ahaha, then you can cooperate with me too.

Then he laid down on his lap the headphones and put a certain song on his MP3.

?: I'm thinking that we need to make San become lonely. If there is someplace she had to go then as soon as we capture her, she will just try to escape again. If that hotel is gone San will have nowhere to go.

Takashi: "...W...What do I do…"

?: Burn it.

At the other side, Takashi's shock could be clearly felt from the phone.

?: Set it on fire, that inn. If you don't then I'll let you hear it.

He held his headphones and gently put them over the fat guy, surprising him.

?: The soul stealing song "Death Melody"... To this effect.

Then he played the song, and the man's eyes widened before he let out a blood-curdling scream, scaring Takashi, who called his boss.

Takashi: Hello, hello!? Boss, Boss!?

?: "Aha, well I'm counting on you."


Takashi looked at his phone in shock and fear

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