

Phantomm_ · Võ hiệp
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The capsule I was looking at was a small rectangular shape that could fit a human 6' 5' and smaller. I was standing around 5' 11' which was pretty tall for my age. I had been alive and in this lab for a little over 14 years which had become my world for the most part. I had a couple of others that were supposedly my "friends". I still don't really understand the word "friend" for the most part but the scientist had told me it's someone you have a deep connection with and also can never tell a lie that would hurt you. My "best friends" were numbers 012 and 008. I myself am number 003. The higher number kids called me and the other two the "Great 3". We were called that due to our high number and our extraordinary abilities. I myself haven't gotten my ability yet but the doctors and scientists have high hopes for me.

I walked into the testing cube to see my father. The Head scientist that everyone calls "Papa". "Is everything okay Papa?" I asked confused.

"Yes yes, but your aunts and uncles have been telling me you haven't gotten your ability yet. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"I feel great! My aunts and uncles have been really good to me and I have been kinda sad that I can't see you or my siblings often," I said.

"What do you mean? All your siblings are in the care center-"

"Not them," I said, " I'm talking about numbers 001 and 002."

Papa looked a little shocked. He looked at my uncles and aunts in the room and then he stood up. My uncle 132098 and my aunt 004985 grabbed me and strapped me into the test chair.

"Papa what's going on?!" I asked confused and scared.

He didn't look back at me. He left the room. My uncle held me down while my aunt grabbed a syringe and started putting the green serum. I started to shake and tried to get my uncle off of me.

"Stop! Stop!!" I kept yelling.

My aunt stuck the syringe in my arm in injected the serum. I could feel my body start to relax. I couldn't move. I shot my eyes around. I saw a piece of paper and a pen. Those items were glowing in a weird way. Once they attached the helmet to my head the screen started to go wild. My uncles and aunts started to freak out. They immediately noticed where I was looking and they picked it up. When one of my aunts looked at the piece of paper they had a shocked expression. She showed it to my other uncles and aunts. My uncle 093467 ran over to the intercom.

"Dr. 000005 we need you at cube 056! Number 003 has an ability!" He shouted.

When I opened my eyes all I saw was the grey foam interior of my pod. I sat up with my head pounding. I scanned my surroundings, there was a pile of papers and pens next to my door. I stood up and walked over to them. There was a note attached to the papers. I picked it up and looked at the note, "Dear, 003 my son. I am soo proud that you have now developed an ability! I wish you the best of luck on your future missions and tests. We have already figured out your new mission and we're waiting for you in the meeting room on floor 016. I am soo proud of you and when you read this immediately come see us in the meeting room. Love Papa."

Why would Papa be sending me a direct note? Usually, when he wants to see me he tells one of my uncles or aunts to send me a message to my pod's screen or get guards to take me to them. This was all happening too fast for me. I looked up from the note to see a red backpack on the floor I grabbed the bag and inside was markers, pencils, pens, and more paper. There was also a laptop inside along with the charger and a box-looking shape. I picked it up and once I touched a circular button on it the box turned on and had a screen. Was it a computer? I didn't have much time to go through the bag, I had to get to the meeting room as fast as I could.

I walked over to the elevator and rode it to the sixteenth floor. When I reached the floor I saw tons of doctors and nurses crowding the hall like termites. I walked through the hall. Once one of the nurses saw me the whole room was as quiet as a fish. They made a path straight to the meeting room. Why were they treating me like this? I mean I know I'm part of the Great Three but still, I'm just a kid.

When I entered the meeting room I saw my father sitting and looking at me. "Sit my boy," He said.

I sat and looked at all of the people in the room. The largest man walked over to me and handed me a big knife. "This is called a sword," He said.

He stepped back. One of the guards brought my backpack from my pod to me. "You'll be sent off the NewSprings for your mission. You'll need to take out the boss of the NewSprings Energy Company. He's been selling illegal substances and even children. Once you take him out you'll have a chopper waiting for you at the airport," He said.

"Wait, you want me to k-kill someone?! I-I can't do that! I mean-"

"Silence!" he said, "I will not listen to your excuses! You will take out your target you will return here and do another mission! Another and another and another!" Papa shouted.

He motioned for the guards. They grabbed me by the arms and dragged me out of the room. They brought me over to the elevator and through me inside. They pressed the roof button and the doors slammed shut. The elevator rattled as it rose to the roof. The chilling metal made me shake. I felt the stream of liquid leave my eyes like a violent river. Suddenly the elevator shook violently before coming to a stop. The doors flew open letting the chilling breeze hit my skin. The cold chilled me to the core. I grabbed the coat strapped to the bag and put it on. I walked into the frigid cold that held the helipad. The blades of the helicopter made a force field not letting the white flaked in. I hoped in the chopper and was carried off to my mission.

Once I arrived in New Spring I immediately noticed the difference in architecture. In New Springs most of the buildings were made of concrete and metal, with glass all over the buildings. Once I landed I immediately headed for a hotel. When I landed it was close to midnight. The hotel I picked was a good well know hotel named St. Bogs Hotel. Walking up to the front desk I noticed the lake of life that was supposed to be there. "Oh, I'm soo sorry!" A woman said.

I turned to see a woman running toward me. "I'm soo sorry! I was using the rest-"

"Uhh, I don't really need to know that," I said.

"Oh umm sorry," She said.

We stood there in awkward silence for a minute.

"Oh uh how can I help you?!" She asked with an awkward smile.

"Oh uh I need a room," I said, "I'll be staying for a week."

"You look kinda young to be renting a room. How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm fourteen, and I can pay outta pocket right now," I said.

"Well…" She said.

"I just really need a room," I said.

She stood there for a minute contemplating my request until "I can't rent out a room to you," She continued, "But I do have a room the company gave me that I sleep in with two queen-size beds. I'll let you stay in that room for the week charge-free."

I thought for a minute: What's the problem with sharing a room with a girl? Are you crazy? Were talking about a girl! We are different genders! Are you out of your mind?! "Uhh, I don't know?" I said.

"You need a room, right? I got a room for you and you want to turn it down?" She said.

I wasn't really sure what I should do: She is pretty nice. She's a girl! I looked at her, "Sure why not?"

The room I would be staying in was a small room about 20 by 20 with a small box shape item and two big beds. I walked over to the one close to the window and set my bag down. I took out the small box and turned to the girl, "I never asked what your number is."

"Number?" She asked.

"Yeah, everyone has one. Mine is 003," I said.

"What? No one has numbers," She said.

"Yeah, they do. People have them on their back," I said.

I lifted my shit enough to expose the 003 tattoo on my back. I lowered my shirt and turned back to her. She was looking at me with a concerned look.

"No one has a tattoo of numbers on their back," She says.

"What do people have then?" I asked.

"People have names," She answered.

"What are names?" I asked.

"Huh? Well, it individualized people," She said.

"What's your name then?"

"My name is Sarah," She said, "What's your name?"

"I-I don't have one," I said.

"Then let's pick a name for you… how about… Ethan!" She said.

I looked and shrugged. "I don't know. It sounds a little iffy," I said.

I looked up at the clock. It was 9:32. I picked to start scouting at 12:23 so I could guarantee there wouldn't be anyone at the electrical facility. "So…" I began, "What is there to do at this hour?"

At that moment she sprung to life spouting all the different things I could do in the city. She continued to ramble until she caught herself. She looks at me, her face turning a shade of red. "Is everything ok?" I asked, "Do I need to get my First-AID kit?"

"No no. I just start to ramble at times and it's kinda embarrassing," She said.

"That's ok. One of my best friends does that on occasion," I said.

I look towards a battered door hanging from one hinge. "Is there a decompression chamber?" I asked turning back to Sarrah.

"Uh?" She says with a confused look.

"I need to clean myself," I say.

"Oh," She says, "Yes. Through that door, you'll see a shower. Turn the nob and that water will turn on."

I walk towards the decompression room. The room's walls had peeled wallpaper with cracked tiles. The decompression chamber was a lot boxier than usual. I removed my clothing and turned the nob to the left. The cold water bounced off my skin leaving drips in their place. Over time the cool liquid became a raging inferno of heat burning my skin. I jumped back slipping on the water. I quickly turned the heat down. The water was still warm but it didn't burn anymore. Just then I realized there wasn't anything to clean me. I looked around till I noticed a shelf with two containers. I grabbed it and hit the lever. The creamy white soap escaped from the bottle in my hands. After cleaning myself I exited the compression chamber. On a rack was a foiled-up white towel. I grabbed it and started to try myself off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out of the room.

When I entered the room Sarah was in she immediately noticed me in just a towel and looked away. I walked over to my backpack and grabbed my clothes. After I slipped my shorts on I noticed Sarah was walking over to me. She reached out her hand to my tattoo. I flinched moving forward a little, but then my body relaxed allowing her to touch it. Her warm hand warmed me. I turned to look at her. She had a look of sorrow. She wrapped her arms around me. Her tears streamed from m chest down. I contemplated what to do. I lifted my arms and hugged her.