
Guilt And Love

Kian Watson, weird and intelligent girl. All like the others she has troubles of her own. Yet, only one person can make her worries go away and that is her childhood friend. While going home from school she suddenly felt her heart fluttering as she was hugged by her friend. She doesn't quite understand it, but she didn't want to call this feeling love because she knows that it will only ruin their relationship with each other. She felt guilty as she had bore feelings for her friend, Even if she says she's remaining status quo, she was slowly putting a wall between them. All of a sudden an even bigger problem appeared. A person who she never wanted to see ever again because of what happened in the past. Has now reappeared at her school. And was slowly making a move on her best friend How will she overcome this turn of events. Will she runaway from her problems once more?

Rei_Kino · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

The Favor and Sleep

The night was quiet and chilly but the house was warm and soothing. Only two remain in the night sky inside a room with a gloomy atmosphere talking about a certain favor.

Kian exhaled as she continued their conversation. She finally got to tell Shane the favor the Headmistress asked for. "I see..." She answered while nodding in understandment. Kian was glad and let out a sigh of relief.

"But..." Shane rested her hand on her chin. " Who is the person we're going to guide?" Kian slightly froze by that question.

The atmosphere turned tense again.

" You see.. It's." hesitant to speak while hugging a pillow tightly on her chest.

Tugging on Kian's pillow Shane " It's?? Come on, Kian just tell me." While shaking her like a rattle.

Her mouth opened and spoke. " It's her...Elijah Vanroe..." Kian looked at Shane who was shocked to hear that name be brought up again. "Heh...ha..haa...Shane looked like she was going crazy when she heard the name of the person.

To think that person will be back after so many years... The nerve!." Pushing back her hair and gritting her teeth. Shane was really annoyed by this.

"Shane as I said she's transferring because of her family's business, she had no choice" As Kian tried to defend the girl with a gloomy look.

" No choice my foot. She scoffed and continued. " Why our school though? I mean its...Really a big school that's quite...popular and...uhh..Okay I get it..."

She finally understood the reason why. And stopped talking, before drowning herself in the pillow filled with anger and embarrassment.

Vermillion Academy is quite popular and the most prestigious school among all so there really isn't a reason as to not go to such a school .

"Hmmm" she furrowed her eyebrows thinking what to to do next. " Say...Kian.

"Hm? " A question mark popped out of

Kian's head and listened. Shane laid down back first and lifted the pillowand stared at it facing the ceiling.

" What-..I mean how do you feel about this?" Glancing at Kian who was sitting on the bed hugging a pillow, Shane asked quietly.

Kian scratched her neck a little. " I... Honesty don't care that much..."

"What?(Shane) widened her eyes with bewilderment.

" I mean...we were friends before and we only fell apart because of me...I still feel guilty about it and I don't want anything to do with her again, but [ Even though I really want for us to be okay again, I really can't. Father said that "You should put personal feelings aside and focus on the matter at hand that is most important." So I need to do my part perfectly as a school guide.]

"But what?" (Shane)Leaning in for an answer

Kian sighed. " It's nothing ...I just don't want my personal feelings to tamper on my duties" her shoulder slumps as she let out a sigh. " I mean it is my duty as the top student and as the council President to guide a new student and set a good example on the students." She says jokingly while still being serious about it.

"This is giving me a headache

(Shane)scratched her head with an angry expression. " We were friends and not everything was all your fault, We all had a part in it...I still think that she framed you but, you said that it was really your fault....so I didn't say anything." (Shane) squinted her eyes while looking dejected by this.

" It's because I believed you were innocent back then and... I really didn't like her from the very beginning...(Shane) hold herself and whispering something with an

expression so uncomfortable and irritated while remembering the time they were together and the person kept looking at Kian with a weird look.

" She was like a creep to be honest. Like a snake trying to devour its prey in the right time in the right moment." She muttered to herself. Kian noticed and started to get worried, so she shook Shane to her senses.

" AHH-mmphh." Shane screamed but was unfortunately stopped by Kian.

Kian covered Shane's mouth immediately. "Shhhhh!! Are you trying to wake up the others??. Kian let go and they both sighed.

"Ha ha.., right...sorry about that...I was lost in thought for a moment." She chuckled nervously. " You should really stop that, You looked weird earlier..(Kian) stares at her friend worriedly and patted her back.

" It's okay, I'm going to be okay...So let's just go to sleep and wake up early for tomorrow-."

Caw caw caw the sound of a crow was heard late at night.

They froze by the sudden realization. " Ki-Kian what date and time did you say she was going to Transfer...?" (Shane)turned to Kian in a slow robotic like movement.

Kian move like that as well. "Uhh-uhm...about 5 in the morning t-tomorrow..."

(Kian) stuttered as a drop of swear formed in her head and looked at Shane with the same expression as her. They both said



In the most quietest shout or whisper you could hear.

They both finally laid on the bed and was ready to sleep. "I'll be turning off the lights now." Staring at the girl beside her. " Go ahead"(Kian)

"Hehe... This was quite fun,don't you think?"

Shane looked at Kian with enthusiasm but Kian felt sleepy. " Yes yes , now sleep."

(Kian) told Shane off in a demanding tone, but She didn't mind as she knows that they really need to sleep . Shane just giggles and said good night to Kian.

" Good night Kian~"(Shane) turned to face her friend whi has her eyes closed.

"Good night to you too Shane." (Kian) turned to Shane and answered sleepily, before closing her eyes once more.

Shane was taken aback but just smiled and stared at her friend who was sleeping peacefully beside her. [ Thank God that she's asleep or else...] The beating of her heart toned down after a while and finally let her sleep.

The night was calm but hearts began to flutter as the Sun arose once more. A foreboding past and a new chapter of their life will be revealing itself altogether.

I SUCK English is really hard .... I might use grammarly for this (⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)

Anyways... This work of mine is quite... Meh, so I don't really know if I'll continue this and might rush it.

School activities are hard and this is my only thing to vent on I guess...?

Thanks though to those who read this trash of a writing. (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)

Rei_Kinocreators' thoughts