
Guild leader

Alpha_Guild · Kỳ huyễn
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Guild leader

The first of January was a day that everyone was waiting for because that day was the day that the new game Guild leader was to be released. We were told that this game will change the future for the next generation and there were a lot of companies and billionaires who are ready to invest into the game. I on the other hand was a poor but intelligent person who believes that God alone should be worship, and I intended to take that with me into the game. The clock was ticking, it was close to midnight, we all waited anxiously for the hand of the clock to hit 12. Then finally it was midnight, I put on my head gear to enter the new game which was the talk of the world when suddenly everything turned black. "System announcement, welcoming players from all over the world who have chosen to play Guild leader. The first 100 players who complete their registration will be given the title Guild leader, everyone else will be added to a guild, a player may leave a guild with the approval of the guild leader or the administrators if the guild leader refuses to dismiss you.however anyone who leaves a guild cannot apply to be a part of the same guild in the future. Once a player leaves a guild, they need to join one of the other guilds within thirty days or they will be expelled from the game. The 100 guild leaders who are chosen will receive the guild leaders' pendent and they will receive territory to develop the guild. Further information will be given once you complete the registration, please proceed". I was transported to a temple where I was greeted by an NPC."Greetings player, please fill out this form to complete your registration, all information will be confidential and no one has access to the information other than the company and yourself. We will send you a message concerning the privacy policy. After I completed the form I was asked to choose a gaming name, so I chose Alpha. "System announcement, you are one of the 100 players who are chosen to be a guild leader therefore all skills will be available for you: logging, mining, picking, chef, crafting, assassin, mage, merchant,tamer, and knight. All guild leaders have the authority to grant blessings to guild members with one of these titles. All guilds can only have a maximum of 1 million players and guild leaders can grant blessings 1 million times with each member receiving only 1 blessing. You will now be teleported to your dimension". I was then teleported to the teleportation hall, I was not sure what to do, so I went to the administrator in the teleportation hall, to ask for information but it seems she could only answer questions pertaining to the hall and it was like that for all the other buildings in the area. I was walking around to gather information when suddenly a building caught my eye, A Golden temple! I went to see the building and as I walked through the door the administrator greeted me. "Welcome guild leader we were awaiting your arrival, please follow me. So I followed after her, while walking she explained everything about the temple and I was astonished.So much power at my fingertip, but i know many guild leaders will abuse this power, i'll do my best to use this power wisely. but a question came to mind and so I asked," administrator can the NPC only give information about the building they are assigned to"?she responded," NPC's can only tell you about what they have learned, so whatever you'd like them to know, you need to encourage them to learn about it". "I understand, thank you". "System announcement, all guilds have been established and all players have been added to a guild. If you need information please seek help from the administrators".I wanted to greet the new members face to face, so I asked, "Administrator how many members are a part of the Guild and which building is most suitable for gathering and communication' '? She said,"At the moment, there are ten thousand members, and for gathering it is best to use the stadium, however you do not need to gather for communication, you can use the pendant to communicate with all members". Thank you Administrator but I'll use the stadium, I want to greet them in person. One of the pendant skills is Communicate, this skill allows the Guild leader to communicate with any or all members privately at any time. After about 30 minutes, all the members gathered in the stadium and I went to the stage and greeted them." Greetings members, my name is Alpha, that is why the Guild is called Alpha. I am only the leader because you are the members, but I am also a member and you are leaders. I wish for us all to be of the same mind and spirit, let us stand together, united and build our guild. Let us rise to the top, together, standing by one another, not seeing ourselves as better than anyone, but equals". I am not compelling anyone to stay, you can leave at any time, but I ask you not to leave, because I know that we can become the number 1 Guild. If I am spoken of in a good way, it affects you, and if it is in a bad way, it also affects you, it goes the same from your side also, therefore, whatever you do, please keep in mind that it affects everyone, not just you, and although you were placed here at random, I thank you all for becoming a part of Alpha. now let's move on, I need 200 males, and 200 females, to take part in a selection. Those who are willing to participate please come to the stage. Some members in the audience were murmuring about the selection, saying that the game just began, and I want them to compete with one another already. But I did not respond, after 20 minutes, all 400 members were on the stage, 200 males to my right, and 200 females to my left. Then I list the skills before them and the audience, and ask the selected members to choose the skills that they love. Most of the males chose assassin or knight and most of the females chose chef or mage at the end of the selection. There were only 9 miners for females, so I asked in the audience if any female wanted to become a miner and a member named Aamin accepted. Thank you all for selecting the skills you desire. After that I asked the administrator concerning the blessing, and she responded by saying, "you can bless a member by laying your hand on them, saying their name and the blessing you want to give them. Or the easier way is to speak aloud the number of blessings and say according to their desire". Thank you, I'll do it manually this time. After about 5 hours, I bless the selected members which were 401 and dismiss the gathering.

Guild leader has begun, venture out with me into this new world on an adventure of exploring and discovering new things. I am Alpha and becoming apart of the guild Alpha makes you alpha also. let's have fun.

Alpha_Guildcreators' thoughts