

Dike_Peters · Kinh dị ma quái
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Ever Heard Of The Cathedrals?

At A Coffee Cafe.

***The cafe was bustling with customers. The scent of coffee and other basic biscuits/snacks overwhelmed the entire cafe. It was indeed suiting. Two stylish figures sat in the midst of the seated customers.

Jacob:"Now that we are here, where do we start?" Just then, a waitress walked up to them holding a trasparent tablet.

Waitress:"Would you both like some milk tea?"

Note: Coffee is usually taken in the morning, so in order for the cafe to stay open. They decided to sell milk tea. Don't be confused.

Tasha:"Yeah, two cups please, and some snacks... Mine should be extra creamy. What about you Jacob?!"

Jacob:"I'm okay. Nothing for me." The waitress nodded and left.

Tasha:"So you aren't thirsty? Their milk tea is really good you know."

Jacob:"I didnt come here to drink milk tea.  Why don't we get this thing over with?"

Tasha:"Well, if you're in a rush....I suggest you remain patient. I'm thirsty."

Jacob:"For the love of God." Jacob properly relaxed on the chair. The waitress came over and served Tasha.

Tasha:"Thanks so much." The waitress nodded and left.

Jacob:"Can we talk now?"

Tasha:"Knock yourself out." Jacob inhaled and exhaled deeply.

Jacob:"What secret organisation do you work for? And why am I being watched?"

Tasha:"Seriously...should that really be your first question?" Jacob awaited a reply."I guess I have no choice. I work for the cathedral. I'm telling you this because I know you're not stupid enough to spill this information. Also, sorry for the invasion of privacy. We did so to maintain safety."

Jacob:"So, what's your major role in this secret organization?"

Tasha:"I'm an agent. I monitor and capture possessed individuals that seek to defy the order. In other words, you can call me a demon slayer."

Jacob:"Defying the order. What does that mean?"

Tasha:"Possessed individuals who seek to defy the order drift out of line from the normal basics. The Demons utilise them to accomplish certain feats, which aren't meant to be done. So, we the cathedral agents; much better you call us the CA's, with the help of half breeds tend to maintain balance."

Jacob:"Half breeds?"

Tasha:"Offspring's of fallen angels that still preface to seek grace and get back to the land of wonders. Heaven, In the natural sense."

Jacob:"The cathedrals are world-wide right?"

Tasha:"Yep. Any where you think if in the society and the world, we are there."

Jacob:"You said something earlier about maintaining safety. Did the cathedral see me to be dangerous?"

Tasha:"Not exactly. You're an entirely new thing to us. You're naturally blessed with a strong soul, and your stats are far greater than that of a normal human being. I could tell from the first day i saw you. So, I decided to keep an eye on you. Just incase." Jacob nodded in understanding. Jacob knew Demons loved souls. They prepared souls more than devouring flesh and blood. Souls were the key to upgrading to a much more high rank. The amount of souls a demon consumes,  the stronger it gets. Jacob understood why Tasha kept an eye on him now. But for some reason, no demon ever dared near him, nor touch his soul. The weaker Demons Jacob did encounter in the past usually fled, as if they were running away from something. But Jacob knew he didn't have anything backing him up. Except....!

Jacob:"(That!)" Jacob's eyes widened. He had strange dreams of strang figures constantly fighting against something they wanted. And none of this figures could come to terms that this particular thing they were fighting for could be shared. Jacob always viewed this figures in a transparent cyst like structure that he was kept in. That seemed to be the thing protecting him. Jacob now remembered vividly. He had taken his time all this while to watch how Demons did their routines on humans, but he never actually decided to check himself.

Tasha:"Are you okay? She asked while taking a sip from her milk tea.

Jacob:"So, you CA's exorcise this Demons,  casting them back?"

Tasha:"Yeah. But that's just for sending them back. The proper way to kill a demon is to kill the host."

Jacob:"And how many of this hosts have you eliminated?" Tasha kept quiet and stared at Jacob. Clearly, she wasn't willing to answer that question. Jacob took the initiative to ask another question. "The cathedrals...are they the same as the ones we see around?"

Tasha:"The cathedrals still maintain its role of worshipping God and performing commitments with its members, but at the same time, things are kept secret." Jacob nodded.

Jacob:"How do you see Demons?"

Tasha:"With the help of this guy." Tasha performed a hand sign and a tear, which was only visible to Tasha and Jacob appeared in space. A figure doned in whit robes stepped out. The figure seemed to reach a towering height of 3.5 metres. On its feet were golden sandals, and on its left side of its waist was a well sheated sword that had a white hilt. This being had golden hair, and had a well chiselled face. Jacob looked up and acknowledge this angel. This wasn't the first time he was seeing a half-breed. Things became clear to him now."He's my Guardian Angel."

Jacob:"You know, this has completely erased a whole sense of logic. Tell this to a normal human, and he/she will tell you that you're lying. But I thought the real angels serve as Guardian Angels?"

Tasha:"That was ages ago. The real angels only descend when there's a tough case to handle. Cases like world destruction.  The major maintenance of law and order is done up there by The Dominions. I believe you've heard of them?" Jacob nodded."This guys are just here....let's just say, they're performing community service."

Jacob:"Thanks for the intel."

Tasha:"You're leaving already?"

Jacob:"I've got things to do. I'll handle the bill." Jacob performed a transfer and stood up."Thanks again."

Tasha:"So, could we meet up sometime?"

Jacob shrugged.

Jacob:"See you later in school." Jacob left the table and headed for the door.

Tasha:"And there he goes." Tasha finished up and left the cafe heading for one of the cathedrals.

Chapter End.

Author's Note: The CATHEDRALS...are a secret organization, only known by the top government. The things they do aren't shared to the public one bit. But you guys should have a guess on what they do already. Well,let me share a little bit of info for you guys. The CATHEDRALS are incharge of taking down and annihilating devil advocates. The government have signed a lasting deal for them to handle spiritual situations without any setbacks. The CATHEDRALS arose  and gained access to major findings. However, they're situated worldwide. The CATHEDRALS house the Elders, the Priest, and the Agents.

■The Elders are incharge of giving out and maintaining order in the cathedrals. They are backed up with their Guardian Angels. This group of people aren't to be toyed with. There's a total of 12 elders in each cathedral. (They're always doned in priestly robes). The Elders are incharge of pronouncing judgement upon Angel Slayers that have been captured. Like I said earlier, they aren't to be toyed with. This is so because....not only are they backed up with their Guardian Angels, but they have fully fused with them making them far more stronger.

■The Priests are second in line after the elders. They pray for the special grace. The special grace in this case serves as a guide and a special pathway to clear obscurities. The priest are also powerful and are backed up with their Guardian Angels.

■The Agents are simply known as the Demon Slayers in this case. They help in clearing and annihilating terrors. They're strong too. Each one of them have endured harsh trainings and are equivalent, or rather a little bit stronger than a special forces soldiers. This is due to the fact that they have much more experience in both the physical and spiritual aspect of battle.

Note: In this case, the Agents don't use the bible as a weapon. Instead, they utilise weapons which are enhanced with holy influence. Also note that angel slayers possess the demonic ray...or rather the death ray. This ray completely ignores whatever type of defence and pierces through the individual's vital which have been struck, only way to avoid it's critical effect is by dodging(*As if*....try dodging an attack moving at the speed of light.), and by counter attack.

That's all for now. ✌