

Rex was a poor orphaned man with three personalities. He was planning on getting a therapist but he died in a car accident as he was suddenly reincarnated to another world, by that world's system. His reincarnation wasn't normal though. Because he was reincarnated as one of the True Dragons. =========== Things to do before reading this. Lower your expectations. Know that I don't own anything. Know that I only made this for fun. Know that English is not my Mother Language. =========== The Mc will look like Zhongli/Morax/Rex Lapis, but he will have a different personality.. Or Personalities? he had three after all. And his Dragon Form will be Ghidora(Cover) as it is the reason why I made him have three personalities. There will be alot of differences between the original story of tensura and my fic. HoYoverse/Tensuraverse/Monsterverse: Crossover. *This FanFic is a nonsense. Mainly because I know nothing on Tensura.* *I also do not own the cover*

Leficioss · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

First, Second And Third.

Note/-This is not a multiple protagonist Fan Fic.

That genre is also a turn off for me.

Warning! Things might also get confusing because he had three consciousnesses.

Another Warning! I will use alot of bullshiting so bear with it.


Rex was looking around in the darkness but what he could only see was...

Guess what?

Darkness of course.

He could see nothing to be exact.

'Now... Where the fuck is this?'He thought while trying to feel his body but he now couldn't.

'Hey mah boi! stop swearing~ it's bad you know? my homie Jesus won't approve~.'He also thought in a relaxed tone, as if he didn't care about where he is, or how he died.

'Shut the fuck up Third.'

'Then you should also shut the fuck up because you are me, Second~'


'I wonder when did I developed my other two personalities.'

'You probably don't know because you're dumb, First.'

'Aren't you also the same, Second?'

'Yea~ we are dumb.'

'Did I just fucking sold my self?'

'See? you admitted it. Sigh... If only I was rich, I would have money to pay a therapist.'

[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Wealth> has been obtained.]

'Eh? First? you're going to abandon us? you're making Third cry- wait, are you guys also hearing it?'

'Of course dumb bitch, you're us after all.'


'I want to be rich.'

Second:'Who the fucking god said that?'

Third:'Wasn't it you?'

'It was me idiots, I wanted to try something.'

Third:'Oh.. First... Just to let you know that you're also insulting yourself.'


'I want to be so rich to the point that money won't be a problem anymore.'

[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Wealth> has evolved to Ultimate Skill <Lord of Wealth, Morax>]


First:'Did you guys felt it?'

Second:'Fucking idiot, you're also asking the obvious question.'

First:'We can make riches and golds with our body and blood huh? our poop could be sold expensively now.'

Second:'Shit, the problem is that, we don't have a body.'


Creating Physical Body...


Second:'Physical body? what is this shitty voice talking about? I can't even feel my feel my dick! And it's really bad!'

First:'Hey... Second.. Are you perhaps getting excited?'

Second:'Fuck what? me? getting excited because I lost my dick? fuck no way!'

First:'Then who... Third?'

'Kukuku~ aren't you guys getting excited by this?'

'From what?'

'Listen to this. Cough, Ahem. Hello mrs. Voice.'


'I want to be richer than First.'

[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Gate of Babylon> has been obtained.]

Third:'See? now we have access to a treasury but... I want to own the whole Babylon.'


[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Gate of Babylon> has evolved to Ultimate Skill <Lord of Babylon, Gilgamesh>]


First:'I didn't know that I'm such a genius.'

Third:'Heh, praise me more~'

'Tsk, I don't want to be left out so, uhh mrs. voice, I want all the things I touch will turn into gold...'

[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Golden Touch> has been obtained.]

First:'Secoond!!! What the are you saying! Are you cursing us like that myth?'

'Worried aren't cha? just wait... Mrs. Voice uhh.. I want to take control of the skill, I mean, I want to have a toggle option and if possible, Evolve it.'

[Confirmed, Unique Skill <Golden Touch> has evolved to <Lord of Golds, Midas>]


Third:'Bruh.. We're rich.'

Second:'HAHAHA! With this, we can give ElongMask a good face slap.'


First:'I want to be one of the being that sits on top of everything.'

'Fuck, that's pretty greedy Whahaha, but I approve!'Second wanted to have a hand to atleast give himself a thumbs up.

'Heh, as expected of me.'Said Third, in a narcissistic tone.


A being that sits on top of everything...

A being that can live with only Spiritual body...

A being that can't be killed with only killing it...

A being that was born in the Dawn of Creation...



'Bruh~ that's hella long~... Born in the dawn of creation you mean..? hehe~ are we turning into monke?'Said Third, in a sarcastically.

'Fuck! No way, I'm going to turn into monkey!'

'Huh? monke chills you know? they are our ancestors, so pay respect, Second.'Third wanted to nod sagely, but he didn't have a body now so he made his tone of thought respectful.

'...Tsk!..'Second had no choice.

He didn't have one in the first place.

[Confirmed, Individual <Rex Lapis> is now a <True Dragon> ... A being that sits on top of everything.]



'You really want us to turn into monkey didn't you? Third.'

'What the fuck Third? seriously, out of all things that we could become, you wished to be a monkey?'

'Not really...'


Badump Badump!

Rex had no body so he had no heart but he, somehow heard something beating.


'Third, if your own shit, turned us to a monkey, I will get a fucking therapist to kill you.'Second wasn't joking.

He believed in monkey supremacy but he didn't want to become one.

[Observing Individual <Rex Lapis>...


Extreme Greed Detected...

Unique Skill <Greed> has acquired- ... Processing.. Unique Skill <Greed> has evolved to Ultimate Skill <Lord of Greed, Mammon>]


'Phew..'2x First and Second sighed in relief inwardly, for not turning into monkey.

'Sigh..'But Third's sigh was a disappointed sigh.

'....Third yo- ah madafak just forget it.'

'Greed huh? well.. It's not surprising.'Rex was, after all, greedy. He may not know his existence fully but knowing and admitting he was greedy was something he could easily do.

First:'We can control desires now? that's pretty convenient. Especially for manipulating, but we don't need anything since we have all things that people wanted.'

Third:'Greed... That sounds so evil, hey mrs. voice uhh, can you rename Greed into Codicia? it means Greed in Spanish if you don't know.'


'Hell, you didn't forgot about that Spanish lesson?'

'Meh, Don't ask me, because you also know it that we forgot almost everything... Wait, why do I feel like I thought a whole world Spanish for a second?'

'Second, can you stop swearing everytime?'Rex really wanted his second personality to stop swearing.

If his second personality was only similar to a delinquent, then it sbould have been fine but it keeps swearing so it wasn't.

Hearing Second's swear in thought wasn't a problem but there will always be a time where he would leak out. So Rex thought of fixing his second personality while he wasn't reincarnated yet.

Wait reincarnated?

First:'Hey.. So we are going to be reincarnated huh?'

Third:''Yea~ and it's pretty cool! But when did we know we're going to get reincarnated?'

Second:'Probably when we started wishing.'

'Holy heck! Second replied normally and at the same time he wasn't swearing!'

'Huh? The fuck are you saying? you probably know why I replied like that.'


'Pfff! you're thinking that we're dumb! It's the same as insulting yourself!'

'Mahh.. Can we stop this now and focus to what's happening?'


[Confirmed, Formation of Manas: Codicia has been successfully completed.]

(His manas will not have a personality.)


First;'So we have a skill that had its own conscious now?'


'Codicia right? you will not have access to my skills'

[Yes, master.]

'Good, I will call you Cia from now on.'Rex was greedy so making sure that only him had the access of all his skill was he needed to do.

And all of his personalities agreed to that.

'Now that we have anything we wanted-'

'We still have need one thing.'

'What is it?'

'Hey idiot, We will reincarnate right?'


'Meaning, magic will exist in that world, so Treasures won't be enough to survive that world.'

'Ohh~ you're pretty smart Second.'

'Shut up Third.'

'What are the things that we have permanently now?'

'We have Treasures, Golds, Wealths and all of the weapons on Babylon soo...'

'That's right.. So umm mrs. voice?'


'Wishing a skill that regenerates energy infinitely will not work right?'

[Answering Individual <Rex Lapis>... Yes.]

'Figured. But is there a being that had one?'

[Answering Individual <Rex Lapis>... Yes, there is, and that being is the one who created reality.]


'I see.'

'Hey, First, Ain't Second sound respectful when it comes to mrs. voice?'

'Shut up Third. mrs. Voice, perhaps creating energy with golds, possible?'

[Answering Individual <Rex Lapis>... Yes.]

'....'Rex smiled inwardly.

'Can you give us a skill that exchange golds to energy?'



'Fuck, I'm so smart.'

'We won't be saying anything about that.'First thought it was true.

'....'Third also didn't say anything.

[Confirmed, Origin Skill <Golden Breader Reactor> has been obtained.]

'...Now that we are ready, shall we go to another world?'

The other two personalities didn't have time to reply as Rex suddenly lost his conscious...







Rex slowly woke up as he look around and immediately know he was in a cave, he then looked down and saw a bunch of Treasures. But what surprised him more was a baby Dragon paw.

The surprise immediately disappeared when he thought about his wishes not long ago.

But something was weird...

Rex looked at his right side and saw...

Another head.

He then looked at his left side and saw...

Yes, another head.

"I'm a three headed Dragon?"

"This fucker, don't ask the obvious."

"Oh~ being a Dragon isn't bad."

"Bitch, you wanted us to become a monkey while ago."


Veins bulged to Second's head. He then thought of something and smiled. It was pretty weird to see a Dragon smile but it was noticeable.

"Hey Third."

"What is it mah boy Second~?"

Second suddenly bit Third's head like a snake.

"Awh! Second stop!!"

Second stopped biting because even if it was his other personality, it was still him, so it was also the same as hurting himself if he continued.


"That hurts you know!"

"Can you guys stop fighting. There is a lot of gold here you know."

"Greedy bastard..."

"But you approve right?"

"Of course."

Rex opened his <GoB> and started pouring all the treasures in it.

But before he could finish. He suddenly felt two beings coming towards him.

It was instinctive, he knew immediately that this two being was similar to him.

The cave was suddenly destroyed and a humanoid figure landed.


What's happening now really annoyed the cold headed Third.

"Fuck, did he just destroyed our cave?"

Especially the hot headed Second.

"Hey, men! It's not cool destroying someone's cave you know!"Third shouted to the newly arrived person.

When the smokes was gone. Rex can now see the person clearly. The person was wearing a clothes that you would only see on royalties while his hair was galaxy purple but it had a little bluish on it. And this person was carrying a girl that would age on four to three years old. The little girl had a white snow hair and his eyes was cold blue. She was pretty cute to be honest that Rex wanted to immediately rush towards her and pinch her cheeks.

"Uhh.. Sorry little brother."Said the person.

"Little brother my ass! Fix our cave!"Second grumbled.

"Okay Okay!"The person snapped his finger and as if everything didn't happen. The cave came back to its original state.

"Holy monkey! What did you do sir? that's pretty dope!"Third said with his eyes filled with stars. It's also pretty weird for a Dragon.

Especially when it has three head.

"It's creation magic."


Rex also noticed something. It was his heads can't talk at the same time. And it was reasonable because even if all the heads had its own personality. It was still him.

The fact that all of the personalities is Rex won't change.

"Can we stop this chaotic conversation now? sigh.. Uhh hello sir, who are you?"

"I'm your big brother."

Somehow, Rex could feel that he was beaming with happiness when his now big brother said that.

Of course, Rex immediately accepted the fact that the person in front of him is now his siblings. He could instinctively feel that his big brother was very similar to him and..

Rex also wanted siblings...

"What's your name, big brother?"The middle head or First, said.

"I'm the Star King Dragon, Veldanava!"Veldanava said with a flexing tone.

Third:"Heck, my big brother sure is dope."

Second:"Star King? sounds like a kid that's currently in his syndrome would name himself and.... That's pretty lame HaHaHa!"


"That hurts you know..."Veldanava said with a bit of depression. Because his newly born brother just insulted him.

Veldanava sighed and started explaining what we are. Just like Rex wished, he was now one of the being that was sitting on top of everything and his big brother was the one who created reality.

Rex then decided to introduce himself.

"My name is-

But he was cut off by Veldanava.

"Nope, move on from your past life little one. This is a new world and your new life."

Rex wasn't surprised to hear that he knows he's reincarnated, after all, the one in front of him was the beginning of everything.


"I'm not saying it for you to forget about your past life. I'm just telling you to move on. After all, memories shines like golds so it couldn't be forgotten easily. And..."Veldanava chuckled and continued.

"I could immediately tell that you specialize Treasures. Meaning, you are a walking gold, or a walking memories? it's pretty comedic hehe~."Veldanava looked around and everywhere he look. He would see Treasures.

All of Rex's heads looked down a bit. It was as if all of his gathered depression came at the same time.

Second:"His joke was pretty lame..."

First:"I agree."

Third:"His quotes pretty cool though."

"Don't worry small brother. I shall name you."Veldanava ignored Rex's insult because he was not someone who could be insulted easily but...

It still hurt though, it was his brother who insulted him after all.

"Treasure... In Dutch Language, it should be Schat right?"


"Then, you will be now the Third True Dragon. Treasure Lord Dragon, Velschat."

Winds started swirling in Rex, or now Velschat, as the winds became light. The Treasures in the area started floating at the same time with earth.

Everything came back to normal after a few seconds.


"I got become more powerful but it didn't change anything though."

"Oof!"Veldanava almost spit mouthful of blood because of his brother's statement.

'You got named by the all powerful Creator and it changed nothing?'But somehow, Veldanava thought that this isn't bad. He didn't want his siblings to start worshipping him after all. He even abandoned his omnipotent power to just experience more foreign emotions other than boredom.

Veldanava looked at Velschat again, and realized that he didn't need to give him a body.

"You have your own physical body right?"

"Oh, right wait..."Velschat remembered when the time his second personality grumbled about not feeling his dick anymore.

The three headed Dragon started to become a Humanoid figure.

His height right now was similar to the girl in Veldanava's arm. He had a deep black long hair with a hint of brown while his eyes was gold and under his lower eyelids was a very small part of Dragon scales. His golden horns had a black part closer to his hair.

He was now wearing a black clothes with golden details.

Velschat, touched his earring on his left ear and nodded in satisfaction.

He could only imagine that he looks pretty cool right now.

(Just imagine a shota version of our Geo Daddy, Rex Lapis. [Image here])

Velschat crossed his arms with an arrogant expression. It was his second personality who took control right now.

'Hell, those bitches in my previous life would probably drool over me now, HaHaHa! Just wait till I grow up!'

Veldanava, who was holding a little girl in his arms noticed something and looked at the little girl who wanted to go to his new brother.

Veldanava smiled and put her on the ground.

"Go to your new little brother, Velzard."He softly muttered as if he was afraid that a little mistake about his voice would hurt her, he knew that it wouldn't, especially someone like Velzard who had the same species as the creator. It's just how he shows his sibling love.

Veldanava, from the start didn't want anything. He could even throw all the credits of making the reality but now that he had his own siblings...

He realized now that he wanted a few things.

And one of the few things he wanted is to have a peaceful time with his new siblings...

(Now I'm sad ;-;)

Velzard walked towards Velschat and tilted her head.


In Velschat's pov. Velzard was shining like a sun right now.

He covered his mouth and stepped back a bit.

'Cuuute! Fuck, Third, take over me!'

'Wh-what!!! Are you selling yourself? I might get a heart attack! You go First!'


Velschat's expression turned into a warm smile.

"Hello...?? Wait big brother, whose older, she or me?" It was pretty obvious that Velzard is older physically but Velschat's mental was from a teenager.

So he wanted to ask the previous omniscience first.

Veldanava sighed and knew where this is going so he just answered.

"As I said, You're the Third True Dragon, so Velzard is your older sister. Also, she was just born hours ago so don't be so hard on her and she's pretty cute so, if you harm her a bit, even if you're a teenager in your previous life, you're still a million years younger so as a good older brother, you will be punished if you try something that can harm her."Veldanava said sagely. Though, his punishment won't be simple because he would just seal Velschat for hundreds of years.

It will also depend on what Velschat will do but when he looked at him again.

He didn't think that he would try something funny to his siblings.

Especially when Velschat had a similar reaction to him when he picked Velzard up from the ice continent where she was born.

Velschat looked at her new big sister again.

Even though he didn't wish for siblings when the time he was staying in that nothingness. This world really brought him anything he wanted. So as a payback to everything this world did.

He will learn how to payback.

[....]Velschat's thought made Codicia rethink about his/her life that just started not long ago.

She/He felt unworthy of his/her title as the Lord of Greed, when it comes to Velschat.

"Hello sister Velzard."Velschat smiled. He also wasn't weirded about Velzard's name or about the 'Vel' part of their names. Mainly because, when the time he knew about he's going to another world. He wasn't planning on applying his commonsense from Earth.

"Bwather?"Velzard gave a cute chuckle after she said that.

And it almost gave Velschat a heart attack so he planned to become immune from Velzard's attack.

But when he looked at her again. He was already sure his plan would fail, or it would take time and wait for her to be more mature.

"Alright alright, play time is over. Now Velschat, get your Treasures so we can go now."

Velschat nodded and started pouring all if his Treasures to his <GoB>.

Veldanava picked Velzard to his arms while looking at Velschat.

When he was done, he took a rock and use <Midas>. the rock turned into gold. He then smiled greedily and put it in his <GoB> that made Veldanava deadpanned at him.

Velschat noticed Veldanava's stare and looked at him.

"What? do you regret creating humanity now?"

"I might really regret it..."Veldanava didn't say anything after and took Velschat in his right arm while Velzard in his left.

"...."2x Velschat didn't refute and just looked at Velzard who was also looking at him.

Both of them chuckled and enjoyed the flight.

Veldanava could just arrive at his nest in a second or fly in the speed of light but he wanted to enjoy the sky with his siblings. It would also make them see how beautiful the world is, and as the creator of this world, he felt proud when he saw both of his siblings wowing from the view.

Feeling proud because he created reality was pretty new to Veldanava, since he didn't need credits and similar to those in the first place, but this time it was his siblings.

Veldanava also promised himself to enjoy all of the foreign emotions that he would feel from now on until his death...




Don't forget to encourage me with your power stone!!

Should I continue?