

As Baldwin leaves my chamber, Jack also followed suit. A king can't share a room he said. I have no problem with that as it will give me much needed privacy. The problem is what do i do with the other 3 spare bed, desk and weak wardrobe. I shall have Jack build something for me then.

Isabella Winchester, the headaches aside I'm very satisfied with her performance. Six month in the wild, she found a very unusual stone tablet, carved in ancient chinese letter. It was found during her usual body strengthening exercise at the top of the waterfall. The view was beautiful but there are no caves or anything similar she said.

This just further confirm what was shown in the video recording of a hidden satellite. The discovery of this stone tablet revealed the presence of yet another participant in the war. The Farmers, The Frontiers, beasts, humans and now cultivators. *Sigh* At least they can all be killed.

The Farmers, why are they called farmers? I know they did something to our world, but what do they reap? This world itself? That doesn't make any sense and we only heard about them from the Frontiers which also can't be trusted.

The Frontiers supposedly give us an approximate time of ten years for the beast tide to occur. The other leaders believed in them which led to a lots of countries and humans getting erased from existence. I don't know whether they miscalculated or deliberately sabotaging us. Anyway they can't be trusted.

Those beast isn't a problem, I've sent out a few scouts every year to check and a result was achieved. An ordinary mortal could fight against them just by using the current technology available, though I assume there would be a different tier of beast like the cultivators.

The cultivators are an unknown variable. How strong have they become, did they successfully breakthrough? How many of them are still alive or will they even come to join the war and not simply having a secluded meditation without a care of what happens in the outside world.

Are the Frontiers really cultivator like written in the record? or is it just a technology that have a damage output the same as a cultivator.

*Humph* I don't care and I don't need to know. They can keep whatever secrets and powers they have. Be it magic or nature's manipulation itself, our Lux Corporation will outdo everything with science and technology. A saying goes in a popular game of the past "You can keep your magic I have laser beams."

To be honest, our technology is really advanced. We were just on the verge of producing a working prototype of an energy shield when the calamity descended. The knowledge they provide was helpful in creating a weaker version of Lux Shield that is given to other cities. Nine years have passed since the incident but we haven't release any ground - breaking technology. It is not because we didn't develop any, it is simply because we are prepping for a world war.

So far our main focus is to increase the physical capabilities of everyone on this world. There is no doubt that humans have begun evolving or should I say mutating from the effect of the seeds being planted by the Farmers.

Mutants have been sighted in many cities, the ability to produce flames is one of the most eye catching abilities. Some have a higher physical capabilities but our goal is to get everyone becoming stronger. Strong enough to fight beast with their bare hands.

This academy elites hsve been chosen as a scout, as well as test subjects and from the look of things, they have gone far stronger than any other human of their age. Take the ace, Winchester for example, she is able to climb up the waterfall of about 350 meters tall. Covering a kilometer distance within a minute. Killing a group of beast with her bare hands. Any of this feat would be regarded as legends or myths and people wouldn't believe it unless seen with their own eyes. But it is a fact that in just 2 year of times, she have become this strong without any noticeable side effect.

All the other elites student too have shown the same result. This is the result of our near decade long research, making ordinary human mortal become as strong as those 'body cultivators' simply by wearing a customized suit. These suit were based on the countless data provided by Jack and myself, of course they were of inferior quality.

The secret of these suit lies in the material called Hope. This is the only cheat we decided to bring upon this world. A living metal. This material is made using the vast knowledge of Soul Keeper. Truly worthy of his title.

"Hey Puppet, flattering me won't get you anywhere. Shouldn't you disclose the information about the calamity to other cities by now?"

"I was just imagining it... The scene of about 1-2 billion of human, all having reached a significant stage in body cultivation standard, joining the war in a grand formation. So what if they have even a thousand Spirit realm experts, all will be erased from existence from our might."

"Let me do a bit more research Puppet. I think i can increase the efficiency of the suits. When are the data from the Exoskeleton and the Ray of Light is coming? Time is short. Make those human work faster Puppet."

"What of this city? Is the development completed? I can't imagine a turtle coming to live."

"It will always be under construction. We are going to have every people in the world sheltered. Never again will we be humiliated, standing around doing nothing in the face of those unknown enemies. The next time they come, will be their last!"

"That's cool and all soul but can you research a bit about the turtle mythologies? I have a hard time imagining a turtle attacking. How do I say it? Come what may we can always turtle up and be safe from anything. Any who stood in our path shall be... bitten? turtle? I cant even make a sentence to encourage my lovely citizens. Do help me a bit Soul. How do turtles attack? Spit water?"


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