162 Chapter 150: Raw Recruits Part 2

Arias casually walked into the room with Dr. Veritas by his side causing everyone to go silent and just look at him.

He cast a quick glance at everyone present before finally deciding to speak. "I'll skip the formalities as most of you should already know me by now. What you must be wondering is why you were selected specifically and I'm here to answer that along with any other questions you may have." Arias's manner of speech was a bit more relaxed compared to normal although it's domineering nature remained.

"Most of your fellow mutants who I've recruited are only given residence in this city to live as they wish. They aren't forced to train to be heroes or fight, everyone is free to pursue their own dreams."

"But enemies never end and for a civilization to prosper... pathfinders, protectors and warriors are needed. The reason you nine fit this criteria is because you have experience already. Most of you are already skilled in using your abilities or are already on a path to saving others like yourselves. Any questions before I say more?" Arias came to a pause and glanced around at everyone with one brow raised.

Everyone glanced at each other and seemed hesitant to ask anything. Only Storm who was the oldest present decided to raise her hand and speak. "Do you mean we'll be conquering other worlds in the name of earth?" She asked rather hesitantly and peeked the interests of those gathered however Arias shook his head.

"No, our organization does not actively seek conflict. The worlds we will take are those uninhabited by intelligent life for resources and perhaps colonies. If we encounter other races we make alliances, however if a race chooses to threaten my own then I do not hesitate in cleansing the universe of it." Arias's tone shifted to the one everyone was very familiar with and it sent chills down their spines but at the same time it brought about a tinge of excitement.

"Do we get paid for working?" Johnny followed up with his own rather unique question which caused Piettro behind to facepalm.

"Everyone in my city gets a set amount of credits even when they do nothing. However the more contributions one makes the more income they get, if you're worried about making a living basic necessities come by freely here. Anything else?" Arias quickly answered and moved on, this time it was Laura who raised her hand although hesitantly as well.

"Will you be personally leading this team?" She asked and caused everyone to directly look at Kel expectedly, even Shay was curious about this.

"Starting today I'm taking a more active role in more matters so yes, those who choose to be a part of this team would be receiving guidance and help from me personally. Be it with their powers, emotional states or anything else." Shay couldn't help but show a rather interested look at Arias after he said this.

Whereas Piettro couldn't stop grinning as she shook his sister and Johnny. "Did you hear that? He'd do the teaching for us, we're joining yes?" He asked excitedly in a whispery voice. Wanda showed him a small smile and nodded while Johnny scoffed and crossed his arms but didn't disagree.

"I don't mind joining you but... I have doubts about some of the people you're taking in." Jean muttered with her head lowered but it was clear which group she was referring to.

"All of you with the exception to Miss Monroe aren't even twenty yet. Many of the choices you've made up until now have never fully been yours have they? Everyone has their own circumstances and things they've done but are not proud of because society cast them out or used them unfairly, whatever the case this a place for new beginnings so try not to judge each other due to your past mistakes, I speak from experience when I say this." Arias answered in a more gentle manner which seemed to get through to Jean who just nodded lightly.

Hate wouldn't just fade away but it was certainly a start in the right direction. Shay couldn't stop being surprised by what she was seeing, normally when Arias spoke this much world level change would occur.

Was he really taking a more active role in matters all of a sudden? If so why?

"Um Sir? I have a question." Miles couldn't help but also raise his hand although rather awkwardly.

"Just Arias is fine I'm only 21 this year after all. Anyway you want to ask about a way back to your Earth correct? Well yes it's possible just matter of time really a pinpointing the exact one without causing a dimensional collapse." Looks of surprise emerged on everyone but Shay's face when Arias casually revealed this fact about himself.

Appearance wise he did indeed look like a young adult but the way he carried himself and spoke made him seem much older. Miles looked more elated by the fact it was possible to return home which was in fact a very easy matter but of course Arias lied and Shay knew this but only smiled.

"Ow-" While Miles was still smiling, Gwen suddenly pulled him by the ear. "Way to blow our cover we could at least see what the world has to offer while we're stuck here... which mind you is also your fault." She whispered angrily while Miles tried to get away.

A/N: Reminder if you don't already know I have an original novel up so please show some support and check out. The popular it gets the less time I need to spend on it hence daily updates here, think about it

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