
The Bus Ride (Chloe)

What happened to me? I thought I could do it.

I'm so angry at myself right now. I hate Matthew. And I couldn't even let him hold my hand even if it is just for the play.

I didn't know I was crying until,

"Um, hi? Are you okay? Here."

The guy beside me offered me a handkerchief.

I didn't take it.

"I'm okay. I just have a severe allergy."

I looked at him. Surprised.

"Oh hi, Ivan." I smiled

"How are you?" he asked me with concern in his eyes.

"Well, without this allergy, I'm okay."

I try to laugh. But I laughed like a pig because of the nasal obstructions.

"Um, I saw you last night. At the diner."

"Oh yeah." I looked away.

"Why weren't you replying to my messages, Chloe?"

"I did the last time right?" I looked at him again. I remembered Cassy replying so I just took the credit.

He smiled and scrunched his nose.

"I was messaging you last night. I felt that something was off about you when I saw you, and later that evening, I messaged you asking you if you were okay."


"I was like messaging you all night. Until maybe 3 am?" He laughed shyly.

"I was doing my project and I was kinda distracted thinking about you. I was worried I don't know why."

Oh, wow, that was him.

So, Matt wasn't trying to reach out to me after what happened.

"I'm so sorry Ivan. I thought that was Ma... someone else. I didn't check it."

I grabbed my phone from my side pocket and checked it.

"Oh, yeah, it was you." I waved my phone in front of him.

I laughed. He laughed with me.

"Hey, umm... let's hang out sometimes? As friends?" Ivan asked me.

I was just not talking to Ivan because of Matt. And now that we are not together anymore, I can now fix my friendship with Matt.

"You can go tomorrow on my birthday. Go to our house at 4 pm. You still know our house right?"

He smiled

"I would love that, Chloe. So much. Thank you."

The bus stopped.

"Well, I have to go." I stood up. "See you tomorrow Ivan." I smiled and waved my hand.

I started to walk away from him when he pulled my hand.

"Hey, Chloe? I'm sorry about what happened to us when we were still kids."

I nodded and smiled while he let go of my hand.

I walked to the bus door, but before going down, I looked at him and mouthed the words, "See you."

He nodded and smiled.

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