

APRIL 20, 2013 - Saturday

"Wake up, Chloe Grace!"

Ugh, my head hurts.

"Chloe, come on. I need you to look out for Cassy."

"Can you give me a minute, Charlotte?"

It's a good thing I have my eye mask. "What time is it anyway?"

"Can you remove your eye mask?"

I can't. But I don't want her to think I'm hiding something. Well, I am. But she doesn't need to know that.

"Chloe, are you okay? Why are your eyes so puffy? Did you cry?"

Oh no.

"Of course not, Char."

She can't know about this.

"Hmm. Okay."

Charlotte shrugged. She looked at me still puzzled.

I look at my phone to check the time for myself because I don't want to ask Charlotte for the third time.

5:30 AM. 5:30 AM??!!

I sit down on my bed and looked at Charlotte again.

"Char, seriously??? 5:30 AM? And it's Saturday! I hope you woke me up for a very good reason."

"Well... It is for a very good reason."

But, I knew it already. A date. She just looked at me and smiled like a teenager.

"I know you. And go on, Char. Just bring me my favorite chocolate brownies. Emphasis on the S."

She grinned and hugged me so tight I can't breathe.

"Can't. breathe."

She pushed me away and laughs.

"Thanks, Chloe!"

"Now go away!"

I gestured my hands like I was shooing her.

"I owe you one."

Charlotte blew me a kiss while she walked back to the door to leave.

"Eew." I jokingly shuddered then I put my weight back on the bed.

Charlotte laughed.

I still can't believe that Charlotte's leaving at 5:30 AM. It's even too early for a breakfast date.

I picked up my panda stuffed toy and faced right to the door, at Charlotte.

"At least tell me where you two are going at 5:30 AM." I rolled my eyes playfully at her and picked up my phone, woke up the light and I pointed at the time.

She shook her head

"I don't know." She went back to my bedside and sit on my bed.

"John asked me to meet him at the field today. I don't even know why Chloe. He told me it's a surprise."

She's grinning but trying to keep a straight face.

I'm happy for her.

"Chloe, what's wrong? Did something bad happened?"

I shook my head then smiled at her.


"Why are you sad? I can just stay here if you don't want me to leave."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Charlotte said.

"Nothing, Charlotte. I just remembered something."

I sighed.

"Is this about Matthew? Did he do something? I'll talk to him right now. What did he do?"

This is why I don't want Charlotte to know. We're really close. That's why she's very protected of me. And of course, because she is my sister.

"Charlotte, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. Just go."

I hugged her really tight, the let her go.

"I'm still sleepy, Char. You need to get out of my room now."

I was trying to lighten up the room. I forced a smile.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I am."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow at me. She does that when she thinks someone is hiding something from her.

"Fine," said Charlotte. She kissed my forehead, stood up and she waved goodbye, turned around and walk out the door.

I breathed deeply.

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