
Good life style.

Life is very beautiful when you can get good life partner. Every body wants to good and safety life. If you want,s to good and safety life. you should able to manage a good life style. You have good knowledge about your life style. So every body need to have responsibility about their life. Now the environment might be very bad. People,s are suffering lot,s of problem about coruna virus. So we should maintain good life style. We need to have proper food for health .we should take good exercise for health. Man can not live alone .so we need to have summer vacation for good life style. Bangladesh is very much beautiful and green country. I have seen very beautiful places in Bangladesh. Coxbazar might be a great and nice place of Bangladesh. Lots of people are living in Coxbazar. Also they are getting good opportunity for their life. It has great places of Coxbazar. Every body could be passed very beautiful time with their family.