
Chapter 12

"this girl's so stressful to hold" one of the Chinese guy complained in Chinese, "shut up we don't want to arise suspicion" another replied as they held up Willa heading to the waiting area, she was currently wrapped in a coat, with only her face visible, she was unconscious but everyone was too busy to notice an unconscious lady being dragged around by two men while one led the way.

Golgotha looked up from the crucifix in his hand and his eyes fell on three guys with a lady, he immediately noticed that she was unconscious and he immediately felt his heart beat speeden up, he immediately saw three Asis agents that had just arrived, they would take them to Master Roshi's dojo, they were from the Chinese branch, that showed how wide spread the Asis organization was, with Golgotha as the heir.

"Natasha Cassidy" Golgotha called them coldly, as he used his eyes to follow the guys. Both jumped up from where they sat as they rushed to him, "I want a clean job, get those guys and the lady" he said using his eyes to direct the ladies to the guys that were sitting already, to other normal people they were normal, but Natasha and Cassidy could immediately tell they were in a hurry or something was making them uneasy.

Both ladies headed to where they sat, "hii" Natasha said. "he said he wants a clean job not making friends" Cassidy said, as she brought out a pistol from her lap and slowly pointed it at the guys, "I want the lady" she said with a vicious smile.

The three guys were shocked, "I thought all Chinese guys were hot, but you guise don't fit in that category, so you know what, you'll hand the lady to her and ps we know she's unconscious, then you'll get into the car we'll lead you to" Natasha said.

"What's this about? we don't understand you? our step sister is sick, we are flying out for treatment.... I... I don't know what you are...are saying" one of the guy said in Chinese hoping they would not understand and see them as normal Chinese civilians.

"Shut up and do what you're told to do, else you want a bullet in your head" Cassidy said In Chinese with a frown, "she knows Chinese" another said warily, "let's just give her up, they know" the first one said with a frown.

"Give her up my foot, our life's on the line here, that devil's going to kill us" the last one said with fury. "We aren't asking you" Natasha said with irritation, the next second the three guys looked up with fear, for some reason their teeth began to clatter, "take her, but please leave us...we didn't mean..."

"why are they suddenly scared?" Natasha asked with a smile, "Golgotha " Cassidy replied, as she made way for the boss to speak to the trio, Natasha also made may, smiling dreamily for her boss, Golgotha had a cold look, he didn't bother staring at the guys, his eyes fell on the lady who was still unconscious.

He immediately pulled her into his embrace, as he carried her, all the Asis agents there were shocked, Cassidy, Natasha, Vicenzo, the rest, they were all surprised, "I want them alive" he said as he walked out of the waiting area with the Asis agents, with the lady's hands flying around as he walked, her face hidden in his chest.

"What just happened?" Vicenzo asked amused, as he held his girlfriend hand as they followed behind, "I don't care what enmity we have against each other, but we gotta get rid of whoever she is, she's living my dream" Natasha whispered as Cassidy pushed one of the guy to enter the van, "deal" she said as they got into the other sports car, driving behind the black van.

Asis Headquarters

Annie kept pacing around, she couldn't shake off the bad feeling she was having, "why are there fools not picking my calls?" she asked herself angrily, she didn't want to panic but why shouldn't she? though Golgotha hadn't said a thing, she still felt very scared, she hoped they were in England already, she really hoped.

Master Roshi's Dojo

Golgotha got out of the car with the Willa in his hands, throughout the ride he had been staring at her face, she was so drained, she wouldn't wake up, she had been sedated with a strong medicine, he had already sent for the doctor, he could also guess that she had been raped, her face was white, lines formed on her stressed face, her white skin was dull and pale, he could see red dots on her body, injury, hickies, he felt his heart squeeze at the sight of it, he would get to the bottom of it.

He knew things weren't simple at all, why else would he strongly feel attached to a stranger and not even in a romantic way, why would those guys be scared to wits, something was fishy, very fishy, but he had to save her, she was dying and he was aware of it, the doctor was already waiting for him.

"welcome son" Master Roshi said as he watched Golgotha walk into his dojo with a lady in his hands, "thanks" he replied, as he headed to his room, where the doctor stood, "check her, if anything happens to her, you and your family go" he said and walked out of the room, after giving her one last look, he sighed, something he barely did.

The remaining Asis members were already there all kneeling before master Roshi's small alter, the man was an old Chinese man, with long moustache, he had white hair all round, but he had great wisdom in the art of karate, something Golgotha felt he needed to learn.

"Master Roshi" Golgotha called, "son" the man replied, "thank you, we'll be here for quite a while, there's a lot of thing going on" Golgotha said. "That's great son, more company for this old man, go go pray to Buddha so you can learn fast, I won't go easy on you" the man said as he slapped Golgotha's shoulder.

Golgotha immediately knelt down before the statue not saying a thing, he didn't know how to pray or what to say, neither did he believe, but then something popped into his head.

"Let her be okay God, she's linked to me and I know it" he said and got up.

"The trio are Ready for questioning boss" Cinderella Said. "Handle it, I've got things to do" Golgotha said heading to his room with a frown.

"You are here boss, I was about to come to you, you needn't stress your... "shut it and explain what's wrong with her!" Golgotha shut the man up.

"It's... she's been raped and drugged, she's not in such a bad shape, she's not eaten enough, the possible threat is probably after she wakes up, she might decide to kill herself after being raped over and over and over again" the doctor said.

"worry not about suicide it's not an option, what's the IV drip for if she's alright?" Golgotha asked. "to reverse the effects of the drug, she'll be out for a day or two but she'll be okay" the doctor said.

"See yourself out and remember if anything happens to her, it's your life and your family's" he reminded coldly, "of course I remember, how can I forget" the doctor said. "take a million dollars" Golgotha said making the doctor bow in appreciation.