

Today is my birthday, I'm 39 yo now. White male, multiethinics orign, thin - but my belly is already starting to show up. I broke my engangement ten years ago, I got a relationship with a nice girl, Anna... She was good at the begginning of our thing, but it's over now, she couldn't stand for our dinamics, my limits, her limits and stuffs... I don't know, to be honest, I don't know what happened actually.

At the middle of all those shit going on, I caught her cheating on me... I would be mad but I did it either. We didn't break up because of it... well, it dosen't mutter anymore, I live alone and this house is cold and empty at night. That hurts.

My friends used to visit me, but recently they got busy; not even some of my ex boyfriends spend time with me. You know, frustration is my strongest feeling, and I'm really tired of everything. All I wanted is not being all alone, all by myself...

I'm so messed up I'm having cookies for the meals... Oh, and beer... I don't cook a thing like from ages, and when I wanna eat something different I got fries or anything alike... I know, I should had learn magic, so now I would be in the kitchen just cooking with moving no muscle. Well, I could even ask Montero to bound me to some spirit and, in exchange of my espiritual energy, it could take a good care of me and my meals... But I'm a little nervous about it, 'cos they always are dominating linving people... Possessions and stuffs. Fuck... How did I get here? How did my life got as shit as some cow's guts?

I just stopped those thinkings, got up from the couch and, once more, got for a beer in the frigde. It was... any whaterver day on the week's night, my email box was full - I was checking them from my phone. And I got no missed call... Nobody went to my apartament visit me... Not even a good show on television...

I got back to the couch and layed, looket at my number list and thought about calling someone. But who? Anna? Nah, she's dating now, and her partner is sick and jealous. Enzo? Nah... I hate his smell... And he's not good on sex... well, sometimes... But what do I want? Sex or talking? Enzo was a good choice if I want some conversation, 'cos he got a good talking... usually... But I get sick just thinking on him.

Well, after thinking too much, I called Gui... He's really a busy guy, but I could make an emotional... extortion... I mean he got a real good memory, and I could make him feel guilty for not even call me on my birthday... Like this I would got someone to talk, even if it's by a call from phone. But he has to answer me first, of course. Guess what, he hasn't.

I got frustrated again and I put some porn on television, even beeing too tired to wank up. It was a gay BDSM movie.

Oh, I just thought how good it could be if I got someone to hurt and dominate like this. The only thing I ever did with someone waa jus pulling hair and spanking butt... Everything I was watching on TV was brand new... Ok... That's it...

My birthday: beer and gay hard porn movie... Worst than it I guess it is impossible to become.

I stayed like this till wednesday, when I woke up with my back hurting as hell and sissy screams from a bitch on some porn movie. I guess he was getting two dicks in his butt... Oh my good, I spent all night on the couch... It was alteady 8 am, I got to work, and, as usual, I'm late. Add information: I just had pissed myself because of all that beer... Thank godness my couch was still with plastic... I got up and put the carpet on the sun, I took a fast shower, changed clothes and went to work.

When I got there, starving, my wellcome party was hosted by my coordenator, I mean my boss, who was angry and saying "you're late". I swallowed two cups of coffee and went through my work stuffs, I got to get those up, I mean in days. Dead lines are over... I was already imagining the boredom that would be ... I was prevented from going to the street doing the inspections in the companies because of my delay.

The day passed quickly, once again I ate cookies all the time, and it was already 7:00 PM, no one else was in the office besides me. I stopped the processes when my back and neck's pain increased. At that moment my attention turned to the TV which reported a protest of neelneans and gahglimeans slaves, supported by a group against the slavery of alien races.

These two races, plus one, the forenzis, had arrived into our solar system 50 years ago, the forenzis offered us the other two races as slaves. The thing is that they both had lost some wars and Forenzis was victorious and so overwhelmed them. The slave races were dragged galaxy out together with their masters in a journey for a new home, because war had devastated all of their territories.

Forenzis look like reptiles, Neelneans look like dwarves, and Gahglimeans look very much like us, slender, taller and pinked tone skin. I did not know much about public relations and universal politics, I did not like to get involved.

I only knew that forenzis are very few and help the government. The others are enslaved and produced to serve. Oh, and also there is a hybrid race of gahglimeans with humans, all slaves too. With slave labor, the whole world began to prosper, but there was never any peace. Society on the verge of chaos and me wanting only for someone to spend time.

That night I went home still wanting to relax and get some one to spend time... maybe even sex. Relationships or mach apps were useless for me. During the traffic I imagined what it would be like, you know, having a slave at home, if that was financially possible for me I do not know. The best slaves are expensive, but I was already at my limit of solitude: really need someone.

What would it be like having a slave or a servant? I would have to be sexually satisfied too ... Would a slave stand it? A female would be better. Understand that I've never been in favor of slavery, but at that point I was even contemplating that possibility. I'm being repetitive, I know.

When I finally got home I did the same thing as usual, throwing shoes, ties, suit and suitcase scattered around the room, grabbing a beer in the fridge, and lying on the couch before some stupid tv show to get distracted. After this my ritual I was surprised by a call. It was Gui. Finally someone had given a sign, was it because of my Bday? So someone reminded me! Oh, thanks!

_Hey Paul! What's up? - he said excited

_Great dude! What's up? Why are you calling me? - I asked him unpretentiously

_Oh man, c'mon, you know very well WHY I'm calling you! - he said laughing

_Me? Never ever knew - I said ironically

_Your Bday was just yesterday!

_Aah, that? I did not even remember it

_C'mon dude! - answered back Gui laughing.

At this momment I was glade, even without assuming that, I mean, finally a friend sent some news and remembered me.

_Sorry for... I mean, I couldn't be there neither called you yesterdar - Gui continued

_Ok buddy, I know you're extremely busy.

_Hey, not that much! - refuted him - look, actually I didn't wanna call with no good news. I mean, I got some surprise for ya and I was counting on that... and it worked!

_What? - I asked him

_Look, Talm, that company we talked to about the last time we left, she produces autonomous bots, tech stuffs, and they went on to produce androids last year as you know. Their first android generation was horrible so they had to make another line of 'droids. The second line was finally produced a few months ago, and they launched a coalition campaign with some technology companies. When buying or financing some products from partner companies, you would get some coupons for the androids draw! Pretty crazy this! Two lucky ones would be chosen.

_And so you won I prize, an android, and just called me to tell me the news - I interruped him just because that talking was just being a pain in my ass.

_Acctually, you did - he corrected me.

_Whaaat?!?!? - this moment I was already set down and started to think about how inconvenient was Guilherme. How should I keep this android? What is the power source? Is it from solar energy? And how did I win? I did not even participate this... shit.

_Wait, look, I got your name at this contest with those, erh... tickets I won from the acquisition fo my car, from one of the Talm's corp. And I just needed a few datas, adress... the lottery got late, it had to be last week, and it just did today by afternoon. They told they would send this today already. The arrival forecast is one week. How fantastic is not it? Well, I know you're feeling very lonely, with one of those at least you're going to have company and ... It will still work for some, you know, what do you say?

_Look Guilherme... I really need to hang up, ok? - I said to him a little angry.

_Ok... - he said to me with sadness in his voice.

I hang up the cellphone. Part of me was excited by this possibility, well, I'm tech enthusiast, but the other part of me was angry and upset. First because I had not given him permission to use my data, second because I did not know how I would sustain something like that, and third it would be an android programmed to serve. I do not think slavery is good, and I would have one at home. And what is this Talm thing, isn't it against slavery? Now they're designing robotic slaves, wouldn't it be foster the idea of enslavement? What more ... I do not want to think any more. I took two muscle relaxant pills and went to bed to sleep. That night I dreamed the android came and I sold it. I think that's what I'll do when I get there.

The following days were passing. Some friends have made arrangements with me, especially over the weekend. In the end I was not really abandoned. I just needed to fuck, because there was a time that was not active and I needed it. Waiting to get to android made me very anxious, because besides this story, I counted on his arrival ... I thought about the possibility of having sex ... A moral conflict engulfed me and I was drowning.

Then on Friday the following week, when I get home early, released from work after lunch, a large order arrives in the building for me. I went downstairs, picked up the concierge, had many problems getting in and out of my apartment. It was a bit heavy. I already imagined that it was the android, mainly because the tapes that sealed the box and the deliveryman himself were from the Talm. My biggest anxiety was to think about the possibility of having sex ... I was almost two weeks without enjoying myself, just drinking beer and working.

Already inside my apartment, I put the box in the middle of the room, I made a ceremony, but I ended up gathering the courage to open it. The foot box was about the height of my leg. I laid her down thinking I was better at handling the notorious android. I ripped one side of the box, pulled away the styrofoam, identified a lid, and pulled it out unscrewing. It was a sealed glass crate, and inside it had a strange liquid. The android was in a fetal position, her body was facing down. There was a helmet on his face and an "on" button, which I impulsively squeezed. Soon the helmet opened, the body lifted in an impulse, which scared me. The liquid, which was gelatinous, overflowed a bit and melted the floor. Then I stared at the body sitting, the helmet falling along with three thin hoses, which were supposed to be in the nostrils and mouth of the android. And I began to think how I would wake up that machine without having read manual. Did any manual come along?

I admired her beauty, that is to say, her hair was golden to her shoulder and her face was half-concealed, but I who had never been with anyone else had no right to think she was ugly. She was motionless, sitting, inside the box full of fluid, part of it. It looked doped if it were people. Then she started to cough, and I finally took action. I went over to pat her on the back and bow her head. After much coughing, she lifts her head up to me, uncovers an eye, pulls her hair behind her ear, and speaks "master?".

At that moment my heart was racing and very excited. I held myself so as not to take her there, in that state, in that room. But some things did not sound good to me: his voice was a little grave, on his neck was a plaque with an Adonis name carved into it, and his breasts were not there. Desperately I put my hand between her legs, she lowered her head and closed her eyes drowned in shame, and my hands attested what I suspected, it was a boy, and I who had long lost interest in men clenched their teeth with rage, such what a spoiled boy at Christmas: I got a gift that I did not want ... I preferred an android; a female.

Hi folks, this story got sexual content, but it's really not the only focus I want to give. You can wait for a punch of everything here. And look, the type of sex activities and love of the character is a little bit hard, like lemon. It's their way of getting pleasure.

However, like I'd said, sex is not the only one focus. And everything will be revealed little by little.

Oh, and I'm correcting some mistakes I'd made on my translation.

Get ready for the next Chapters.

Tkeycreators' thoughts
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