
golden hearts

Emma's life was never a peachy one, she had to fight for every last thing she's got. Her indifferent father and broken marriage did nothing to mend the twisted mind she grew to have nor heal her broken self. Emma is not whom she pictures herself to be, secrets that are buried deep inside are about to be exposed. Secrets of gravity beyond imagination.

leadermc5 · Thanh xuân
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85 Chs

part 14

Third Person POV


Emma saw Adam sitting on the sofa next to the fire place, typing something on his laptop. She was quite hesitant in approaching him, especially since she can predict what his reaction would be when he knows what topic she wants to discuss.

However she gathered whatever little courage she could and went to his side. She sat next to him, and put her head on his shoulder.

Adam moved slightly to kiss her forehead as a sign of greeting when he felt her leaning into him before returning his focus to whatever he was doing on his PC.

To others, this scene may seem quite odd, seeing their relationship was going through a rough patch just few days ago. However it is rather normal for them to reconcile this quickly and normally by a simple touch from one of them.

Emma's gesture of leaning into him was a sign for him to know that she wants them to start anew and forget whatever past arguments before their wedding which was to take a place tomorrow, and Adam understood and went along with her wishes as they were also his.

"How was your day?" She asked after a while.

"Tiring. How about you, do you feel better?"

"I am. The pain subsided yesterday, so I was able to sit and walk without feeling anything." Said Emma.

"Great, that means we can proceed with the wedding tomorrow without any delay." He said.

She nodded, and stayed quite, thinking whether or not to say what she wanted.

"Say it, Emma." Urged Adam.

"Huh?" She asked, confused.

"I know you have something to say, so say it." He clarified.

"Promise me you won't get mad?" It wasn't supposed to sound like a question.

He shifted his attention from his laptop to her, carefully studying her before speaking.

"Is it that bad of a topic, what you want to discuss, I mean?" He asked, looking at her.

"Not necessarily." She replied.

"Go on then."

"About our marriage tomorrow-" She trailed off. Carefully gauging his reaction.

"What about it?" He questioned calmly.

"Do you really want to proceed with it?"

He stopped typing for a while before closing his lap top. He turned around, and observed her for sometime

"What is that supposed to mean?" He finally asked.

"I mean if you really want to go through it after everything you found out?" She rephrased.

"What exactly did I find out?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well-" she cut her own when she knew what he meant.

She nodded her head, indicating that she understood what he meant.

He doesn't want that matter to be brought up again, and she wasn't about to stir troubles for something that can be easily forgotten.

"By the way, I didn't realize I've broken an important rule of mine until now." She tried to change the subject.

"Yeah?" Inquired Adam, going back to whatever work he was doing on his PC.

"I stayed with you before marriage." She whispered dramatically like she just revealed something she shouldn't.

Adam chuckled at her antics. "Baby, those kinds of rules shouldn't be made in the first place, especially not when two people are engaged to be married."


She leaned her head on the couch, looking at the sealing. "Those were my mom's rules." She smiled sadly.

Adam looked at her for a while when she uttered those words. It was the first time she had ever mentioned her family before him, so her statement caught him off guard.

"The funny thing is, a lot of the rules I live by weren't created for me but for my brother." She chuckled and continued her story without realizing Adam's reaction.

"Why would she create those rules for your brother?" Adam asked after snapping back to reality.

"He was the epitome of foolishness and womanizing." She laughed, going down the memory lane.

"He would always find a new way to land in jail, or seduce women. Married or not he cared not, and seeing I was his younger sister, I was bound to follow his footsteps. Mom was always running after us fixing whatever problems we created before dad knew." Emma was smiling brightly without even knowing, but there was a hint of sadness in that smile.

"You were to jail?" Adam asked shocked.

Emma looked at him briefly, and laughed slightly. "I was a regular juvenile delinquent when I was in high school along with my brother. He was my role model, so everything he did, I copied. I didn't care for the consequences I knew we would be facing when dad knew, neither did he." She clarified.

There was a moment of silence before Adam decided to break it.

"You know we can invite them to attend if you miss them this much." Offered Adam.

"Wouldn't that be great." She wished wistfully, a single tear sliding down her cheek.

"I don't have any problem with them attending as long as it pleases yo-"

"We can't." She cut him off, wiping the tear off before standing up, and going upstairs leaving a confused Adam behind.


Adam stood at the altar waiting for his bride, looking as dashing as ever.

However and despite the many stares he was getting from the females attending their wedding, his mind was with his bride.

His mind kept conjuring up possibilities of her not attending or getting cold feet. After their conversation the night before and how she suddenly asked him if he changed his mind about their wedding kept nagging him at the back of his mind.

However his thoughts were proven wrong when the doors to the hall opened, revealing a very breathtakingly beautiful Emma escorted by the man he saw with her at their house few days back.

Emma looked up and smiled brightly at him when their eyes met. Adam returned the gesture, totally forgetting whatever nervousness he was feeling moments ago.

Jürgen handed her to Adam, and retreated to his designated place.


The couples were about to recite their wedding vows when the glass vase on Emma's right suddenly shattered.

Emma turned around abruptly to see Müller and Jürgen running to her in full speed along with her other bodyguards.

That's when chaos erupted everywhere. Adam beat them to it, and drew her from under the chandelier that was about to crack her head open.

Jürgen and her bodyguards soon joined them behind the wooden table, they took shelter in from the rain of bullets they were at the receiving end of.

"Müller, go help the guests to safety." She ordered when she saw some of them struggling to go out. "Take them with you." She added, referring to the rest of the bodyguards.

"What about you?" He inquired.

"I have Jürgen with me."

"I can't do that. He won't be ha-" Müller tried to reason, but was interrupted midway.

"I'll talk to him about it." She stated firmly, daring him to go against her order.

The man nodded before going about the order he just received.


They were too busy handling the mess surrounding them when Adam suddenly hit the ground at her feet.

She looked down at him shocked for a while as to what happened to him so suddenly before she saw a small pool of blood forming around his waist.

She went to her knees, shaking his limp body, trying to wake him up. "Don't you fucking dare!" She shouted when she checked his withering pulse.

He was in this state because he was shielding her from the bullet that was aimed at her.

"Müller!" The man was in front of her in a blink. "I want him in the basement in the next four hours." She ordered icly.

"Yes, ma'am. Anything else, ma'am?" He knew there was something else, it was just a rhetorical question.

"Call Zeus to bring some more men here to clean this mess, and bring me the tools." She ordered ripping the lower part of her wedding dress off, and wrapping it around Adam's wound.

"Müller." She called out knowing that he would still be standing waiting for the rest of her orders.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"This is a restricted area for the next few hours." She stated, referring to the hall, especially the part where she would be operating on Adam.

He bowed slightly before retreating back to execute the orders.


"Ma'am?" Müller said from behind the plastic curtain where she was operating on Adam.

"Didn't I said not to be interrupted, Müller?" She asked rhetorically.

"It's important." He stated.

"Well?" She urged.

"We found out who were they."

Emma's hand froze for a second before continuing extracting the bullet out. She didn't speak, waiting for him to inform her of the rest.

"Zeus is involved."


Hello, my lovelies! How are you all?

I'm sorry, for going M.I.A for a while, I've been busy with my exams, and even though half of them is over there's still one crucial one that I have to pass for me to upload freely and without worry.

However, I almost didn't update today because Wattpad glitches decided to play games with me. I spent sometime unable to access my stories. It gave me the fright of my life, thinking they were all deleted.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. I'll try to update again as soon as I can, and until then happy reading, my lovelies.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Bye bye.