
Going to World of Warcraft with Sang Mandeok's body.(Dropped)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. --------- A man was sent into the world of Warcraft at the start of the dark portal war with the body and power of Sang Mandeok. How much change he could bring to the world with disaster all years around. Or he will be devoured by the flame of war and burning legion? -------- I did not play world of warcraft and it has so many patches and expansions. So, many characters may not appear in the story and their personality could have changed. Lastly, this is not my mother language. I did this for practicing my writing skill. So my writing may look like using google translate. Thank you.

Wana_Wongsatain · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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17 Chs

4. Refugee camp 2

"This is...unbelievable" Five days after that, the priest looked at Eskalios who emit the faint golden light from his hand and said with wide eyes.

Although this level of holy light can heal only a minor injury, Eskalios can also improve his skills by training in the future, so the most important thing to focus on isn't the quality of holy light, but the time he needs to master it.

In the learning process, the first step from 0 to 1 is the hardest, especially with the holy light which is quite a spiritualism. Even if someone who believes with all their heart might need to spend months meditating before catching a glimpse of using holy light like Eskalios, this man just accomplish it in just five days, and from the priest's eyes, Eskalios didn't look like someone that pious or have a strong faith in holy light. This can explain for only one reason, that the man in front of him possesses a ridiculously high talent in holy light!

This priest's guess is one hundred percent correct. If compare a normal cleric that borrowed power from Naruu to a cellphone that needs to recharge its battery then Eskalios that have Naruu piece in the body is an existence like a cellphone that has a nuclear reactor in itself. It can be said to be standing at the pinnacle of the world.

Moreover, Eskalios really pour so much time and effort into the training in these five days. This is because there is no distraction in this world. Azeroth has no cell phone or other entertainment like the world he was living, especially in the refuge camp. This made Eskalios devote all the time he had to meditation. It can be said that he is even more serious that the university entrance exam. It's not strange to achieve this result.

"Ha Ha, I'm just a little better than average, it's still a long way for me before I can become a qualified holy light user." He said modestly, although too much humility is an arrogant act Eskalios really think like that. This is just a first step, it's still a long way to go considering his goal is to create the paladin profession.

Then he asks the priest for further learning. Although the priest almost cried from the enviable talent, he still thinks that one more powerful cleric can save much more people and teach Eskalios wholeheartedly, sometimes letting him try to heal the injured refugee, and even having a plan to recommend Eskalios to the Church of the Holy Light in Lorderon. With this guy's talent, he can be the next leader of the church without a doubt.

With the guidance of professional workers, Eskalios's power of holy light has progressed rapidly. This is because of his talent and his concentration. To concentrate on learning, he set a mindset that if there is no corresponding strength, knowing the information is pointless. Because of this, Eskalios didn't even care about the situation of the war, just thinking about developing his holy light.

And his diligence also paid off. After madly training for almost one month, he can imitate some of the paladin's skills such as using holy light to burn the enemy, healing, and emitting the aura to heal people in a large area. As for the skill such as blessing to buff allies, he can't use them yet because of the lack of understanding, this also includes shaping his ideal.

The latter part wasn't that he didn't try, but he didn't know what his ideal should be. Gentle, dedicated, loyal. These are generally ideal can characteristics that paladins choose, but it also means self-realization, which Eskalios did not have yet. Although he has tried using holy light in meditation, he still can't decide which was his nature he should choose.

Eskalios also did not feels hurry about it. Choosing a characteristic of holy light is like choosing which major he should learn in university. It will affect the path of his future growth and he cannot retire to choose again so he thinks that he should think clearly and understand himself before deciding on this aspect.

Other than this, Eskalios also tried to cultivate his martial skills by sparring with the soldier that control this refugee camp. These soldiers are from Stormwind's army which has received formal training, they are much better than him at least in terms of pure skill. And because of his status as the holy light user and heals some soldiers' wounds, he has a much better status than a normal peasant and can easily get sword training in their spare time. Although this training did not change him into some kind of swordmaster, it change him from 'zero knowledge' to 'knowing how to actually use the sword' and did not use it as a decoration anymore.

After one month of training, Eskalios feels like his holy light training has come to the bottleneck and his power did not grow rapidly as before, and he thinks it is the time for him to join the frontline in the First War.

The setting in Azeroth resembled the medieval period, the human identification did not strict as in modern-day. The most obvious example is the fact that Eskalios live in the refugee camp for a long time but no one even asks where was he came from even if he just walking into the camp alone.

Moreover, the current Stormwind Kingdom is at war with the tribe, they should desperately need more people to help. This is not some random guess but he has seen soldiers come to conscript the refugee several times.

His thinking was right. Eskalios just walk to talk with a random soldier, saying that he wants to be a soldier, then that soldier brings him to the leader of this camp and approves him right away after asking his name and what can he do. The speed and informalities even make him suspicious about whether this is a trap.

The truth is that he thinking too much and the recruiting system in this age is really that chaotic. After waiting for three days to the time of the next round of recruitment, he and other peasants were moved from the refugee camp to the military camp in the area that is the choke point between Duskwood and Westfall area.

The military camp is looking much better than the refugee camp. It is a large compound surrounded by a tall wall made from thick lumber. Inside the camp is large enough for several hundred people to live. Soldiers in iron armor walk around, some are training, some are patrolling, and some are going out of the camp like doing a mission.

After arriving at the camp, he and other militias are thrown into the training ground. Eskalios understand that this is to let these people learn how to fight which is quite useless for him since he has already learned the basic from the refugee camp so he going to ask people who are responsible for training to directly put him into the army while explaining the reason.

Facts have proven again how chaotic the military system can be. If it's a modern regular army, someone who asks something like this might get severe punishment, but in this era, no one care about the formality, they just look at whether you know how to fight or not.

Eskalios was put into a fight with another soldier as a test to see whether his strength is passing or not and he has no problem at all.

In the training ground, Eskalios and a soldier hold a wooden sword in their hand, looking vigilantly at each other. They stood still for a moment before the boy become the first to move. He emitted the holy light before a step forward and swing the sword at his opponent. Although Eskalios don't know how to use blessing to strengthen his body, it's good enough if his holy light can intimidate or distract the enemy.

It's true that he could kill the soldier in front of him in a second but Eskalios now want to see how much he has progressed in term of melee combat so he intends to use only sword skill and holy light.

And the result isn't that bad.

Without a doubt, Eskalios sword skills now are at the lower end of this world, but his opponent also just a normal footman, not some famous character in Warcraft's story so their skills weren't different that much. They are just exchanging the blow from each other.

And that's where Eskalios advantage come from. In Esatenr Kingdoms, no one better at recieving attack than the paladin. At the end of the fight, he doesn't have any injuries while his opponents body is full of wounds and bruises.

"This...it's true that you win the fight, but with your skills, why don't you take a job as medico..." The soldier said hesitantly. When he saw the fight he also knew that Eskalios's skill is passing the line but he also reluctant because with his holy light, Eskalios can save much more peole by station at the rear as supporter.

Eskalios also understand the others thinking. At front line, he's just a single soldier. But at the rear, his abilities can save countless soldier life. If he was in other's shoes he will aslo make the same dicision.

But that's just because he's too weak. If he wants to go to the front line, just increase his values in fighting power and everything will be alright.

He use borrowed power to create dozens of swords in one go. Stabbing on the ground all over the place where he stands. He roughly explains this ability, looking at the soldiers with mouths open wide and asking with a smiling face.

"Now, do you think I can go to the frontline?"

There was no opposing sound after that.

In many novels (especially Xianxia), being low-key is like the classic tradition that every protagonist does, which Eskalios also agree with. Concealing oneself power can be a big help in a deadly battle and make the enemy misjudge the actual strength. But it can't be denied that showing strength also has many advantages too.

It seems that the power he shows is too dazzling. The soldier's gaze that looking at him changes from a usual look to being in awe, envious, and respect. They spoke politely to him and handle every troublesome thing that need to do when ones registered for the army. One hour after that, Eskalios standing in front of his bed in the military barn. His hand holding a brand new set of Stormwind's armor.

"Sometimes showing off wasn't that bad." He thinks. Because not only he can register in the army with lightning speed but he also can choose what position he wants to do. Normally, this will be the right of the higher up to judge, but Eskalios can get so much preferential treatment with the skills that he shows.

Eskalios didn't want to talk about principle or abuse his power when his goal was brought upon him on the plate. He tried to ask for a job that can fight with the tribe but did not have to face the large-scale war. This is just control where he needs to go so the commander of this camp readily agrees because there is already a duty that perfectly fits his conditions.

At this moment there is already a full-scale war between the Knights of Stormwind and The tribe led by Anduin and Blackhand respectively at Redridge Mountains. However, that does not mean that all of The Tribe's forces are pouring at Redridge Mountains. Blackhand has spread some of his force to raid and pillage humans in other regions too.

Don't forget that Dark Portal is located at Black Morass, at the east of Duskwood. The orcs just need to travel to their west, cross Deadwind Pass (which Medivh will let them pass easily), and they will be at Duskwood Forest.

So now, there are several small groups of orcs scattered around the area in Duskwood. King Llane who receive the news ordered all residents in the area to evacuate to Westfall and let soldiers establish the patrol team to dive deep into that area, reduce the number of orcs and intercept them before passing through the Westfall area.

Eskalios agree to do this mission without hesitation. At first, he was still nervous about where to find the orcs to fight without provoking its entire hord. Now there are ready-made targets. Although it seems quite dangerous he doesn't mind playing some guerilla warfare with the orcs at all.

Three days after that, Eskalios and his team began their journey and travel to Duskwood, starting the first military campaign in his life.