
Myth class beast

"I am honoured to be able to open this annual event. I would like to invite everyone to listen to this old man's talk."

Everyone immediately quieted down. The one who was calling himself 'Old man' was actually the principal of the capital's school named Armilia, just like the capital and the planet. The principal was also the strongest person on this planet, ruling out the leader of the military on this planet. This, everyone, was very respectful to this 'Old man'.

Huo Ling found the speech pretty common, boring and it lasted way too long. He had been listening for almost two and a half hours to what he felt was common sense. He sighed inwardly and wondered how God's Domain would be.

The government had made a new curriculum which scraped a few of the traditional subjects and replaced it with classes on common knowledge about God's Domain. The school mainly invested in the biology of beasts and plants as that may both be beneficial and life-saving. There were also classes on survival, cooking and basic farming skills.

The speech finally ended after three hours of continuous listening. Then the principal said a few shocking sentences for everyone. "I am happy to publicly announce this as the first on this planet. Previous month humanity's first has reached the Seventh Layer! Also, the beast rank Myth has been officially confirmed. Beasts now have five ranks! Unfortunately, we have too little Myth class beasts slain to know the specifics of this class. This beast was slain by a group of one hundred and twenty of which ninety-eight warriors and twenty-two treasured mages with specific elements. Every single one participating had full points! Too bad seventy-eight were killed, leaving only twenty-one warriors and fifteen mages. The Myth ranked point which was only one, was given to the team leader of the raid. This point gave 25 fitness."

Everyone had different feelings, some were excited and wanted to kill one as well to brag, some hoped to never meet such a terrifying beast and some had doubts.

"Now the teleportation will start at once, make sure to stay alive and don't go hunting without teammates, especially for Myth class beasts, even with the military legion many died!"

While he said so, all personnel stepped out of the squares. Then walls around the squares started going up and anyone touching them would be electrocuted. Most knew what happened and prepared to fall down. Then suddenly the floor opened up downwards revealing a big hole and causing everyone to fall down into a black and purple substance. No one had ever found out how long it took to travel dimensions but everyone was sure about one thing. More so for the first time, it was absolutely nauseating.

Luckily the place one would go to wasn't completely random. Anyone who teleported to God's Domain would teleport in a dark room in the First Layer of God's Domain. This wasn't exactly a room, as it was just a dark space. However, people could recover from the nauseating effects here and check all their belongings.

This was exactly what Huo Ling needed as he first puked his stomach contents out. After recovering for about an hour Huo Ling finally felt somewhat better, albeit not entirely well.

"I hope it's better the time I return..."

He first checked his belongings. He had gotten a bag with basic objects, such as food, water, rope, standard dagger, a box of matches and what hay to start a fire.

He had just emptied his entire stomach contents and was extremely hungry. He took some bread and smoked beef. He quickly started eating. One couldn't stay here forever. One had to get out within four hours otherwise, the cave would start to collapse. To get out he had to simply touch every wall. If it was the exit the wall would gradually disappear. This wouldn't alert beasts though. The First Layer of God's Domain would allow one to at least stay alive for a little while... Like twenty seconds. The beasts one would spawn near would never exceed the Knight rank. Beast ranks had five ranks explored by humanity: Ordinary, Knight, Noble, King and lastly Myth. It was very fortunate that no had ever spawned near Noble or higher ranked beasts. These beasts would immediately notice if there was someone present at a lower or equal level.

When Huo Ling was done eating he packed everything and walked towards one wall. It was opposite of the one he was dropped at and he assumed it would be the exit.

Huo touched the wall and miraculous sight happened right before his eyes. The wall seemed to melt into the ground, but Huo knew it merely looked like that for him. One of the discoveries was when a researcher saw a person new to God's Domain coming from a solid piece of rock. It looked like he came from a shadow. From then they never doubted they would never alarm beasts.

As the wall was completely molten down, Huo could fully see this new world. It was almost dawn. He noticed he was in a valley with a ton of chickens. He could already see over a hundred and he could not see past the walls of the cave.

"Maybe I am lucky and able to sneak out." A plan immediately formed. It wouldn't do to wait until the chickens woke up. As soon as he had one foot outside the cave he heard something which made him want to beat himself up.


Huo Ling tripped and fell down in the middle of several chickens.

Soon after, every chicken woke up. These chickens saw him and soon fireballs were spit put towards him. The rooster which had caused his problem also saw him and went after him.

Unfortunately for Luo, when he stumbled down he hadn't heard a simple notification.

"Ding... Bloodline check... Bloodline confirmed... Activated 'The Godslayer System'..."

Huo Ling was seen running with several burns and fireballs following him the entire night. When a fireball hit another chicken it would set a flame but no damage would be done.

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