
School with 24 hours left on earth

Well, I need to get out of bed.

I groaned as I got out of bed. As it is my final day on earth I think I should have some fun today at school. But first I need to get ready for today.

Step one: get dressed (jeans and a t-shirt)

Step two: go to the bathroom to do bathroom things.

Step three: Fooooooooooooooooooooodd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step four: Drive to school.

Steps one to three were really easy for me until step four. As I got into my car I realized that my car was almost out of gas. I had to go to the gas station.

And 40 bucks later I was almost at school.

As I rolled into school in my semi-crappy car I was blasting Quinn XCII who was my favorite artist.

(AN: his music is actually great and is my favorite artist)

I parked my car in my spot that I bought off a friend for $100 in the fall. I personally think that it was the best purchase of my life. It is arguably the best spot in the entire school, easy in and easy out. I jumped out of my car and at the same time one of my best friends.

"Yo Elijah what's up man"

"Hey Silver, hows your day been"

"You know same old, God talked to me" (Silver)

"What the Fuck man" (Elijah)

"I know right, I have no idea. Well, he said that I could take three friends to another universe because some of the other gods were being dicks, but who knows. All I know is that I have a countdown going on inside my head, It's really annoying" (Silver)

"Well I'm going to assume that you are taking me" (Elijah)

"Yeh, you Zach and Jeff" (Silver)

"The sophomores??" (Elijah)

"Yeh there smart as fuck and I think would thrive in a magic world" (Silver)

"Hey bro it's up to you, your the magic/fantasy guy around here" (Elijah)

We entered the school doors. It felt weird, it was my final day left on earth and I'm going to school. What the fuck. We started to walk to class, me, Ap calc and Elijah English.

"See you after school man" (Silver)

"See you" (Elijah)

After my first three periods, I went to lunch with Jeff and Zach.

"What's up guys, you wanna go to chix?" (Silver)

"Yeh sure man, you got some more drama to talk about." (Zach)

"Nah bro, I have something crazier to tell you" (Silver)

"You finally leaving the school" (Zach)

"No" (Silver)

"Fuck" (Jeff)

Walking out to lunch...

"Ok so here's what's going on, God has told me that I can take three friends to another world. Yes, its sword and sorcery. and no I don't know what's going to happen. Anyway, I have chosen to bring you two as well as Elijah so this new world. We have about 19 hours left on earth, but we can leave sooner if we wanted to. We need to meet after school. You know the place." (Silver)

"Wait what the fuck" (Jeff/Zach)

After the standard responses as well as lunch we split ways to meet after school was out.

The bell finally rang because it was finally 3:15. that means that there are 14 hours left on the timer to my impending "doom." Well, it's not my doom just my death in this world. It should be ok right, well that's for me to find out.

"Yo boys you wanna go climb?" (Silver)

"Yeh sure man lets go."(Jeff)

"I'm good man, thanks though" (Zach and Elijah)

As I drove Jeff to the climbing gym I realized that I forgot to set a time to meet up with the other guys, so I had Jeff call them and meet up at my place around 6 or so tonight to leave for the new world. But first climbing.

Bother Jeff and I aren't the best climbers ever, we mainly just mess around and get a good pump. One of our favorite games to play in the gym is add on. Its pretty much just horse but each move gets added on until they can't do it. It was especially fun today because we got a bunch of people to join in on the game. It was good for our final game of add on. The session was only an hour long so we had to get back to Zach and Elijah at my place.

We were basting my personal playlist on the way back to my place.

(small shameless plug if u want my playlist

https://open.spotify.com/user/silvverwind360/playlist/47MyfTd66Jfdjjo8znJeP7?si=U1atz0UkQ9CioDjqwUioiQ )

As we arrived back at my place, I tried to speak to the god that's inside of my head.

"Hey god, so what do we do not, I have picked my friends and I think we are good to go" (Silver)

"Hey, Silver so glad you finally called upon me, but first I need to explain this better to you and your friends" (god)

As my other friends arrived we all sat down on my couch and listen inward to the voice inside all of our heads

"So you four will be my adventures in the world of Magica. Magica is a world of sword and sorcery where power reigns supreme over all else. There are two main paths in the world: melee and magic. Melee is defined as anything that uses a physical medium to attach your enemies, not including things created by magic. Magic is anything that is created with the mana of Magica. Everyone has a training technique given to them at the age of 10 to grow their powers and since you are all over 10 I will be placing you into bodies that are 9 years old. You will find out more one you enter into the world of Magica." (god)

"When you told me about this adventure you mentioned something about points?" (Silver)

"Ah yes, the points, each of you will be given a number of points to be spent in the world market. You can buy anything if you have enough points. You will learn more when you guys are ready to go to Magica. Any other questions?" (god)

"Uhh yes, what is our goal in Magica?" (Zach)

"The main goal is to survive and thrive in Magica, I really couldn't give less of a shit what you do, just don't make a fool of me." (god)

"Well, that answers a lot." (Elijah)

"Well see you all when your 24 hours are up" (god)

After god left our brains, Zach was the first one to talk.

"So that is interesting, Magica, Huh" (Zach)

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