
Godlike: The Rise of a Skill-stealing Rune Master chasing revenge

Utterly mad and consumed by hatred, Sebastian attacked Erika Luttrell’s manor. As the woman incinerated him to ashes, Sebastian died with a crazed smile on his face, finding humor in his own death. But fate had a wild twist in store for Sebastian. Thanks to a trinket bequeathed by his dead father, the pyromancer gets sent back to the past, landing right in the middle of another shot at payback. There is only a tiny insignificant problem plaguing the man. Madness followed him, pushing him to take completely avoidable risks. With a grin on his face, and flames in his hands, Sebastian will make those who ruined his family pay and turn into cinders all the thespians within the mystical realm who gave him his powers. --------------- RELEASE SCHEDULE: Two chapters a day UNLESS I have real life stuff to attend. CHAPTER LENGTH: 1000-1200 words long chapters. --------------- TAGS: #Skill Creation #Alternative World #Regression #Mad MC #Male MC #Western Fantasy If you want to share some thoughts or have a chat with me, you can join the discord's server here: https://discord.gg/dZpb4TBRJc

PilgrimJagger · Kỳ huyễn
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340 Chs

They are dead meat

Another week passed since the speech. Within the city of Plerg, significant changes had occurred.

The citizens, spurred by Mayor Reed's call to action, mobilized for the resource-gathering effort.

People of all ages and backgrounds joined in, contributing to the collective defense of their home.

The streets bustled with activity as citizens worked to gather resources.

Logs, stones, and various materials were hauled through the city, intended for use in producing weapons, defenses, and military structures.

The only sound within the city was that of hammers pounding and saws cutting as makeshift workshops sprung up throughout the city.

Many citizens took up arms, while some turned their focus to the creation of weapons and armor.

Blacksmiths toiled away at their forges, shaping metal into swords, shields, and other defensive implements.

Craftsmen fashioned sturdy armor to protect the city's defenders from the looming threat of the fangeds.