
God Slaying System

Issac was known to be one of the strongest players of Blue Sky City. During the initial stages of the start of The Heavenly Domain, he had already gained a lot of power and was going to become even stronger then the guild leader. But, he was betrayed by the guild leader as he feared he would be more powerful then himself and was killed until he got back to level 0. Heck, they even stripped him of his 'Sword of Heroes' that he got from completing the Diamond Ranked quest and took it away. After all that, he was banished from the guild left with nothing. Now, he could not even compete for being strong as he was. That was the time he found the God Slayer Temple. After this encounter, he was no longer the same as before. *** The main point is that I got the inspiration to write this novel by reading the novel “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God”. So, you may find some minor similarities but, well the story is completely different and the ideas are mine. So, enjoy reading my novel. *** Instagram: @ritsav7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=47872874

Happy_soul · Du hí
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11 Chs

God Slayer Temple

Black Star gave a quick look at Issac who was standing at the corner of the guild hall. With the Sword of Heroes which was a Gold rank weapon, he had nothing to fear.

He slowly approached Issac who was staring at him with eyes of complete disdain. One look at him could tell all that Issac was feeling right now, hopelessness.

The other guild members present in the hall cleared their ways as Black Star approached Issac. Right now, Black Star was like a king walking down the road towards his people.

Issac could not even speak a word at this moment. Even though he felt immense hatred and anger at Black Star, he could not do anything.

Right now, the only one thing he wanted was the money that was promised to him by Black Star.

Even though he had not made an official contract, he thought that if he begged for it, Black Star might give him his share depending on the amount of contribution he had made to the guild. But, this was all in vain as reality was not so kind.

Black Star invited him to a private room in the guild hall where they could discuss their matters privately. Issac had no choice but to only follow him as he was at his mercy.

The private room of the guild leader was really big with a large area that encompassed it and it was filled with really beautiful furniture all around the room.

After Black Star locked the room and saw that nobody was hearing them, he sat down on the sofa in the middle of the big room with the other group members at his back. They all had a really evil grin on their faces that was determined to destroy Issac.

"Guild Leader Black Star. Why? Why did you do that to me even after I contributed so much to the guild. Did I do something wrong or didn't follow your orders ?" Issac asked as his knees fell to the ground with him feeling completely betrayed at this moment.

"Idiot. You did really well and contributed a lot to the guild but, you shone too much. Your shine even blocked mine own and how could I forgive you after that? Even with all that power you possessed, you were really a big idiot to not even form an official contract using the Heaven Judgement System. Haha. And see where you have fallen now." Black Star said with complete evil looks on his eyes

'Damn it !!' Issac was really frustrated at this moment.

The reason for their betrayal was nothing more than just because of his popularity. Even though he followed each and every orders of the guild leader, at last he was betrayed just because he was better then the leader himself.

Right now, Issac's frustration and anger had no bounds but he still controlled himself thinking about his mother, the only one he had left in this world.

All his group members that could be called friends were nothing much then a bunch of envious beasts. These people should not even be considered humans for doing something this sinister.

Issac thought that even if he didn't get his items and equipment, he needed the money. So, he left the topic of weapons and equipment he had lost and wanted to talk about money.

Even if they took all his equipment right now, he could always gather them back later but his mother was something that if he once lost would never return.

"I'm sorry if I shone brighter than you guild leader. But, please even if you take all my weapons and equipment, provide me with the promised money." Issac begged for the money as if his life depended on it.

Looking at the Issac before him, Black Star didn't even show one bit of empathy towards him.

Instead, he became even more frustrated at the person before him. He had heard many people talking about how Issac should have been the guild leader instead of him.

Even if he had wanted Issac to make Dominators the rulers of Blue Sky city, he was a true devil who only could move forward by pulling others before him down.

"You think you are in a position to make conditions with me ? It seems like I need to show you your place." Saying this, he quickly unsheathed the sword he had hung on his back and struck Issac with all he had got.

1 hit, 2 hit, 3 hit he struck Issac until his HP was reduced to 0 and finally released some of his frustration.

But even that was not enough for him. Issac came before him begging for the money even after dying for 9 times until which his level had already been decreased to 10. After dying for about 9 times from Black Star, he gave up all hopes and left the guild.

But, these bastards even then didn't leave him alone. He was assassinated until he was reduced back to level 0. While doing all this, Black Star laughed as he made Issac suffer.

Issac even after being reduced to level 0, didn't think about it at all. He only wanted some money and begged for it until the end but even then, these bastards only made him their punching bag and released all their frustration on him.

Even though players could only feel some pain in The Heavenly Domain, they could set their pain perception at different percentages.

While normal people let it at default value which was 20%, experts like him had put it at 60-70% while he had put it at 70% himself. But, even after all that beating, he didn't feel any pain.

The only thing that went through his mind at that time was to gather money for his mother's treatment.

A week passed like this and as he couldn't collect the required money for his mother's treatment, he wasn't able to see his mother again. Now, he was alone with no one left to support and uplift him in his darkest time.

Wandering, he traveled through various kinds of environments and places all over The Heavenly Domain. He didn't have any specific goal or target in his mind.

After his mother's death, the only things left with him was the house where he used to live with his mother and this basic VR set from which he could play The Heavenly Domain. He also had a little amount of money which could last him for about 2 weeks at most.

After that, he wouldn't have any money left and also didn't have any specific goal or path in life, so he just decided to travel through Heavenly Domain as even walking around his house was painful as it was filled with his memories with his mother.

After travelling non-stop for about four days, he found himself deep inside of a jungle. He hadn't even realized himself traveling all those places like a body without a soul.

After he looked over at his surroundings for a while, he found a cave at the foot of a hill. As he was just level 0 right now and also didn't have any plans, he decided to enter the cave as it piqued his interests a little.

After entering the cave, a sudden system announcement was shown over his head on a flat piece of digital board.

System : Player has found the entrance to God's Graveyard. Teleporting the player in 3,2,1 ...

Suddenly, before he even realized it, the whole area around him started shining as it radiated a really bright white shine and, after a few seconds, everything returned to normal and the white light that had blinded him for a moment was gone.

After maintaining his composure, he opened his eyes to discover himself in a completely different surrounding.

He stood before a really big temple which was about the size of a big mansion. He walked inside the territory of the temple fascinated by this scene before him. After walking towards the temple, he stood before 2 massive gates behind which the temple was present.

Just the force that was coming from the temple made breathing harder for Issac. Maintaining his composure, he pushed the 2 big gates before him.

System : Do you want to open the doors of the God Slayer Temple ?

Issac promptly clicked on the "Yes" button before him as the 2 big gates started opening slowly.

A frightening amount of pressure got released the moment the gates were completely opened. Issac felt as if a God was present in the temple as this kind of pressure was not radiated even from the mighty beasts known as Dragons.

Under this pressure, Issac even forgot to breathe his whole body trembling slightly.

After a moment of getting used to this pressure, Issac started moving inside of the gate. As the temple was really big, he wandered around it for about 5 hours before reaching the center area.

This temple really was a work of art as countless stories of the Great Sage War of the past were even shown in the various areas of the temple.

Although the temple was really informative, Issac didn't find any weapon, equipment or item. So, the information was pretty useless if he didn't even have anything.

The center area of the temple was really big. This area was very vast as beautiful flowers surrounded the whole area. Just the scenery was enough to mesmerize anyone present there. Even Issac himself sat there for a while admiring the scenery before him.

After looking around for a while, Issac found a chest and a grave in the center of this area. Issac went near the grave as there was something written on it.

'Here lies the grave of the God Slayer. A human who challenged God themselves during the Great Sage War'

After reading the text, Issac was thoroughly surprised. Issac had already known about the various incidents of the Great Sage War while walking through the God Slayer Temple.

In many of those stories, the God Slayer was an absolute legendary figure who had even challenged the Gods residing in heavens and had even managed to kill several of them.

So, why wouldn't he be surprised when he learned that this was the grave of such a legendary figure?

Now, Issac was really excited to open the chest which was beside the grave. A chest kept alongside the grave of the God Slayer should contain some really great treasure.

System: Do you wish to open the God Slaying System?

The system showed a message as he went to open the chest. After seeing the God Slaying System, Issac became really excited as he clicked on the "Yes" option.

Suddenly, the lid of the chest broke open as the chest slowly started to open up. A great dazzling light escaped the chest as the lid started to open. It looked as if light that had been collected for several millennia had escaped as the chest's lid opened.

Issac was stupefied by this scene.

After a while, the dazzling glow that was coming from the chest went out as the content of the chest became clear.

"Huh? Only a ring? I thought that maybe it would contain some kind of divine weapon or something." Issac sighed as he saw only a ring was present inside the chest.

Issac picked up the ring which was giving off a chilly feeling. The ring gave off dazzling golden rays as he tried to pick it up.

As he touched the ring, he felt the surrounding temperature drop by many degrees. Even as he tried to pick the ring up, he couldn't.

'What? The chest has only this ring and even this can't be picked up? What kind of joke is this?' Issac thought as he put even more strength trying to pick up the ring.

No matter how much he struggled, he could not pick up the ring. Thinking about giving up on the item, Issac stood up to leave the place. Suddenly, the sound of the system entered his ears.

System: Do you wish to bind with the God Slaying System?

If you have any new ideas about the story or find faults in it, be sure to let me know in the comments or in the reviews. Thanks a lot for reading my novel.

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