

"You're the….what?" Malakah said, confused.

"The hero!!" Axel said loud and proud. "The hero always shows when the side characters need him the most. And here I am."

"Hey, YOU'RE a fucking side character!" Jayden yelled out.

"Jayden, please don't encourage each other." said Jun. "Now…Axel, I'm not sure if you've fought an angel of this level before, but this is an archangel. They answer directly to the Seraphs who ONLY answer to the Gods. They command fleets of angels. A single slayer can't just-"

Axel held up a single finger to shush Jun. Jun's eyes widened at the audacity of Axel.

"Again, different menus."

Malakah slammed his spear upon the ground once more and everyone's attention returned back to the matter at hand.

"No more words." Malakah rushed at Axel who was the closest to him. Axel grinned and charged right at him. Malakah jabbed his spear forward in such a quick fluid motion that it was almost easy to miss that he had just started his attack.

Axel dashed into a sideways dodge to evade the spear and then rolled right into a second one off of his opposite foot back towards Malakah. The archangel came to a skidding stop and then immediately turned to counter the incoming Axel.

Is he going in for another punch?! Malakah thought. I need to be wary, he most definitely possesses physical strength beyond the others!

Malakah braced himself to intercept the potential blow, except -

Axel had rushed right past him and was now running in the opposite direction.

"W-what is the meaning of this?!" Malakah demanded.

"I'll be right back!" He yelled back over his shoulder.

"See, all talk." Jayden chimed in.

"What's wrong with you two?! He's wide open!" Jun said as he kicked off in a powerful dash towards the distracted angel.

"R-right!" Iris said as she too was distracted by Axel's apparent flee from the battle.

No matter who it is, teamwork is key to winning against an enemy of this strength! Jun thought. Even if I have to work with someone as arrogant as this guy. Any plan is open to adaptation!

Jun got the jump on Malakah - He brought his blade up in a powerful fast arc as he came upon the archangel who was just now turning his head at Jun.

Jun's sword deflected off of the archangel's armor and flew backwards out of his hand from the impact.

"Captain!" Jayden yelled out as he ran to his aid.

"What just..happened?" Jun uttered out as his hands shook from the shock of the blow.

"Your blade is indeed sharp. But when you lose that superb focus, it becomes so very dull." Malakah said. Before Jun could react, the angel burst into the air and kneed Jun directly in the chin.

"Ugh!" Jun's mind went blank and it felt like he momentarily lost control over his body. His body was lifted off the ground from the great force of the attack.

Malakah, in quick succession, then powerfully flapped his wings to rush right back down and slam its spear in Jun's gut.

"GAAAAHHHHH!!" He yelled out as blood sprayed out of his mouth.

"Jun!!" Iris screamed.

Jayden quickly pulled back and notched two arrows. "Hellfire." The arrows went from black to a fiery red. With his cursed weapons ability, he was able to swap between different arrows. He released the string and the two arrows jammed in Malakah's armor.

With a loud roar, the arrows exploded into a chaotic flame that latched onto the angel.

"....." Malakah flapped his wings and the flames that had covered him were completely snuffed.

"...you're kidding me right?" Jayden nervously chuckled.

Malakah twisted the spear that still sat in Jun as it pinned him to the ground. "Gahhh!"

"J-Jun!" Jayden called out.

Malakah looked down upon Jun. "How easy it all fell apart. I really must thank your cowardly friend as his interference led to this. I'll do what needs to be done and then do to him what I'm about to do to all of you."

"Try saying that again but three times faster."

Malakah quickly turned around and saw Axel standing in the middle of the road. Except now he had the giant sword in hand that he had tossed at him earlier. The handle was a swirl of black and gold, and the blade itself was about the same size as he was.

"Oh, and for the record, I just needed to retrieve my sword. But I'm ready to rumble now." Axel said as he held up his hefty weapon with a single hand.

"Axel, help us save Jun!" Iris yelled out.

Axel looked down at Malakah's feet where Jun sat in writhing agony. Jun peered over at him through mostly closed eyes from the pain that was coursing through his body.

"Hmm." Axel muttered to himself as he took in the situation.

He lowered his sword towards Malakah with a grin, "No thanks, that's not really my thing. I just wanna fight this guy!"

Axel's body began to take on a soft black glow to it as his excitement climbed. A voice called out within his mind:

< God Core System, Initialize >

Reminder, 100 power stones = 2x bonus chapters! Let's clear this first goal so we can issue a challenge to the current popular works on Webnovel! >:D

Kenji_Tezukacreators' thoughts
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