
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

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31 Chs

Chapter 7

(3rd person Pov)

"You know my name how?. This is our first time meeting" Alice asked with curiosity clear on her face.

"I'm sure your sister told you about me" vincent responds. "Yes she did but that still doesn't explain how you know my name " says Alice.

"Let's just say it's a secret" vincent replies with a little chuckle at the end. "Why though" Alice begins "I think I should know if some cute stranger I've never met before knows my name".

Vincent chuckles at this "so you think I'm cute" he questions the short vamp.

"Yes" she begins "But it's still weird that you know my name if we've never met before" Alice finishes saying.

"You felt it didn't you"Vincent begins causing the vampire to show him a look of confusion.

"The mate bond it's what brought you to my seat to no doubt introduce yourself . He pauses earning a look of surprise from his mate. He continues on saying "let's just say I learnt your name from it".

"Wait you know about the mate bond how aren't you human" questions the pixie.

"Yeah I do it's what brought me to forks" vincent pauses as he looks in her eyes "I just had to come see you all" he finishes.

"Wait how did you know we where in forks are you related to a supernatural are you friends with any" Alice asks.

"I had vivid dreams about you and the others that's how I knew where you were and for the last time no I don't have any relations with the supernatural except for you guys of course." says vincent

Alice was about to continue the conversation when she heard the door opening she quickly took a seat beside vincent to which he gave a small smile while looking at her the pixies face turns a bit red from it.

As the teacher opens the door looking surprised "Its nice to see you two arriving so early" he says

They just nod there head towards him and continue there conversation making sure to whisper.

Alice begins questioning her mate "so what's your name" she questions already knowing the answer.

"Vincent de Raizel and yours" he responds. "Alice Cullen "she responds with a beautiful smile before continuing "What's the de in your name stand for" she asks curiously.

"Honestly I don't know I just think it sounds cool" says the protagonist shrugging his shoulders.

Alice continues asking him some questions in a enthusiastic voice .Which always puts a smile on vincent's face because of how enthusiastic she is and remembering how she was like while he was watching her on the tv in the hospital.

More students begin entering the class before the Bell goes off starting the lesson.

Through out the class they continued there Q&A session with mostly Alice asking the questions. They became closer because of this sharing a few secrets with each other during the class as well.

They made some jokes as well always getting a laugh from one another.

As the session comes to an end Vincent and Alice leave the room while still conversing.

"What session do you have next" Alice asked. "Spanish" he replies causing Alice to look a bit disappointed.

"I have maths so I'll see you at lunch" says Alice a bit disappointed . "okay " he replies getting a hug from Alice.

As there bodies touch they feel as if they were electrocuted. Alice quickly separates with a blush on her face before telling him a quick bye before running off.

Vincent just stands there in shock.

(Mc Pov)

As I approach my next class I couldn't help but wonder what was that feeling when Alice hugged me. It felt as if our souls were touching but I could sense that it was just a small touch.

After I felt that feeling of our souls touching. As we separate I could vaguely feel her emotions or at least I think I did as she ran off. I felt a warm feeling radiating from her while she ran away which I associated with happiness. I put it at the back of my mind for now until class is over.

Nothing much happened in Spanish class. I wasn't too interested because none of my mates were In the class but I did see mike and jessica. I wasn't too interested in having a conversation with them though so I just ignored them.


As I hear the bell ring I quickly got up to head to the cafeteria but before that I went to the bathroom to relieve myself.

As I'm approaching the cafeteria I hear a lot of noise. 'Expected' I thought.

Pushing open the doors I see everyone's eyes shift from the Cullen's to me making it silent for a while before Alice sees me and starts waving at me which causes a bunch of gasps to be heard around the cafeteria.. They start whispering while looking at the Cullen's and me. Wondering what our relationship was.

As I make my way over to them I see bella out of the corner of my eye staring at me with confusion turning to her friends to ask them something. As I arrive Infront of there table Alice gets a bit giddy.

I could see edythe giving me and Alice a questioning look while the rest of the Cullen's giving me a look of curiosity.

I introduce myself to them and asked for there names with Jasmine going first who I guess is the replacement for jasper she was a ten out of ten In my books and then I look at the girl beside her and oh my god.

My eyes widen at the sight of her she was good looking yes but I wasn't focused on her face I was looking at her breast they were fucking huge. I quickly recompose myself hopping they didn't catch me slipping up but by the way she was smirking I guess she had caught me she proceeded to introduce herself as emily.

Finally came the blond beauty called rosalie who was giving me a look of hate. I began wondering what I did wrong.

"You were checking out her girlfriend" Jasmine answered. I was shocked girlfriend and how did she know what I was thinking.

I suddenly remember her male counterpart having the ability to sense and manipulate emotions which is pretty dangerous. So she must have sensed my confusion I thought.

"Come take a seat Vinny" I heard Alice say causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"Vinny?" I said in a questioning tone to which she giggled responding "yeah it's your nickname now".

"Okay" I respond then I look at rosalie and my word she was BAD but I quickly recompose myself again and start apologizing "I'm sorry for checking out your girlfriend" I tell her not feeling an ounce of regret . I hear her grumbling out "It's fine".

I got curious and began asking "I'm sorry but aren't you sisters" I questioned them.

"Adopted but yes we are sisters but we are also dating each other" Alice says smiling." I'm with Jasmine" she says looking at the girl who gives her a smile." Rosalie with Emily and edythe's single so you can have her" she finished.

' I'm taking all of you whatchu mean' I thought. "Okay" I respond now looking at Edythe who is sitting beside me holding her head down.

Seeing that I felt an urge to tease her so I continue "I think I will take you up on that offer"I say causing her to instantly look at me with a stunned expression on her face while blushing.

"What are you doing here"says rosalie.

"Alice invited me didn't she" I look at her and question with confusion clear in my voice. She begins "No I mean what are you doing in forks".

A smile creeps on my face as I examine all of them before replying "I came for all of you the mate bond was drawing me here" I say leaning over and whispering to them.

I see there faces morph into one of shock (except Alice She already knows )

Author: Hopefully this style of writing looks better to you guys. it certainly does to me also can you leave a review.Thank you

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