
A God Is Backing Me

Sorry guys I was extremely tired trying to get into art last year so I stopped the output, but I can assure you that it will resume back more regularly in the summer since FIREBALL540 Asked I'll try my best to put them out there. So, ENJOY


When Karisa said those words the four guards including Old man Ivan were shocked as everyone knows that the gods disdain them as being defects of the world and that's why no god has ever answered their prayer or even lent a helping hand.

Even though some gods' respective believers are humans that's not what they see us as because we can't really provide anything to them and to them it's a relationship with a two-way street as even if we provide them with little faith why would they care as hundreds of millions of believers that have no problems at all.

This wasn't the only problem as the stronger a person is the better the quality of the faith energy, they receive this is what really made it even more useless as we who had no talents and were basically crippled having no way to use mana was derived a line between those who were born regular and those that were like us.

This is the reason why many years ago our ancestors who were living their days in peace and harmony were massacred due to the fact they saw us as pests that were spreading a disease which was called their children.

Children that were born from parents of defective humans were seen as future people who would rob the empire of talents if they were allowed to mingle with those who had talents even if One parent had a powerful talent or exceptional control in mana or aura, they would be unable to bear children with those talents if they fornicate with defected humans.

This carried on for years until the empire saw that this was a serious problem as they started proclaiming that Talents, Mana, and Aura were gifts from the Higher beings known as Gods and those who don't have them are seen as sinners of Gods which caused the condemnations of hundreds of millions of defected humans.

As this was the start of the great massacre of sinners they called it but in the end did they only kill no they didn't some raped women as they please and sold children and men so normal people don't have to do dirty laborious jobs most of the time and even worse is that as a slave just them breathing can cause them to get beaten to death, whipped until their skin is torn.

That wasn't the scariest thing as some who weren't able to handle it anymore committed suicide, but this was solved with the use of slave collars which caused their actions to prohibit their deaths and with that, it only got worse as you know how warlocks and mages even summoners need practice targets.

Well, all the better to use the slaves and they are even twisted enough to say that if they survived, they would be let go but, in the end, the possibility of survival is infinitely close to zero so all they can do is obey and die obediently when ready. They are mauled to death by summoner beasts used in maddening wicked rituals by warlocks just to gain power and used as target practice for the spells of mages.

And all of this is ignored by the gods as they don't see us as humans the 14 main Gods just do what is best in their own interest and lower gods usually follow them, so Ivan and his guards did not understand as this was the first-time new gods were born rather than those who worked to the top to gain a divinity and are still climbing upward.

The five of them were all thinking of this as this is their history that was burned deep into our blood and told by everyone to stay safe but to think what this little girl is saying that a newborn god which is a very important matter as even the 14 main gods see this as important as they want to ensure that they can tie them to their philosophy so when they become powerful in the future they could be of help in times of need.

"You guys quickly go outside and tell them to lock down everywhere no one goes in or out or else "Old man Ivan said this with a panicked expression as he was reminiscing the history of their people and the look on his face showed mixed emotions as if he was happy, confused and perturbed on the matter of what Karisa spoke.

The four guards quickly ran out to tell the rest of their compatriots with a frightened expressions due to the shout from old man Ivan but not before the old man said to them "If I hear any of you speak what was spoken here in this tent, I'll beat you black and blue with a metal plank.

The guards shuddered when they heard that but there was silence because all they did was turn around and nod toward old man Ivan and continued to rush out of the large tent to alert the other guards of the orders given by Ivan.

"You know talking about this without telling other people would be better you know the right little girl because if others and I mean betrayers find out about what you said you could immediately die to them, and they would relay this information to others."

"Next time you need to be careful of what you say in front of others as their somethings that can only be said alone to the person who needs to receive the message just like when you came in you were looking at my wound right."

"That's because one of the workers here when I was on a tour of the mining area attacked me and seeing that they had no slave collar and I have gotten information from them finding out the person was from a group that came to settle here and was most likely bribed to send the location of this place to them."

"But sadly, they didn't know that this place's magic gets scrambled due to the occasional sandstorms because the sand has great absorption abilities to absorb magical properties and disperses them to the surroundings and since he was here, and no one was coming for him including he couldn't sneak out without getting caught he aimed for me when I was distracted."

"You can now imagine that moving these people will cause problems as there might be traitors in it so if you are not careful you could die before you even complete your mission so next time be careful okay and never do something like that again so explain."

Old man Ivan said all of this with their safety in mind as if what she told them was true then they have the backing of a god although newborns can tackle many things depending on how powerful they are but can still die prematurely before they rise if they are not careful enough.

Karisa, hearing this, understood her mistake and shook her head and nodded listening to the advice given to her by old man Ivan with that said she finally spoke and said " I'm sorry about my mistake and will correct it but now another thing is that your wound will kill you. You should have some of this before we start explaining"

Karisa walked over and handed a small pouch that had some light green powder inside and gave it to Old man Ivan this dust was the fairy flower dust that Karisa and the others use to soothe injuries and help with major ailments other than that they are put down in case of emergency situations.

Seeing the pouch Ivan saw the powder inside and understood it was some kind of herb. Still, the thing is he had never seen it before and was a bit reluctant to try but stuck his finger and laced it with some powder and untied the bandages on his arm seeing the deep stab wound which was left and he directly plunged his fingers in to spread the powder.

After a few moments, you could see the old man's complexion getting better and the wound was slowly healing and getting better in which old man Ivan thanked Karisa and chuckled with an expression full of glee and even got up shaking his arm around a bit, from the use of the medicine he could see that there were improvements making his body feel refreshed somewhat that he wanted to ask about it but knew this was neither the time nor place.

So he quickly sat down back and waved his hands to Karisa to get back to the discussion as he wants to hear all about this God and understand the reason why he was helping them so much that he wanted to recruit others as this was what was making him anxious as if this god is like the other gods and goddess and just using these kids to round them up it will be a disaster.

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