

What would happen if God of Death, who should be dashing and scary, loves to play around and be in the human world in disguise? Pretending to be scared with his friends when he sees a ghost on campus?

Lintang_Pratistha · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 20. Eating Melon

To show his loyalty and sincerity, the ghost of water must help Jack Bai at this time. So the water ghost gave Jack Bai a smile then silently stretched out his pale hand trying to hold Arya's ankles and pull her into the water.

Jack Bai looked at it and said, "Wait!"

Too bad it was too late, Arya had already been dragged away until he staggered under his feet and fell into the lake. But on the other hand, Arya looks like his jumping into the lake, hisself.

Indra was even more astonished and said, "Is his brain that sick?"

When Arya was pulled away, he immediately thought of ghosts. Arya was so scared that huge splashes of water splashed and screamed for help.

Jack Bai glared at the water ghost, then said to Arya, "Who are you calling? Stand up alone!"

Arya was stunned for a moment, the random movement he was doing earlier stopped suddenly, Arya looked a little funny.

It's an artificial lake, and it's not deep at all, the deepest is only 1.5 meters, Arya can still show his head when he stands straight.

Then when the class bell rang, Indra glanced at Arya and said, "Let's go ashore, be careful!" then Indra together with Jack Bai went to the class.

"Hey, I heard that a boy is kneeling for another boy in the freshman class!"

"I hear it's a declaration of love!"

"Wow! The gay couple was born?"

"No! I heard the boy refused, turned and left with his roommate!"

"Triangle sadomasochism? These melons are so sweet! I'm done!"

"The kid was rejected, heartbroken, and jumped into the lake!"

"It's a good thing the artificial lake is shallow, better single. Aren't cellphones fun?"

"Not only that, the kneeling boy also said that if he accepts his love, he will give his all the money! The boy is a second generation super rich!"

"Damn it! I was a bit excited as a boy, wish he had come and confessed his love to me!"

"I take back what I just said that I'm still single, heart +1!"

Jack Bai and Indra only looked didn't care.

Arya rubbed his hands and said fearfully, "Sorry! It's my fault! I disturbed the relationship between you two. I will distance myself from you soon, although I haven't inherited the company now, I still have money. Do I need to arrange a round-the-world honeymoon for two?"

Jack Bai and Indra could only be silent and massaged their heads.