
God I will beat you in your own game

once there was a looser hopeless man in the world who has nothing goes right in his life he just continuesly fails in his life whatever he is trying to do every next beautiful women he saw passing by the road they call him mad in front of his face that's how bad he looks and he just fired from every job he get because of his overthinking and his slow weired behaviour he just lost every hope from this fucking world but he never lost hope on himself he has strong belief on himself that whatever bad will happen to himself one day he will shines like no one will ever does and despite doing suicide he continue to live his life with his full belief and passion and he just gives his everything in his work he do lots of meditation but his situation is never change because his belief in his life God himself really impressed in his belief and ask him his wish first he never believe that God himself comes in front of him then suddenly he remembers all the hate and disrespect he gets in his pathetic life and he makes such a wish that he himself becomes the god .God just don't hesitate to fulfill his wish and give him very immense godlike power but after that with his increase power his hate also increases towards this world and he becomes the dengerous threat to the world and the responsibility to save this world is comes to the shoulder of The GOD himself does God will becomes successful to save this world...............

Raging_dragons · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

The legacy

As the universe continued to thrive and grow, the gods began to think about their legacy. They knew that they had created something truly magnificent, but they also knew that they would not be around forever to protect it.

They decided to create a council of gods, made up of the most powerful and wise of their kind, to ensure that their work would continue even after they were gone.

The council would be responsible for overseeing the protection and maintenance of the universe, and for making important decisions about its future. It would be a formidable group, with each member bringing their unique skills and abilities to the table.

The gods also knew that they had to find a way to pass on their knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. They began to seek out promising young gods, those who showed potential for leadership and innovation.

They took these young gods under their wings, teaching them everything they knew about the universe and its workings. They trained them in the art of creating worlds and nurturing life, and they showed them how to protect the universe from threats both old and new.

The young gods were eager to learn, and they soaked up the knowledge of their elders like sponges. They knew that they were being entrusted with a great responsibility, and they were determined to live up to it.

As the years passed, the council of gods and the new generation of leaders worked together to ensure the continued prosperity of the universe. They faced many challenges and threats, but they were always ready to adapt and overcome.

Their work was not without its setbacks and failures, but they persevered, always striving to do better and be better.

And so the legacy of the gods continued, passed down from one generation to the next. The universe they had created continued to thrive and evolve, a testament to their skill and determination.

As they looked out upon the cosmos, the council of gods and the new generation of leaders knew that their work was never truly done. But they also knew that they had created something truly remarkable, and that it would continue to flourish long after they were gone.

For they were the creators and protectors of the universe, and their legacy would live on forever.

For millennia, the council of gods had worked tirelessly to maintain the delicate balance of the universe. They had faced countless challenges, from rogue planets and cosmic storms to malevolent beings that sought to destroy all they had created.

But as the universe continued to expand, a new threat began to emerge. A group of gods, disgruntled and dissatisfied with the council's leadership, began to plot a rebellion.

At first, their grievances were minor - they felt that the council was too slow to act, too cautious in their decision-making. But as time passed, their discontent grew more severe.

They believed that the council was too complacent, too content to rest on their laurels and bask in the glory of their past achievements. They argued that it was time for a new order, one that would be more dynamic, more daring, and more willing to take risks.

And so they formed their own group, a cabal of powerful gods who saw themselves as the true guardians of the universe. They believed that the council was weak, and that they could do a better job of protecting the universe and ensuring its continued prosperity.

At first, the council of gods was unaware of the rebellion brewing beneath the surface of their domain. But as the dissident gods grew bolder, their activities began to attract attention.

Rumors began to circulate of secret meetings and whispered conversations, of plots to overthrow the council and seize control of the universe. The council dismissed these rumors as baseless gossip, unwilling to believe that their fellow gods would ever turn against them.

But then came the day when the dissident gods made their move. They attacked the council's stronghold, their powers unleashed in a fierce and deadly assault.

The council was taken by surprise, and they fought back with all their might. But they were outnumbered and outmatched, and soon the rebels had seized control of the stronghold and imprisoned the council.

For years, the rebels ruled the universe with an iron fist. They made sweeping changes, altering the very fabric of reality to suit their own ends. They were ruthless and brutal, and they cared little for the consequences of their actions.

The universe began to suffer under their rule. Worlds were destroyed, civilizations were shattered, and chaos reigned supreme.

But even as the rebels enjoyed their newfound power, a small band of loyalists began to gather in secret. They were determined to free the council and restore order to the universe, no matter what the cost.

And so they launched a daring rescue mission, slipping past the guards and infiltrating the stronghold where the council was being held captive.

It was a risky gambit, but it paid off. They were able to free the council and engage the rebels in a fierce battle that lasted for days.

In the end, the loyalists emerged victorious. The rebels were defeated, and the council was restored to its rightful place as the guardians of the universe.

But the damage had been done. The universe was scarred and battered, and it would take centuries to repair the damage that had been done by the rebellion.

The council of gods knew that they had to be more vigilant in the future, that they could never again allow dissension and betrayal to threaten the stability of the universe.

And so they redoubled their efforts, determined to ensure that the universe would continue to thrive and grow, no matter what challenges lay ahead.