
God's Work - A Bauntiyādo

It all took one foul step to ruin the world. In a dystopian, far-off reality rebuilt from nuclear fallout and near eradication of all living beings who were saved by the very gods they prayed too when they finally stepped into human conflict, we have kept peace. Summits between the prosperity of the mortal and immortal are held every decade in the capital of the country of New America. That is, until it all went wrong. Meet Peony Vivre and Jupiter, the two men strong enough (and stupid enough) to devote their time to protecting the current president. During the modern Summit, Peony accidentally slips on Zeus, the God of God's robe, bearing him naked to the entire mortal race. In a act of childish frustration, the God sieges war on the mortal race and gives them three months before he sends his cherubs down to demolish the ants he once protected from a not-so watchful eye. With the world against the two, they become labeled as terrorists and forced into the Bounty Hunter trade in order to not only get stronger but build a team to stop the mighty from burning the legacy of the permeable to the ground.

Amity_Amity · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

One: "The Domino Hits Another."

Howl was out of breath before he even reached the middle of the staircase, a futile effort as if he were condemned with pushing a boulder up a hill for all of eternity in solemn judgement of his snickering peers who looked down upon him, yet he pushed on. One blubber-like leg swung to the step below with such intensity that it shuck the very leg fat he held on his body. It slapped against itself and made violent, meaty impacts which echoed in a radius of his lingering stench which one would say vaguely smelt like tuna. Howl argued otherwise.

Upon reaching the final step, the rotund man could swear he almost had one foot though the pearly gates, swearing under his breath in a light southern accent that made his words curl on his tongue. He looked around, intent on finding his superiors to relay the information he had yet couldn't find nothing but dirt in mounds with little smiling faces drawn into them.

That was when he felt a tap on his shoulder, Howl let out a screech and jumped back. He landed on his back and couldn't get up, similar to a turtle flipped on it's back. He flailed his arms in fear as the figure laughed.

"Whad'ya need, Halt?"

The figure asked. He was similar to President Teach, tall and sleek yet built with such a frame that he could easily crush your head into fine powder. Despite having such a trickster's smile upon his face, any onlooker couldn't see the man's eyes as he wore a mask to cover the entire top portion of his face as if he were the Phantom of the Opera. This man was Jupiter.

"Howl. A-Anyways, Mr. President says you and Vivre can come up now. Summit's s-soon."

Howl meekly whimpered, afraid just to be in the presence of his superior. Jupiter was known not only for his potent strength but for his intimidation and ruthless demeanor. His very shadow demanded your respect or else he would work you to the bone in order to get it out of you, squeezing your very tendons like a ripe orange to get the juice out and chug it in a single go.


Jupiter muttered, crossing his arms. He then turned around and yelled in the direction parallel to the staircase, beckoning for who Howl assumed was Vivre.


He yelled, walking up to nearby the staircase and kicking a small stone into what could be interpreted as the face of whoever was underneath.

"HEY! You could of said it nicely, asshole! I have ears!"

Vivre yelled, smacking the other's foot like a cat. He made a displeased noise as he got out and dusted his legs off. Vivre, otherwise known as Peony Vivre was the president's other guardsmen, though he was more carefree then his salty counterpart. His hair flowed rebelliously with a large strand over the right eye of his scarred face with none but maroon glasses adorning it. He was the better looking of the two, being the end of a lot of female admirers who worked for Marco as secretaries and such but as Jupiter would tell anyone who dared ask him, ("He's too set in his ways to love someone other then the nobody in his reflection. Besides, he doesn't care for their breed.")