

Jin walked out of the Lecture Hall as he let out a deep sigh. There was no students in the hallway so he wasn't getting those weird stares by the students.

'It's only been the first day of me being an instructor and I already beated up some students for disobeying me huh. I guess my old habits can take place in this school, but probably shouldn't do it again.'

Although Ozpin seemed to be okay with it, he knew that Ozpin would definitely reprimand and warn him for his actions, especially Glynda.

Her stern, strict and sharp personality definitely won't allow him to get away with just a few words from Ozpin. She may also punish bad students, but she wouldn't brutally beat them up like Jin. At best, she would just go for a long session of nagging and scolding.

'I just hope that the students won't be too afraid of me, especially Velvet. My life won't be complete if I don't take her for myself. I need that booty....and those nice fluffy ears.'

Jin had some weird fantasies before he mentally prepared himself to be scolded for hours. He then looked at his Teacher uniform and he gave out a sigh.

'All that fighting and talking is making me hungry. It's almost lunch time, might as well take this uniform off before eating.'

If he didn't take his teacher uniform off, then he would be stared at everywhere he goes and he would be a subject in their gossips.


*Flash Back*

Jin and the gang was now eating breakfast at the Dining Hall, but he was still getting stares from many students in the area.

On the outside, Jin looked like that he was unaffected of the stares he was getting. But in the inside, he was weirded out at the situation.

'Can you people just mind your own business and eat?! Are you suppose to stare at me all day?!'

Not only him, but the entirety of team RWBY and JNPR was also weirded out as some people were also staring at them for some reason.

They were all having trouble at eating their food because of all the attention they were getting.

"L-let's just hurry up and get to class..." Jaune suddenly spoke out.

"Why are they also looking at us? Jin's the one with the suit, so what's their problem?" Nora said with a nervous tone.

'Nora is actually getting nervous at the situation. I thought she'd still be all jolly right now, but this....' Ren thought as he casually ate, completely not caring of the stares he was getting.

"Let's just hurry up and get out of here." Blake said before she hurriedly eats her food.

"Eating while so many people are watching you feels creepy." Ruby said while shivering.

"I'm definitely changing my clothes before lunch." Jin said as he gobbled up his food.


Jin was going back to his dorm room to change his clothes, but on his way there, there was a certain audacious girl that pounced on him from the side. She shamelessly hugged Jin from behind his neck and she said closely to his ear.

"Hey Professor, what class are you gonna be attending next."

'Ah, its her.'

Jin just did his signature flirtous smile as he held her hand, "Anne, come on, we're in public."

"So what? With you wearing that suit, its really hard for me to control myself." She closely said in a seductive voice as her hands started exploring his body.

She was a young woman -around 17-18 years old, with a bob-cut light brown hair with sharp edges, coupled with light blue eyes, a beautiful face and an attractive body figure.

(Look at this picture:


She is the girl from the bottom right, but I tampered with her personality, hair, figure, and face. And since the series didn't mention her name or anything, I decided to give her one. So it can be said that she is an Original Character but in the same time No....I think...Maybe? I don't know, you decide.)

Apart from the girls in team RWBY and JNPR, she was the first female student that took the initiative to interact with Jin, along with her aggresive attempts to seduce him. She was quite of a seductive woman even though she was still a virgin.

His interactions with her in the recent days consisted of them flirting and creating sexual tensions. She would even sexually harass Jin almost everytime they meet.

Jin stopped walking, "Hey, aren't you suppose to be on class right now?"

"Our teacher dismissed us early." Anne said as she continued exploring Jin's body.

"Then how did you know that I was going back to the dorms?"

"I didn't know you were. I was just walking around the school and I happened to see you." Anne replied as her hands began unbuttoning his uniform.

"So, why weren't you together with your friends?"

Anne smelled Jin's manly scent before answering, "That's why I was walking around school. I was trying to find them."

'The perfume he uses smells good, coupled with his natural manly scent....It's just perfect.'

Anne then directed her hands towards Jin's crotch and she caressed it, "Hey Professor, there shouldn't be any students in the dorms at this hour. So why don't we have a quick tussle on the sheets.💕"

Jin almost gave in to temptation but he controlled himself. He wasn't a horny, weak-willed, virgin boy. Even though he had alot of sex drive, he was still able to control his lust properly.

'I haven't done it in weeks, but its ok.'

When they first met, she gave him the impression that she was a pervert. Their interactions later on just confirmed it. Everytime she had a chance, she would sexually harass Jin.

Not that he didn't like it, but if he didn't teach this girl who's the Alpha, then his pride as a man would disappear with the wind. It's just this wasn't the right time to do it.

'She's more of a pervert than Yang. I wonder....If me and Yang weren't siblings, would she pounce on me?'

Jin knew that his elder sister would sometimes look at him with desire in her eyes, especially if he was half-naked. He knew that the identity of him being her biological little brother, was the only thing that prevented Yang from making a move on him.

"I don't have enough time for this Anne. I still have alot of things to do." Jin said as he stopped her hands.

Anne pouted, "Come on! We still have an hour! That's already alot of time!"

Jin suddenly got her hands off him and he turned around. He placed his hand on Anne's hip and he leaned forward until their lips touched each other.

Anne's eyes widened in shock at his sudden action and she unconciously opened her mouth. The moment she did so, Jin's tongue entered her mouth.

Anne could feel her soft tongue being coiled around by his own, completely taking the lead. This fierce kiss from Jin made her body heat increase with every moment and her breathing became ragged.

Jin's hands began massaging her thighs and ass with great skill, causing Anne to moan loudly. He was using his [Electrokinesis] in a profound way to stimulate her body and turn her on. She then began wrapping her arms around him.

Their intimate moment continued for a good thirty seconds until Jin separated himself from her and a string of saliva connected them for a moment before it broke off.

"That's what you get for now." Jin smirked.

Anne's face turned red and she was taking rapid breaths, completely aroused from Jin's kiss and massage. Her body was still hot and she looked at Jin with a lustful gaze.

"That was my first kiss you know....and you have to take responsibility for making me like this."

Jin closed in on her again and grabbed her ass. Anne had a crazy smile in anticipation for whats to come.

"I'll take care of you soon, just wait for it. I really don't have time do it right now, sorry for leaving you like this."

With that, Jin separated himself from her and he walked away. Anne's body was trembling as she felt her lower regions itch. She looked at Jin's back with desire and said to herself.

"You asshole.....you better do it sooner!"



Ruby was sniffing and analyzing Jin with a suspicous gaze. She felt that something felt weird about Jin, and there was a foreign scent on his body.

Jin, along with the entirety of team RWBY and JNPR was now eating lunch at the dining hall together. He was now in his student uniform and was munching on his grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

'I smell something other than his perfume, as if it came from a woman. Ah, I smell a sweet orchid type of perfume! Woman! It was a woman!'

"Uhhh, Ruby why are looking at me like that?" Jin asked.

He was weirded out at how Ruby was sniffing at him. He then heard a sound of sniffing coming from his left and he saw that Weiss was also analyzing him.

"You were with another woman aren't you." Weiss asked in a cold tone.

Jin wasn't dense, he knew that Weiss was jealous, 'Wow, when did Weiss start falling for me.'

Ruby's eyes turned sharp, "Yeah, and it looks like you two did something other than talking."

'Ok, you are my twin sister. Why the hell would you get jealous if I hang out with other women? When did you become a bro-con?!'

Yang had a mischievous smile as she butted in, "That's right! I saw a female student clinging on to him as they walked towards the dorms before lunch!"

"W-what? That's not true! Wait, how did you...."


Sorry for the late update. I'll be posting a second chapter later.

As for my second novel, I'll let you guys know if its released, I'm still writing some advanced chapters for it.

Padoru_Sabercreators' thoughts
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