
That Night

The year 2024

Scene: The interrogation room.

Agent 47: Glitch, you know I've heard of you. I wanted to hire you for my team, but you know what happened.

Glitch: (remains silent, meeting Agent 47's gaze)

Agent 47: Haha, I remember that night vividly. It was the night everything changed for you.

The year 2023

Flashback begins

Glitch and Nastor find themselves in a safe house, deep in discussion about the sudden communication blackout with headquarters.

Glitch: Nastor, something doesn't feel right. Our comms to HQ are down, and we're left in the dark.

Nastor: I know, Glitch. It's as if we've been cut off deliberately. But why?

Suddenly, Agent 35, a trusted colleague, enters the safe house with a cold determination in his eyes. Without warning, he targets Nastor, eliminating him with ruthless precision.

Glitch: (shocked and enraged) Nastor! No!

As Glitch mourns the loss of his friend, he quickly realizes the magnitude of the betrayal. He manages to restore communication with headquarters.

Glitch: (voiceover) HQ, this is Glitch. We've been compromised. Nastor is dead. I need immediate extraction and assistance.

However, the response from headquarters is disheartening. Their trust shattered, Glitch is left to fend for Him Self.

HQ: (over comms) Glitch, we're sorry. We've been betrayed by Agent 47 and his team. We can't offer any assistance. You're on your own.

Driven by a mix of grief, anger, and determination, Glitch embarks on a treacherous journey. He attempts to make his way back to headquarters, but with every step, he encounters obstacles and threats .

Frustrated and with limited options, Glitch remembers a conversation with Nastor before his demise.

Nastor: Glitch, if something happens to me during this mission, go to the old safehouse I told you about. you will find a hard drive open it

Glitch follows Nastor's advice, seeking refuge in the old safehouse that Nastor had revealed to him just days before his death.

Back to the Present - Year 2024

Scene: The interrogation room.

Agent 47: So, Glitch, what did you find in that safe house?

Glitch is taken aback, surprised by Agent 47's knowledge of the safe house.

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