
Chapter 6: Explosion

Chris starts running as fast as he can thinking 'Coach is scary..."

The others follow soon behind worried that Chris is gonna exhaust all his stamina and will collapse

"OH MY GOD... I AM... SO... TIR- I CAN'T I CAN'T EVEN SPEA-" Chris says gasping for breath

Everyone else followed him in gasping for breath

"Good job kids! You did one hundred laps in 4 hours! Don't skip next time and you wont need to do anymore!" Coach says laughing hysterically

"Trust- m-me I will do e-everything to not" Chris replies gasping and catching his breath

"Do you all want water?" Coach says as he chants

"Come water (Indescribable words that the students cant understand) water come forth" Coach finishes the chant with a ball of water in front of the four of them

"Thanks!" They all say as they begin drinking from the ball of water

As they all drink from the ball of water they hear a explosion and coach immediately reacts saying to the four "Go to the nurses office.."

"Huh, Wha-" Zach begins asking before being interrupted

"Just go. Immediately." Coach says in a stern and strict manner

They all head into the school nurses office, It just has beds and curtains in it, Chris immediately lays down on one of the five beds there

"I wonder what that was" Ken asks

"I don't know but it seems dangerous we should just stay here and listen to Coach's directions" Zach replies

"Did you hear that explosion it sounded like two bombs collided and blew up" Lily says

"Maybe someone made a bomb and it accidentally went off" Zach implies

"Hmmm, Maybe someone made new magic!" Lily says excitingly

"I-i hope not, explosion magic sounds dangerous" Ken comments

"What do you think it is Chris?" Zach asks and they all turn to Chris

"Hmm, I think we should just sleep it off, We just ran 36 miles.. Lets just sleep" Chris replies as he closes his eyes

The four of them hear another explosion near the track

"Dude! That was close to us! We were just there!" Zach says

"Shouldn't we run!?" Lily comments

"B-but coach said to stay here" Ken replies

"L-lets take a vote, I v-vote we stay and listen to coach" Ken says

"I say we run" Lily says

"What about you Zach?" Lily says

"Lets run.. We shouldn't stay in a dangerous place like this" Zach decides

"Okay, Who is gonna lead the way?" Chris comments

"Chris you should lead the way, You're often running through the neighborhood, you should know the in's and out's" Zach says

"I agree" Ken, Lily both say

"Oh well, Ok. Follow my lead-" Chris says as they all hear another explosion near the back of the school

Chris leads them out of the school and begins to run them behind alleys worried of the fighting but in a useless attempt a masked man appears in front of them

It might be going a little fast, But trust me! I have a idea!

ImDravacreators' thoughts
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