

When June entered the main entrance hall of the Guild, the hall was packed with Gifteds and it looks liked they were the ones responsible for the noise. Exhibit A: The Guild doors blasted wide opened.

June could see the diverse ethnicities in the crowd but they had one thing in common. They looked like soldiers and gangsters mixed together, which was an interesting view for June. They all had this disciplined feel to them, but felt like they could go crazy any moment. Plus, June thought these guys could get a fashion consultation from Fleur, because what they're wearing is the perfect example of all kinds of wrong. Leathers, spikes and everything yikes, this are the ingredients to create the perfect fashion disaster, that would make Fluer go all kinds of crazy.

"Pietro" Minjae, greeted one of the guy in front, which June assumed was the leader. Minjae's expression and voice was confident, not the least intimidated by the battalion that's in front of him.

Pietro is very tall and muscular. Has a dark-ish brown hair and gray eyes. He's a little more put together than the rest. He's wearing a black, fitted tank top, that accentuates his muscles. A black, camouflage cargo pants and black combat boots.

"Minjae, how are you?" Pietro greeted back with a vexing smile. June noticed his thick accent, but couldn't distinguish which one.

"What are you and your underlings doing here?" Minjae asked. Although June could see that Minjae is calm, but the aura that he's emitting is very dangerous. It's like the calm before the storm. June had this feeling that if a battle is going to happened, Minjae could wipe all those Gifted in front of them by himself.

"Uptight as always" Pietro said, smirking.

"We don't have time to entertain guests today, so if you have nothing else to say, then please leave" Minjae said as polite as possible.

"I'm afraid I can't do that" Pietro said, walking forward. "You see, our guild is so large that we don't have any room left for the new recruits in our guild house. So father asked me to take this guild house no matter what the cause is."

"And what if we don't leave? You know you can't kick us out, because this is still technically Lady Maria's Guild" Minjae asked, not fazed by the threat. June and Cameron both braced and readied themselves, because at any moment, a fight might erupt.

Pietro let out a sigh, "let's face reality here shall we? This Guild's dead!" He said, laughing "Your Guild master is never going to return! So instead of letting this Guild house go to waste, we'll be taking it. Even if we have to take it by force"

All of Pietro and his companions looked so intimidating that June's not sure if they will be able to survive, if a fight is going to break out. Facing Shadows is one thing but facing Gifteds is another.

Suddenly Pietro's expression got bored and said "Take the house, and if they resist? Beat em up"

Then all of Pietro's companions charged. Then suddenly; twin clawed shadow hands appeared from above, striking downward like a X, which stopped the Gifteds in their tracks.

"There is nothing more I dislike than people disturbing the peace of my Guild" A voice said.

Everybody turned to the source and saw Maria. She's standing on, kinda like a indoor balcony, over looking the whole entrance hall.

Pietro's eyes widen in shock and disbelief " La....Lady Maria"

"You looked so shock seeing me here. Last time I checked, this is my Guild, is it not?" Maria said. Although the way she speaks is very calm, but with the calmness comes an intimidating presence.

Pietro and his underlings has a wide range of emotions, ranging from nervous to stunned. One person looked like he's about to pee in his pants anytime. That's how Maria's presence affect people in the Castle, which was new sight for June. He only knows the Maria in Crystal Mist, which was, yes, still intimidating but a more tamed version of it. But seeing her here in the Castle having this much authority was a shock for June, that he got a little scared himself.

"Since this is a very busy day, I will let this one occasion slide. But make no mistake, if this ever happens again, I will make sure you all are properly disciplined. Even if I have to go against Egor" Maria said, walking down the stairs.

"Are we clear?" Maria asked, arrived at the final step.

"Yes" Pietro answered, but his voice was barely audible.

"Good, if that is everything, I will have to ask you all to leave" Maria said, walking to direction of living area.

Pietro's underlings didn't need for them to be told twice, as they all hurry out of the Guild as quick as they can. But Pietro stayed for a moment, glaring at Minjae, Cameron and June.

"This is not over. You'll all pay for this" Pietro threatened, then stormed out of the Guild.

June let out a breath that he didn't noticed he was holding. He's thankful that a fight didn't break, and he doesn't even wanna think about one happening.

"Good job holding your own back there" Minjae said, putting a hand June's shoulder.

"June!" A familiar voice shouted.

Everyone turned and June almost lost his balance when a super excited Jordan hugged him. Jordan had a lot of change in his body, since the last time June has seen him. Like, he got more built and features got more defined, which made him more handsome. His black hair turned gray and the most notable change is Jordan's eyes, which is now purple. Real purple and not contacts purple, which surprised June.

"Hey, buddy" June said, hugging him back. June felt relived to see Jordan alive. Guilt has been eating him ever since Jordan got kidnapped by Luke and he's just glad to see him.

He came from a portal, followed by Alisa, Caleb, Andrew and Miyaka.

"June!" Alisa said, beaming.

June released Jordan and hugged Alisa next.

"I'm glad your safe" Alisa said, almost getting choked up by tears.

"Thanks A" June said.

After Alisa, Caleb gave June a quick hug. Although he didn't say anything, June could see that Caleb's happy to see him. Then finally, Andrew hugged his brother.

"Don't ever do that to me again" Andrew said, hugging June tight

"I won't" June said, hugging his brother tighter.

After June and Andrew hugged, they both faced everyone.

"Sorry guys for worrying all of you" June said, but smiling. He's just so happy to see everyone. He felt like everything's happening so fast that he couldn't keep up. He's just glad to see people that felt like home to him, alive and well.

"We're just glad your okay" Caleb said, patting June's back.

The reunion was cut short when they heard Maria's voice from the other room. "I'm glad that all of you are happy to see each other again but all of you can catch up later. Everyone eat your breakfast and afterwards gather in the living area"

"Wow, that never changes" June said, can't hold his smile.

Andrew burst out laughing. It's so contagious that everyone followed.

Everyone started catching up while headed to the kitchen.

As everyone eats their breakfast; June asked how Jordan's taking everything so far, The whole Gifted and stuff.

"I'm still adjusting, but I'm getting there" Jordan said

"You should have seen him when we first tried explaining everything to him" Cameron said, with a mischievous smile.

"Why, what happened" June asked

"Our dear, little Jordan fainted right after we explained everything to him" Alisa said, laughing.

"I think his brain hay-wired with too much information" Andrew said, laughing as well.

Everyone laughed, while Jordan is just beat red with embarrassment.

June also noticed the sheathed katana that's Jordan's been carrying around his waist. Jordan said that the sword was just there when he woke up. Minjae said that when he tried to barrow the katana to study it, it always returns back to Jordan no matter what. June asked if Jordan already unsheathed the sword. Jordan said that he was instructed not to unsheathe the sword, yet until Minjae could figure out what his Gifts are first. June looked so curious to see the blade of the sword that he kept starring at it, which made everyone laugh.

Everyone is just having a great time when Minjae stood and said "Alright guys, today is going to be a long day so be prepared. Also we have to gather at the living area, Lady Maria has been waiting for us"

Everybody followed with out complaint. They all got up, placed there dishes on the sink and head to the living area, leaving Minjae and Miyaka.

"Wow, they're more obedient that I expected" Minjae said, a little shocked. Hooking his right arm around Miyaka's shoulder, while Miyaka wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I hope our future baby will have friends like them" Miyaka said, resting her head on Minjae's chest.

"Our baby will" Minjae said, kissing the top of his wife's head, affectionately. Then both of them headed to the living area.


Everyone's gathered at the living area, which by the way is just amazing. The living area has a very modern, artistic interior design and setting. Form the couches to the fire place, form the lights to decorations, everything is just clean, modern and contemporary.

Everybody's scattered around the room but all eyes and ears are on Maria, whose in the middle of the room.

"Today is recruitment day for the young Gifteds who were saved from the outside world, or for Gifteds that were born here in the Castle, who reached the right age to pick a Guild who can nurture them." Maria explained.

Maria also explained how the Gifteds are recruited every year. It all starts with all the Guild masters having a dossier of the Gifteds that are going to be recruited, which stacks up every time a Gifted is brought to the Castle. All the Gifteds that were brought to the Caslte will join the Gifteds who were born in Castle and be given basic training and nurturing until the recruitment day. The Guild masters will have the opportunity to see who is right for their Guild, and offer them an invitation for the Guild. For those Gifteds who were given two or more invitations, will also have the chance to see the Guilds in action; most of the time in the arena, when the Guild are having a tournament. This will help the Gifted choose which Guild they will choose comes the recruitment day. And the most important rule for the Guild masters is that every Guild must recruit until every Gifted has a Guild.

The reason why Maria's Guild stayed empty is because of two reasons: First, the Guild master was not around. Second, The members didn't had the chance to participated in the tournaments, because of the big disadvantage they have. But even though Maria is back, the Guild still has a low chance of having new recruits. The reason being Maria's late arrival and the the recruits, not having the chance to see what Maria's Guild can do.

Once a Gifted has chosen a Guild, they can never transfer to another, unless the Guild members are allowed by the Grand Master. A trade can be done as well, still with the consent of the Grand master. But if the Gifted that wanted to transfer but the current Guild master doesn't approve, it is usually settled in the arena with a duel between the current Guild and the chosen Guild. Having more members means more power for the Guild. So if a Gifted wants to transfer, the Guilds always welcome and fight for them.

The reason why the Guild member in Maria's Guild left was again because of two thing. First is again, Maria being not around. And second is; even if it could be settled in a duel, the members that were left were out numbered and overpowered by the other Guilds.

But in the case of June, Andrew, Caleb and Alisa, they were given an exemption. Maria explained that the Grand master has already given them the pass to be in Maria's Guild, since they were already trained by Maria outside of the Castle. In the case of Jordan he was already given by the Grand master an early pass in Maria's Guild, unless he wanted to join another Guild, which he vehemently refused.

Maria still sent out invitations, confident enough that they will have at least one Gifted joining.

The recruitment is going to be done in the main Castle hall in an hour so Maria, and every member of the Guild must participate, so Maria told them to get ready.

While everybody's leaving the room, Maria asked for June and Caleb to stay.

When it's only the three of them, Caleb asked "What's up? Something wrong? Is It Dad?"

"No" Maria answered, "The reason I asked both of you to stay is because of another matter."

Maria paused for a moment and dropped the bomb "I just got news from Linda, that multiple Shadows has been lurking around your house June"

"What? Is mom safe?" June asked, panicked.

"For now, yes. But it is not only her house but also the townhouse where Miss Balanchine, Mr. Baryshnikov and the condominium that Miss Fisher are staying." Maria said

"Are they safe as well?" Caleb asked, anxious.

"Yes, but they won't be for long" Maria answered "Linda said that the Shadows are multiplying and are just waiting for the right time strike"

"Why are the Shadows targeting mom and the others?" June asked

"It was because of that night (Pertaining to the battle that happened in the school), that the Shadows got more attracted to them." Maria answered

"We have to do something.... We have to save them" Caleb said

"That is the reason, why I asked both of you to stay" Maria said, "I will send both of you there, to rescue them. I know it has been a hard time for you June, and you're still not fully recovered yet but you and Caleb are my best options to send there"

"Why only the two of us?" Caleb asked "It could get dangerous."

"I cannot send all of you there for multiple reasons. One, it could get more dangerous if more Gifteds are present. Two, this mission can't get too much attention from the other Guilds and the Grand master. and lastly, I've seen what both of you are capable of and I'm confident enough that you two can pull this rescue mission off." Maria said, her voice exuding pride for both June and Caleb. "So I will ask you... will you both do it?"

"I will" Both of them said in unison.

"Good" Maria said, pleased "Now both of you will have to prepare and leave as soon as possible."

Both June and Caleb nodded, both feeling very anxious but determined.


"What did they talk about?" Andrew asked, keeping his voice low.

Him and Alisa are together, hiding in one of the hallways, curious about what Maria has to only tell June and Caleb privately. Alisa used her heighten senses to hear the conversation.

"Your mom, Isabelle, Pearl and Alex's house are being surrounded by Shadows" Alisa said, also keeping her voice low.

"What?" Andrew shouted

"Keep your voice down!" Alisa whisper shout, looking around if someone heard them.

"Sorry" Andrew apologized, "But are they safe?"

"For now, yeah. But Maria is not taking chances and asked Caleb and June for a rescue mission" Alisa explained.

"Well, we have to help them" Andrew said, started walking to the living area.

Alisa pulled Andrew's arm, stopping him. "We can't go" She told him.

"Why?" Andrew asked, confused

"If more people were sent, then it will only attract more Shadows and it will only jeopardized the mission" Alisa explained

Andrew still looked reluctant but Alisa said, "Let's just trust them and pray that everything goes well. This is my brother and your brother we're talking about. If it's them I'm sure that this mission is going to be a success. I know they are going to do there best, so let's do our best as well to make sure we have at least one recruit, Okay?"

Andrew debated for a moment, but he knows that Alisa is right. He can't have the mission failing because he wanted to go, especially when people's live are on the line.

Andrew let out a sigh, in surrender and said "Okay. Let's do our best here and let's just pray that their mission is a success."

"And that we will do" Alisa said with a sweet smile.

Then they held hands as they both headed to their rooms.


Maria, Minjae, and Cameron already went ahead of everybody else. June and Caleb stayed in the Guild house, since they will be going on a rescue mission. Miyaka also stayed, since she will be the one opening a portal to Crystal Mist. So that leaves Andrew, Alisa and Jordan to go to the Main Castle hall by themselves.

The Castle is not what the group expected it to be. Yeah it's called the Castle but it's more of like a city. They may be in north pole but the weather is just right. The City is protected by a barrier, and the weather inside is manipulated by Gifteds. The Castle is just like any city; It has a bakery, shops, a park and whatnot. It's super huge and full of Gifteds from around the world. The Castle has the perfect blend of futuristic and old design, that's just effortlessly meld together. Getting to the Main Castle hall is no problem since it's located in the very heart of the city and it's pretty much hard to miss. It the tallest and biggest structure around the city. But on the way there Andrew noticed how tensed Alisa was. Her hand griping Andrew's hand a little tighter and become a little sweaty. Gifteds were scattered everywhere, all headed to the Castle Hall. But one group of Gifteds suddenly block their way.

"I can't believe you still got the nerve to come back here, You trash!" A girl in front spat directly at Alisa, like she just ate something really old and disgusting. The Girl is very tall and beautiful. Has blond hair, Hazel eyes and fair complexion. She looked like she's the same age as Andrew and Alisa.

Alisa's hands got tighter around Andrew's hand and her whole body just became like stone. Andrew became more and more concerned about Alisa. Who are this people attacking her.

"Hey Trash, why don't you just leave and return to where you came from. Just seeing you here makes me wanna puke!" A guy with a mohawk spoke, with the same hostility directed at Alisa.

"Just die already!" A brunet Girl said in disgust.

The trash talk just kept on coming and Alisa is in the brink of breaking down.

"Hey! Who the hell are you people, for you to say that to my girlfriend!" Andrew snapped, pulling Alisa behind him. (*Writer speaking* I think it's safe to say that Alisa being Andrew's girlfriend, is an unspoken agreement between them.)

Andrew doesn't know who this people are but they're getting on Andrew's nerves. Nobody messes with his girlfriend and get's a way with it.

"Oh great, another one fell for her sorry facade" The girl with the blond girl hair said, with a huff.

"You and your brother really are amazing, that it amazes me every time" The girl with the brunet hair said, sarcastically "You managed to fool this guys. You managed to fool Lady Maria! and what's even more surprising is that you managed to also fool Sir Harper! But you know what, you will never ever fool the rest of us. Because we know who you and your brother really are! But I guess you got that from parents. You know what they say, 'once a child of a scum, always a child of scum!'".

Andrew could feel Alisa shaking behind him, which fueled his anger even more, that the temperature around him started dropping. The Gifteds that were blocking them felt the change in temperature, and notice that it Andrew was the one responsible for it. But even before Andrew could do something, and the Gifteds that were blocking them could say anything, suddenly a katana was pointed at the brunet girl's throat. It happened so fast that it felt like the katana appeared in thin air, stunning everyone.

Andrew and Alisa turned to Jordan, who they forgot was with them. Jordan's expression is really calm but his eyes are glowing.

"I don't know you people, but if you talk against Alisa one more time. I don't think your souls are going to survive" Jordan said, calmly, which is not Jordan at all. It's like he's a completely different person. The brunet girl visible gulped, as her eyes stayed on the katana.

"What do you think you doing?! Using Gifts for fighting are prohibited when it's not in the arena!" the Blonde girl shouted, walking forward. Which only attracted attention from everyone.

She was stopped when suddenly the katana is point directly pointed at her throat now. Andrew and Alisa couldn't even follow how fast Jordan was, to the point that they only realized what happened, after it happened.

"Do I look like someone who cares?" Jordan said with a cold voice.

"You think I'm sacred of you?!" The blond girl shouted. Then she she opened her mouth and breathed out smoke and embers.

When she's done, looked up at them smugly. But when she saw the katana still pointed at her throat, her eyes widen.

"How... how did that happen. Your sword should be melted my now" She said in disbelief.

Her Gift just went right through the sword, like the sword was never there.

"What is all this ruckus?!" A voice demanded, before anyone could say anything.

When the Gifteds, who were watching saw who was coming, they immediately hurried to the Castle hall.

The voice came from a very tall, dark woman, who looked like she's in her thirties. She's beautiful and well built, like an Amazonian warrior.

When the Gifted that were blocking Andrew, Alisa and Jordan, saw the Woman they all stepped back and bowed their heads. Jordan sheathed his sword, and looked like he was back to his old self.

"Lady Oba" They all said in unison, showing respect to the woman.

"What is the meaning of this?" The woman said, looking at the scene.

"We just had a little misunderstanding" The guy with the mohawk said.

"Little-" Andrew wanted to argue but Alisa stopped him.

The woman studied Andrew, Jordan and Alisa one by one. And when her gaze landed on Alisa, she looked very surprised, but quickly hid it and turned to the three Gifteds who were blocking them.

"Let us not waste any more time than we already have, Let's go"The woman said.

The woman left, while the Gifteds followed here, leaving Andrew, Alisa and Jordan.

Andrew turned to Alisa and asked softly "You okay?" gently cupping both sides of her face, lifting her head for him to have a better look at her.

Alisa nodded while trying to wipe her tears.

"Hey, it's okay.... Don't listen to them, okay?" Andrew said in comfort, hugging Alisa while Alisa quietly cried in his chest. "I got you.... okay? What they said is not true! I know you A and the Alisa that I know is kind, sweet, loving and a lot more. So don't listen to them, okay?"

Alisa nodded in his chest and Andrew gave her a kiss on top of her head.

"That's right! If those jerks ever talk badly of you again, I'll make sure they won't see the light of day ever again!" Jordan said trying to reassure and cheer Alisa up, which it did.

Alisa turned her head from Andrew's chest and said, with a teary smile "Thank you"

Andrew released Alisa from the hug when she's much better and held her hand, not intending of being separated from even for an inch.

"We better go, we don't want to be late" Alisa said, giving her best smile which made Andrew and Jordan smile as well.

The three of them walked to the Castle Hall with Alisa in the middle, Andrew on her left holding her hand, her head leaning on his shoulder and Jordan on her right, her arm hooked around his arm like the ones in prom.

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