

After Isabelle shed the last of her tears, she broke from Caleb's embrace. Celeb gently cupped Isabelle's face with both hands and gently wipe away her tears.

"Thanks" Isabelle said with a raspy voice.

Caleb just smiled sweetly at her that made Isabelle's heart flutter. Isabelle already saw Caleb's mismatched eyes on the night of the battle at the school. But seeing it up close took her breath away. Caleb's eyes shined and sparkled like beautiful and expensive gems. But what's more interesting in them, is that she felt like she see could see Caleb's soul. You know what they say "The eyes are the windows to the soul".

"Your eyes are really beautiful" Isabelle said still admiring Caleb's eyes, which made Caleb chuckle. Hearing Caleb's soft laughs broke Isabelle out of her trance.

"Really?" Caleb asked, one brow up with a sweet smile.

"Huh?" Isabelle said, blushing in embarrassment not even remembering what she said. This made Caleb chuckle again.

"You said my eyes are beautiful" Caleb said, smiling sweetly at Isabelle.

"Really?... Ugh....." Isabelle covered her face in embarrassment, her ears turning red. "You weren't suppose to hear that!....."

Isabelle's voice started fading out, when Caleb suddenly felt an ominous presences. It was faint at first but then it started getting stronger and stronger by the second.

"Caleb?" Isabelle said, looking at him with a worried look on her face. "Something wrong?"

"Pack your things, we have to leave" Caleb said, walking to the window and peaked through the curtains, checking the surroundings.

"What? Why?" Isabelle asked, following him.

"You're being hunted by a Shadow and a very strong one. That's one reason I came" Caleb answered.

Then Caleb felt the presence again. It was so strong that he felt like the Shadow could attack at any moment.

"It's already here" Caleb said, summoning his spear.

And just like on que, there was a knock on the door.

"This is security!" The person at the door announced. "We're gonna have to ask you to please come out. We received multiple noise complaints from your fellow neighbors."

"It must have been from a while ago" Isabelle said, looking very embarrassed. She started walking to the door but Caleb pulled her.

"Don't answer it!" Caleb said with a low voice.

"Why?" Isabelle asked with a low voice.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Caleb said, his eyes started glowing.

"If you don't come out, we will be forced to break in!" The person outside shouted, pounding at the door.

"What do we do?" Isabelle asked, panicking.

"Pack your stuff, Hurry. I'll take care of this" Caleb said.

"Be careful" Isabelle said, then ran to her room.

Caleb opened the door, revealing a police officer standing in front of the door.

"Can I help you?" Caleb asked, not bothering to hide his spear.

"Well, well, well, this must be my lucky day" The police officer said in delight, "Who would have ever thought that I would get the chance to feast on a very powerful Gifted"

"I'm sorry but I don't plan on being your food anytime soon" Caleb said, with a poker face.

The police officer hummed in delight "Oh... I do like it when they fight for their lives, It makes it more exciting and much more rewarding, when I eat them with so much fear in their faces. Hmmmmmmm..... Oooh I can't hardly wait, it's just making my mouth water!" Then it happened so fast. A huge scorpion tail whipped out from the police officer's back and swiftly lashed out Caleb.

Caleb shielded him self with his arms just in time, but the force of the tail was so powerful that Caleb flew back inside the apartment. The police officer entered the apartment, walking in delight as he watch Caleb groan in pain.

The tail made swift continues strikes at Caleb, only every time Caleb dodges by rolling on the floor, which only made the police officer let out a demented but delighted laugh.

"Ohhhh.... We'll just have to see how long you will last." The police officer said, while his tail keeps striking Caleb. "Eventually you will get tired and run out of energy. And when that happens my favorite part always comes next. When my prey always looks back at me with so much fear in their eyes. It just give me the shivers"

"Too bad, that won't happened" Caleb said. Swinging his spear, he redirected the next strike of the tail, hitting the wall instead. He skillfully got up, swinging his legs around and used his back to bounce up to his feet. Caleb went for the counter and jabbed his spear towards the police officer. But the police officer's tail strikes back, making Caleb dodge instead.

Both side didn't stop launching attacks at each other at a deadly speed, making it look like a deadly dance. Countering and dodging each strike they both launched at each other, full force. Every time Caleb's red energy aura infused spear and the police officer's tail clash, violent sparks flew.

The apartment didn't have much luck though. As the 105-inch curved 4k ultra HD TV got sliced into shreds. The expensive looking sofas also didn't survived, looking like a murdered stuffed animal. Shattered vases scattered across the apartment. What's worst is that Isabelle will lose her head when she sees her beloved gadgets, destroyed and in pieces.

Caleb does have experience battling with Shadows all his life, but facing this particular kind of high level Shadow is totally on whole different level and very foreign to him.

Caleb might be doing a great job of dodging and blocking at the moment but he's slowly getting tiered. The Shadow didn't stop its onslaught of attacks, getting more and more excited by the second. With a swift strike, the Shadow's tail extended. Caleb moved his head just barley dodging the attack.

"Hahahahahahaha!" The Shadow laughed. The Shadow run a finger on the tip of it's tail, where there was blood, then licked it's finger. "Ahhhhhhh!" The Shadow started twitching like crazy, it's body humming in delight. "Yes! This is the taste I'm longing for! So rich, and full of flavor, I just can't get enough of it!" Then Shadow stared at Caleb with hungry eyes, as blood gash out from Caleb's cheek "I can't wait anymore, I won't wait anymore, I'm going to kill you know!". It's voice sounded like a normal human, that can fool anyone but right now it's voice turned inhuman like. The Shadow screeched showing his shark like teeth. Caleb covered his ears, but the Shadow's hand transformed to mantis like blades. The Shadow's movements was so quick and pounced at Caleb with ear shattering screech. But just before the Shadow could take the blow, a gunshot rang through the apartment and the Shadow rolled on the ground.

The Shadow recovered quickly, then let out another ear shattering screech. The Shadow turned to the source of the gunshot, and saw Isabelle still in her oversize sweater and pajama bottoms, with a huge black hiking bag on her back and "Orianna" on hand, and is currently boiling inside right now. "Eat my bullets you monster!" She then let out a barrage of bullet towards the Shadow.

The bullets rained on the shadows, getting hit one after the other, forcing the Shadow to step back because of the unnatural strong force of the bullets.

Isabelle kept firing but eventually she run out of bullets. When the last bullet flew out form the barrel of the gun, the gun just made clicking noises when Isabelle kept pulling the trigger.

Not letting the precious opening that Isabelle made go to waste. Caleb dashed forward with a roar, stabbing the Shadow on the chest and impaling it to the wall. The Shadow struggled, trying to get it's self free. Caleb knew that this was just temporary and that the Shadow would eventually get its self free. They don't have much time keeping the Shadow in place and needed to make their escape right away.

"We have to go, that won't hold it for long" Caleb said, grabbing Isabelle's arm and led her outside of her trashed apartment. Isabelle took one final look at her apartment and let out a disappointed sigh. She had great memories in that apartment. She was the one who bought most of her stuff in that apartment with her part time as an editor for her parents who are very successful, witters and editors as well. Since they travel a lot and is busy all the time, they really don't have that much family time together, but Isabelle wanted to help her parents more so she can at least ease their burden, even if it's just for a little. With her talent she helps her parents do some editing. Her parents refused but she insisted and told them that it would be a great practice for her future career. It didn't take long to convince her parents but when they send her money, it was always much more than what she was receiving before helping them. She didn't complained though and just thought of it as her salary for her part time job. And with the money that she saved she bought most of her equipment, that was all destroyed in a blink an eye. She was regretful and sad, but right now her life is much more important, and she could always replace everything in the future.

Caleb and Isabelle ran through the hallways, heading for the emergency stairway, because it was much faster. Caleb tried taking Isabelle's backpack but she refuses, stating that she could carry it herself. Caleb didn't have time to argue so he just led the way and hastily run down he stairs.

When Caleb's foot landed on the last step, a wave of strong ominous energy hit him. So strong that he almost fell back, if not for Isabelle supporting his back.

"What is it?" Isabelle asked in worry.

"Stay here, don't move" Caleb said instead, then quietly opened the emergency door a little, then took a peak. The exit is located on the main lobby, so if you would like to go out the building, you'll have to get through the lobby first. But right now the lobby is in chaos. Screams of all type filled the lobby as Shadows scattered everywhere attacking normal people and wrecking havoc. Caleb closed his eyes in aggravation. If they wanted to get out of the building, they'll have to pass though the chaos that is ongoing, without being notice. When Caleb turned to Isabelle, her face was full of guilt. Thinking that it was her fault that innocent people are being slaughtered by Shadows. She thought that she should have just answered the door immediately and just listened to Caleb without being stubborn, then they might have already left the building safely and this chaos might have never happened. Now, they had no way of leaving the building. If they go back up to find another way, the Shadow that they left at Isabelle's apartment might have already escaped, and the Shadows that are chasing them will just go up before they can even escape, trapping them. If they wanted to go though the lobby they had to pass though the chaos without being noticed, which is pretty much impossible because the Shadows were hunting Isabelle originally and Caleb is like a beacon for the Shadows, making it impossible for them escape without being noticed.

Caleb instantly knew what she was thinking and gently grabbed her face with both hands "Hey, Isabelle look at me" Caleb said gently, making Isabelle focus on him with glassy eyes. "It's not your fault! We'll get out of here safely okay?"

Isabelle calmed down a little and nodded her head. Realizing she needed to be strong. She knew she can't always depend on Caleb. If she wanted to get out, she will make a way to get out, that's the person that she is. Thankfully she remembered this earlier that later.

"How are we gonna get out" Isabelle asked

"We have no choice, we have to go though the lobby" Caleb said, "We'll quietly sneak, going to the exit, hopefully avoid entering a fight and get out in one piece."

What Caleb said was very logical and practical but it was not easy to do. Not having any other choice, Caleb and Isabelle took a deep breath then quietly opened that the door and slipped out. They hid behind what used to be a wine case. It was not the best hiding place but that was the first one that they saw.

Shadows scattered across the room. On the walls, on the ceiling, flying, swinging from the chandeliers and of course on the ground: all terrorizing innocent people. Caleb and Isabelle hid behind the wine case waiting for the perfect opening when Isabelle felt something poke her foot. When she turned her head, her eyes widen and covered her mouth with both hands to keep herself from screaming. Her hands trembled as the dead eyes from a decapitated head stared at her. When Caleb saw Isabelle staring at the head. He pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her, blocking her sight from the head. Time passed and Isabelle's silent cries stopped. She raised her head to see Caleb's troubled face as he looked at the surroundings.

When Caleb notice Isabelle looking at her, his lips formed a small smile "You okay?" He asked gently.

Isabelle nodded and started to sit up straight. She looked around as well and noticed that there wasn't much of a difference. It was still chaotic.

"There's still no openings, it's too chaotic. If this goes on, we'll be found" Caleb said, worry laced in his voice. The worry was not for him though, it was for Isabelle. He just wanted her to be safe.

Isabelle looked around and saw that Caleb was correct. While peaking her head she saw a dead body flying towards in their direction. Caleb and Isabelle ducked their heads as the dead body slammed into the case, breaking the glass and the wines and champagne in it. But one champagne bottle did not break but instead just popped. The corked flew across the lobby. No seemed to notice it but Isabelle did, and what happened just gave her an idea.

"What if we make a way?" Isabelle suddenly said.

Caleb turned making sure that she didn't turned crazy for a moment. After making sure that she is in fact still sane, "How?" Caleb couldn't help but ask. Since he couldn't think of anything to get out safely, he'd listen to any suggestions there is.

"Do you trust me?" Isabelle looked straight in Caleb's eyes.

Caleb was startled by the question, because he didn't think that that it was the right question to ask in a moment like this, but he answered anyways "Yeah!" without hesitation.

"I know this might sound crazy but hear me out okay?" Isabelle said, warned

Caleb braced himself, and nodded his head.

"Do you know why champagne bottles pop when you open them?" Isabelle asked

"Uh.... Why are we talking about how champagne bottle pops?" Caleb asked, a little worried because they don't have time for this kind of talk.

"Stay with me, I swear I have a point" Isabelle said

"Okay" Caleb said, urging for her to continue

"It's because of the chemical reaction that happens in the fermentation process. Sugar and Yeast are added in the champagne. When yeast consumes the sugar, Alcohol and about 10 Grams of carbon dioxide are created. Making the long story short, When you open a champagne bottle, the built up pressure from the carbon dioxide that was sealed in the bottle, rushes out." Isabelle explained.

But Caleb looked confused. What does that have to do with the situation, he thought.

Then Isabelle answered his unspoken question. "I tried studying your Gift after the battle at the school"

"Really?" Caleb was surprised, when he heard what Isabelle said. He felt moved, because sometimes he himself doesn't understand his Gift because of it's uniqueness . Harper studied his Gift day and night, trying countless times to unleash his full potential, but in the end it was still lacking.

"Hm!" Isabelle nodded, then continued "But it's all still very limited because it all depended on the things I've just seen you do at the school. Which, the Red Aura that you have, enhances and boosts your offensive capabilities. And the Blue Aura that you have, enhances your defensive capabilities. I saw you often switch back from Red to Blue. I only saw you use both auras when you did the throwing spear in the air thing that you did, which I named 'Heaven's Strike'. Anyway going back, The effects of the combined auras are powerful but stressful on your body, and couldn't always be done. Why? because your body is not used to it. You mainly just use the one or the other. Now here's where my theory comes in. In order for you to use such a powerful move without stressing your body, you have to be like a champagne."

"Huh?" Caleb, not catching up.

"It means, that you have to slowly combine the two auras together, like sugar and yeast. You have to give yourself time to slowly combine the two auras, that way it doesn't stress your body. It helps you get use to the feeling of using both auras at the same time. Then at the right time, just like when the champagne is ready to be opened, you release the stored combined energy just like when a champagne pops. In the end, a powerful move but less stressful." Isabelle concluded with a smile.

"Wow" After explaining what she had in her mind, Caleb was just amazed. "But how do I do it?" Caleb asked. He only knew how to combine the two auras the way Harper thought him.

"Well you can spin you spear around, imagine that this will be the fermentation process. Then when you think that you can released the energy without taking a toll on your body, Then you just thrust your spear forward and release the energy. Just like opening a champagne bottle. You can start with this, then you can add your own style in the future." Isabelle said

Imagining how to do it the way Isabelle explained it really helped Caleb. There was a problem "If I needed to do that, won't I attract too much attention and will be attacked even before I completed it?"

"That's where I come in" Isabelle raised Orianna "I'll distract them while you do your-"

"No!" Caleb said not letting her finish "No! You hear me! I'm not going to risk your life in something that is still in theory, we don't even know if it will work" Caleb said, truthfully. He personally wanted to try out what Isabelle said but the matter of the fact is, it's too risky.

"But we don't have any other way!" Isabelle argued.

"No! I'll look for another way, that doesn't involve risking our lives!" Caleb said


When Isabelle was about to argue again, a loud scream rang out in the lobby that cut Isabelle from what she was suppose to say. Caleb and Isabelle peaked from their hiding spot and saw a young boy, who looked no older than seven years old, crying on the floor as he watched a woman get feasted on by a Shadow.

"Mommy!" The child screamed as the shadow threw the corpse away as if no longer interested

Caleb couldn't contain his anger and was about to charge up to the Shadow, when the boy let out a loud cry. It filled the whole lobby and got the attention of all the Shadows. The boy stood up, tears still steamed down his cheeks but his eyes are full of anger and torment. Suddenly a wispy figure of a woman appeared behind the child, like it's protecting him. The figure then slowly disappeared and the boy was suddenly wearing a white hooded coat, with long bunny ears. The boy raised his right hand and clenched his fist. He then swung his arm to the side and a huge scythe appeared in the boys little hand. The boy stood at about four feet at the most, but the scythe should be around six feet. The scythe also looked like it weighted a lot but the child has no problem handling it with one hand. Just like a horrific symphony, all the shadows let out a deafening screech in unison.

"Not good" Caleb muttered and was about to leave their hiding spot, when Isabelle pulled him back.

"What are you doing?!" Isabelle whisper shouted, He wasn't thinking of leaving her, right?

"I have to help that kid. He just went through the Gifting process, and his presence is much stronger than mine. He's like a bigger beacon of light that attracts the shadows to him, like a moth to a flame. If I don't help him, he'll be devoured in no time." Caleb explained.

"Oh" Isabelle said, She was ashamed with thinking that Caleb would leave her. Of course he would never.

When Caleb was about to leave their hiding spot again, Isabelle pulled him again.

Caleb just looked at her in question but impatience could be clearly seen in his eyes.

"You can't just changed in there without any plan, right?" Isabelle said, which made Caleb stop and realize it for a moment. "We have to take this opportunity, while the shadows are focused on the child, you can try out the theory"

"I can't! it's too risky and it could endanger the life of that kid" Caleb said, shaking his head.

Then the Shadows started pouncing one after the other towards the boy. They looked like people who are starved for a long time and was offered with an all you can eat buffet. They all opened their hungry mouths, ready to feast on the boy, but the boy was anything but scared. He lifted his hood over his head, then suddenly disappeared. The shadows, halted and screeched in anger, furious that their food disappeared.

Then on the edge of Isabelle's view, she saw a sliver glint. The next thing she saw was a Shadow cleanly sliced in half. Isabelle turned her head to the source of the glint and saw the boy for a millisecond before disappearing from her sight once again.

Caleb looked just as shocked as Isabelle, but he didn't saw the boy. The only thing he saw was Shadows being sliced one after the other. While Caleb was still in shock, Isabelle already snapped out of it. She pulled Caleb down and looked at him directly into his eyes. "God!... those eyes are so beautiful.....huh?...What am I thinking? this is not time to be thinking of stuff like this! Focus Isabelle!" Isabelle thought, shaking herself form getting distracted by Caleb's eyes.

"We have to take this chance, this is the only chance for us to get out of here without being killed" Isabelle said with so much conviction but Isabelle could still see the hesitation in Caleb's eyes. "You have to do this, before it's too late...." Isabelle said, changing "we" to "you". She knew that she couldn't really do anything, and that she was being a burden, but what she can do is to be a support system for Caleb. "For that boy as well. Even if he can hold them up right now, he cannot last long." She added.

Caleb let out a frustrated groan, "What if I fail? We only get one chance, if I fail then we're all dead" Right then and there, everything became clear. Caleb was not hesitant of doing it, but hesitant in failing.

Isabelle gently cupped Caleb's face with both hand and said "I know you can do it! I know you can! I trust you and believe that you will not fail, okay!" Isabelle said sincerely

When Caleb just looked at her and didn't answer, "Okay?" Isabelle repeated and little firmer this time.

"Okay" Caleb nodded, with new found confidence. This beautiful Girl believed in him, how could he not do it? "Just stay here okay?" Caleb said, firmly, making no room for discussion.

When Isabelle nodded, Caleb gave her a quick peck on the forehead then left their hiding spot. He run to a place were there is enough space at the same time has a good angle. He then let out a deep breath, closed his eyes to concentrate, then began spinning his spear around. He imagined himself as a tightly sealed bottle and that his blue and red auras, combining and fermenting like a champagne. The red fiery and blue misty auras danced around him and slowly fusing turning into purple.

Isabelle lifted her head from their hiding spot and saw Shadows being sliced one after the other, but the problem was that, there were a lot of Shadows. The thing that Isabelle was most afraid off came to life. The fact the the boy was still just a child, limited his capabilities. The boy started flickering in and out and becoming more and more visible by the second. The boy panted, looking tired and pale.

Shadows still circled him, happy that their food finally decided to show up. One Shadow couldn't wait any longer and pounced, heading straight for the boy. There was an internal war going on inside Isabelle, whether to try and take the attention of the Shadows away from the boy or to stay hidden. In the end, her soft-heartedness won out. She jumped out of her hiding place and lifted Orianna. The Shadow was only a meter away from the boy when a gunfire rang out, hitting the Shadow. The Shadow was pushed by the surprising force of the bullet and slammed to the ground then slid on the floor. All the Shadows turned their heads towards Isabelle and let out another screech.

Caleb's eyes snapped open and saw Isabelle, out of their hiding spot, smoke still coming out of Orianna. It almost broke Caleb's concentration, but when he saw the little boy hacking and slashing the Shadows down, the shadows' attention turned again to the little boy. Isabelle kept firing taking the Shadows' attention back to her and the little boy kept slicing returning the Attention to him. This back and forth attention grabbing made the Shadows confused as to who to attack first, making them all wide open.

Caleb knew that this was the opening that he needed. He spun his spear around faster and the aura that danced around him is now just one color. Then he felt something indescribable, but he knew that the champagne is already fermented to perfection and is now ready to drink. Then the world around Caleb slowed down. He position his spear, the purple aura expanded outward then got absorbed by Caleb's body.

"Get down!" Caleb shouted, now taking the attention of everybody. After a one second lag, he thrust his spear forward, with a loud roar and released the stored energy forward with an explosion. Like releasing the pressure in the bottle after the fermentation, making the cork fly. The energy blast shot forward, disintegrating every Shadow on its path. Thankfully the boy and Isabelle, dropped to the ground just in time.

The calm after the storm was horrific. Dead bodies lie on the floor, people who are fatally wounded fought for their lives, trying to stay alive and the whole lobby was thrashed. A person was crying out for help, who was crushed and trapped by a chandelier when it fell on him. Normal people who were hiding came out from where they were hiding, one after the other. They ran to the lifeless bodies of their loves ones. The lobby was once again filled with cries but this time cries of despair, pain, devastation, sadness and fear over the lost of love ones.

Caleb's spear disappeared as his body swayed, then he collapsed out of exhaustion, dropping to his knees. Thankfully Isabelle caught him just in time or he would have dropped on the ground face first.

"You did it!" Isabelle said with a teary smile.

Caleb let a sigh of relief and his lips lifted in an accomplished small smile.

"We have to get out of here" Isabelle said, taking a look at her surroundings. If they stayed there a little longer, more Shadows might appear. "Can you stand?"

Caleb nodded. Isabelle helped Caleb up and supported him. Isabelle wrapped her arms around Caleb's torso while Caleb's arm was hooked around her shoulder. When Caleb was steady enough to walk, Isabelle looses her hold around him but did not completely take her arms away. They slowly walked toward the exit. Their hearts hurt for all the innocent victim, but they couldn't do anything to help them. If they stayed more people will be hurt, so the best help they could help them is leave. As they were walking, they passed through the boy from earlier. Thankfully he was safe but the sight made Caleb and Isabelle's heart clench. The boy was kneeling before two lifeless bodies, one was the mother and the other was the father. His cries pierced Caleb and Isabelle's hearts. The boy didn't stop until his cries became softer and softer, until the boy passed out.

"We have to bring him with us. He's not safe out here." Caleb said, his voice was sad.

Isabelle nodded. She looked at Caleb if can stand on his own. When Caleb nodded, She walked towards the boy and carried him. The boy was still crying softly while Isabelle carried him, making Isabelle also tear up. When Isabelle returned to Caleb, Caleb pulled her to him and just hugged her.

Isabelle sniffed and lifted her head to Caleb "We have leave"

"Yeah"Caleb said with a soft voice, then they started walking out of the building. The weather was gloomy, matching their current mood. They hurried to June's SUV. Isabelle put the boy in the back sit and when the sit belt was secure. Isabelle turned to Caleb with an opened hand "I'm driving, you cannot drive in that condition. Keys?"

Caleb didn't argue and gave her the keys. They got in the SUV, set the location to June's House and drove off.

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