
Champagne: Part 2!

"So what can I help you with?" Isabelle asked

"I'm having trouble with the special move that you taught me" Caleb said, looking dejected and a little frustrated.

"What happened?" Isabelle asked, who started getting concern.

"I think it's better for me to just show it" Caleb said, they walked inside the mini arena

Isabelle really started getting worried and concerned with the way Caleb's acting. Isabelle stayed close by, anxiously watching Caleb as the barriers activated around the mini arena.

Caleb summoned his spear, then closed his eyes. Suddenly a surge of blue and red energy erupted around him, It was so powerful that Isabelle could visibly see that Caleb's literally in pain. The energy was so powerful that it was taking a toll on Caleb's body, when he started nose bleeding. It wasn't long before Caleb opened his, thrusting his spear in front of him.

The outcome was different from what happened back at Crystal Mist. Instead of shooting forward, the energy burst all over the place. Not a second after, Caleb started wobbling. From the very beginning, Isabelle started worrying because she knew something was odd with how Caleb did the move.

"Caleb!" Isabelle shouted in worry.

Isabelle immediately disabled the barriers just in time for to catch Caleb, who was about to collapse on the ground.

"Caleb! Caleb! Are you okay?" Isabelle started freaking out. She pulled out all her remaining energy and pulled a Caleb to the bleachers.

She sat Caleb down with a groan and pulled out her handkerchief from her pocket. Caleb let Isabelle wipe the blood on his nose as his eyes stayed on her worried face.

"What were you thinking?!" Isabelle scolded Caleb while trying not to burst out in tears. When the energy exploded all over the place, Isabelle suddenly realized what was odd and wrong. "Why were you rushing!"

"I had to. I don't have much time" Caleb said, hanging his head low

"Why?" Isabelle asked

"I just had to" Caleb said again, dodging the question

"You're not answering me, why were you rushing? You didn't even give yourself the time to fully combine the two energies! Why?" Isabelle asked, insisting on knowing the reason.

"It's none of your business!" Caleb shouted loud enough that the others in the training facility heard them. When Caleb realised what he'd done, his heart dropped.

Everyone in the training facility stopped what they were doing and just observed, just in case.

Caleb was about to apologize to Isabelle but he didn't expect what happened next.

"You don't get to say that to me! You were the one asking for MY help! So, you just made it my business on why the hell you trying to kill yourself!" Isabelle exploded. She didn't back down and shouted back at Caleb's dumbfounded face, pointing a finger at his chest. "Your stubbornness is beyond me. Don't get me wrong sometimes it's cute but sometimes it just gets on my nerves!" Isabelle said, as she rakes her fingers across her hair, breathing out a calming breath.

"Wait, did you just call me cute?" Caleb asked as a smile started lifting on his face.

Isabelle was baffled. She shouted her lungs out and all he got was she thinks he's cute?

"Don't try and change the subject Caleb, this is serious" Isabelle said, softening her voice but with seriousness in them. "Do you know that what you did could kill you?" She said, on the edge of crying.

It's not everyday that Caleb felt like that someone cared about him, with the exemption of his sister and father, so care that Isabelle showed him, really overwhelmed him.

"I'm sorry" Caleb apologized sincerely.

Isabelle knew that Caleb is really going through something, but she had to know what it was so she could help him.

Just as Isabelle was about to ask once again; Caleb spoke, answering her question.

"It was my father. He went missing not long after we went here" Caleb said filled with worry, his voice breaking.

"Do you know who took him?" Isabelle asked softly as she knelt in front of Caleb.

"We don't know yet, but….."

"You want to go look for him?" Isabelle asked, putting two and two together.

Caleb nodded "But I have to get stronger first. The people who took him are no joke, that I'm sure off"

"You will get stronger, but in the right way" Isabelle said, gently cupping Caleb's face with both hands

"I was really stupid….." Caleb said, being really too hard on himself but Isabelle interrupted him.

"No, you're not!" Isabelle said, but he lowered his head. Isabelle softly lifted his head to get him to look at her. "Look at me, believe me when I say that you are the one of the smartest most intelligent, not to mention cute, person I have ever met in my life" Isabelle said, with all her heart, which was successful in lifting Caleb's mood.

"You're not stupid, but sometimes you just need someone to help you"

"Thank you for telling me that" Caleb said in gratitude, giving her the most soft and adoring smile.

"And I'll always be here to remind you that!" Isabelle said, returning his smile.

Caleb unconsciously started leading closer to Isabelle, but Isabelle noticed that there was still blood on Caleb's nose and gently started wiping it clean.

"Where have you been all this time?" Caleb said with so much emotion, suddenly turning very serious, "If only I met you sooner"

"But you know me now" Isabelle said, giving him a soft smile.

"I do….. and I'm not going to let you go" Caleb said

Isabelle was blindsided by what Caleb said, that her face uncontrollably heat up. Was it a confession? Isabelle wasn't sure, but from her point of view it does sound like one. Isabelle really couldn't take her brain being fried for the second time, that day; the culprit is none other than the mysterious, fun, caring, intelligent, brave and cute(sexy) as heck person that's in front of her. Her mind was still on what Caleb said earlier, when Caleb stood up and started walking towards the mini arena.

"Where are you going?" Isabelle asked, in confusion

"I'm going to try again" Caleb said

"Are you crazy!" Isabelle said, staring at Caleb like he just grew another head.

"Don't worry, I won't rush this time" Caleb assured her, then he entered the mini arena.

Just as the barriers activated, Isabelle was able to enter the mini arena just in time.

"What are you doing?" Caleb ask in shock, as Isabelle walked towards him.

"Since your stubbornness knows no bounds, then I'll just have to guide you through it" Isabelle said

"But it's dangerous in here"

"Says that guy who almost killed himself" Isabelle retorted

Caleb visibly winced at the retort, feeling another wave of guilt. He knew that what Isabelle said was true, but it still hurt. Isabelle saw the guilt in Caleb's face and decided to just get on with the training, because if he continued feeling like that, then they won't get anywhere.

"What was the thing that inspired this move?" Isabelle asked, staring Caleb for a second but gained his baring immediately.

"Ummm…. It was a how a cork from champagne bottle pop when opened, right?" Caleb answered

"You got it" Isabelle smiled "Remember what I told you that day? You have to be like a champagne. The main reason why the cork flies out when a champagne bottle is opened, is because of the fermentation process that the champagne went through. Now what happens if you open a not fully fermented champagne?"

"The cork will probably not pop" Caleb answered

"Correct. You see, the fermentation is the key for the cork to pop and you cannot rush fermentation; just like with this move, you cannot rush and force your two energies to combine. You have to let it combine by itself with time."

"But I don't have much time, my father could be in danger as we speak. I don't have the luxury of time" Caleb argued

"I know" Isabelle said patiently "It doesn't mean that it will always take that long, you will just have to get your body get use to your two energies combining. And with practice you, you can improve" Isabelle said, trying to explain the bigger picture.

Caleb wasn't blind, he saw the bigger picture that Isabelle was trying to show. He was very reluctant at first, but if he doesn't perfect this move, then what help is he going to be if he failed in using this move and dropped dead instead, before saving his father.

"Okay, we'll do it your way" Caleb nodded

"Perfect!" Isabelle exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief. But then Caleb kept looking at her with a strange look.

"What?" Isabelle asked

"Aren't you going to step outside?" Caleb asked

"Nonsense, I told you I was going to guide you through it, didn't I? How am I supposed to do that if I'm outside?" Isabelle said as a matter-of-fact


"I'm not leaving and that's final, so you better get right into it because we don't have much time as you said it" Isabelle said, not giving Caleb the chance to argue.

Caleb could only just let out a sigh, because he knew Isabelle, if she get her mind into something, it's already set and you won't be able do anything.

He then faced forward, and readied his spear. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. Both blue and red energies surged around him again like before, flying all over the place. Caleb gritted his teeth, having a hard time gaining control over his energies.

"Stay calm, take a deep breath" Isabelle instructed

Hearing Isabelle's voice, really did help him focus. He took a deep breath and focused his mind on Isabelle's voice, which already made a huge difference. His energies also started calming down as well.

"Great job!" Isabelle said in approval.

"Now, imagine both of your energies fermenting and mixing together" Isabelle instructed

Caleb tried imagining what Isabelle said, he concentrated but he wasn't getting the results that he needs. Caleb started getting frustrated, and it was already showing in his face.

"Calm down, you're doing good!" Isabelle said in encouragement, which help a lot at calming Caleb down.

"Try spinning your spear around like what I suggested the first time"

Caleb remembered what Isabelle was talking about and mentally hit himself in the head. "How did I forget that?!" He thought to himself. He remembered that spinning his spear around, really helped him visualize a lot the first time. He slowly started spinning his spear around, which got faster and faster.

"That's great! You're doing it!" Isabelle cheered said, when she saw the two energies blending together, turning violet.

Caleb kept his eyes closed, but his lips lifted into a smile. He was also feeling the changes and was getting excited himself.

"Steady now! You're almost there! Just a little more!" Isabelle said in encouragement.

Caleb kept a steady pace, but then suddenly he felt a click inside him, like it was the signal that the fermenting process already finished and that the champagne is ready to be opened. Without wasting time, his eyes shot opened and thrusted his spear forward with a roar. The concentrated energy shot forward with so much force that it almost pierced through the barriers.

It was so perfect that Isabelle just stood in place as her tears silently fell. She was so proud of Caleb that she couldn't help but cry. When Caleb finally caught up, and realized that he had done it, he immediately run to Isabelle.

"I did it! I did it!" Caleb celebrated as he picked Isabelle up and spun her around, with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes you did!" Isabelle said, celebrating with him.

As Caleb put Isabelle back down but never letting her go, he saw her tears and his excitement turned into a frown.

"Why, are you crying?" He asked as in confusion and concern.

"I'm….I'm just proud of you! You did it and you did it perfectly!" Isabelle said with a watery smile.

The smile on Caleb face returned, "But I couldn't have done it without you! It is because of you that I could do what I've just done!" Caleb said sincerely, looking deep in her eyes.

Isabelle swore her heart just melted right then and there. She felt butterflies in her stomach and all sorts of wonderful things, that she could just smile.

Their foreheads were touching, staring at each other's eyes, and they breathed as one. Isabelle didn't care that she was getting drenched in Caleb's sweat, because being in his arms and being in their own little bubble was just... perfect, it felt very right.

Caleb really doesn't have much experience with relationships, but he was sure this was the time to make his move. He slowly leaned his head and their lips were about to touch when a loud squeal rang throughout the facility. Caleb and Isabelle immediately broke apart and saw their friends, watching them with knowing smirks on their faces. Andrew was covering Alisa's mouth but her eyes has a light in them, that's giving her brother a knowing look.

Isabelle was blushing so hard from embarrassment that she couldn't even look at their friends, while on the other hand was cool as a cucumber. He stood with out an ounce of embarrassment on him, he didn't regret what he was he was going to do, what he regretted was he couldn't do what he set out to do.

Alisa broke free from Andrew's hold and ran to his brother.

"That was amazing!" Alisa told her brother, then she turned to Isabelle "Isabelle, thank you!"

"For what?" Isabelle asked in confusion

"For helping my brother, silly" Alisa said, then went and hug her. "You helped him with so much more than you think" She said, that only Isabelle could hear.

Apparently they saw the whole thing.

When June and the rest got near them, Alisa broke out from the hug and gave Isabelle a wink.

"Caleb, that was amazing!" June praised, "When did you learn that?"

"When we were at back at Crystal Mist, Isabelle taught it to me" Caleb said.

"Wait.... Isabelle?" June said in shock. he was not the only one that was shock as every body, Caleb only nodded.

"Wow... that's amazing!" June told Isabelle "Can you teach me one of those"

"I really didn't do anything special, Caleb did all the hard work" Isabelle said humbly

"No, you were the reason why I succeeded" Caleb told her, with intense eyes.

"Okay love birds, break it off" Jordan said, but they were all grinning.

Isabelle blushed like crazy again, thankfully the Cameron's voice rang through out the training facility.

"Guys, dinner will be ready in 20 minutes" Then the speakers beeped

"Alright, let's go" June told everybody

Caleb held Isabelle's arm as she was about to leave, and pulled her to him. Caleb leaned and swiftly gave her a peck. It was just a moment but Isabelle felt like her world stopped.

"Thank you" Caleb said softly, then leaned next to her ear "Oh and by the way, you're welcome to always stare at by body anytime" He said teasingly while grinning

Isabelle's eyes widen, as she knew she was caught staring at Caleb's body earlier. Caleb gave her another peck on her lips then held her hand as he led Isabelle out of the training facility. Although Isabelle was really embarrassed, she didn't ran away and walked with Caleb as they held hands together.

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