
Attack in Hollywood

Unison Dance Studio, Hollywood. Parking lot, 10:45 PM

"Good night Charlie" Harper waved goodbye, with a smile

It's half of the month and Harper just finished one more piece for the show he's choreographing. Rehearsals just finished and everyone already left, except for Harper and Charlie, who lives in the studio.

Harper owns multiple dance studios in most part of the world, and that includes one in Hollywood as well. Unison Dance Studio is a state of the art facility with modern contemporary architecture. It has 5 dance studios, equipped with everything imaginable used in dance. Unison Dance Studio also serves as a Dance school for all ages who wants to learn to dance or even just exercise.

"Good night Mr. Harper" Charlie said back, returning his smile.

Charlie is a young man that Harper saved from the streets. Charlie has no family left and used to live on the streets. Harper saw him so sick, lying in the alley of the studio. Harper immediately rushed him to the hospital, he was actually suffering form pneumonia and it was really killing him already. Thankfully Harper saw him that day or he would have been dead. Harper paid all the expenses he needed. When Charlie got better he wouldn't leave Harper saying 'He's in his dept and would do anything to repay him'. Harper told him he didn't need to but he insisted, so Harper offered him a job at the Studio as a Studio keeper. Harper built him a mini house in the second floor of the studio. Also Harper paid for Charlie's schooling in the morning and gave him daily allowance. Basically Harper raised him like his own son. Now Harper entrusted the Hollywood branch studio to Charlie.

Charlie treated Harper like his own dad. He works hard and does his best to pay as much as he could to Harper, although he knew he could never repay him for all the things that Harper has done for him.

Harper walked to the parking lot when he felt a presence that halted his steps.

"When I heard the rumors about 'the Lion and the Wolf hunting for their prey' I didn't expect it would be you two" Harper said, like he already expected it, but his voice was still laced with surprise and disappointment.

Two figures walked out of the dark and it was Leo and Seth. Leo's eyes are glowing bright orange and you could feel heat radiating form him. Seth's eyes are glowing crystal blue and electricity is coursing though his body.

"It's been a long time..... I wish I could say I'm happy to see both of you" Harper said, his face serious

"The Queen sent us to get you whatever means necessary" Leo said, emotionless but Harper saw something pass in their eyes for a quick second and then their eyes were back to being dead.

In the thousand years that Harper lived, he can easily reads peoples emotions, especially when those people were his former students.

"There isn't really much I can do or say to make you change your minds, is there?" Harper asked, giving them a chance to turn back. But he was only greeted by silence, disappointing him.

Harper let out a deep breath and said looking at them straight in the eyes "Here's the deal, Just like the old times. You guys defeat me , I will go with you without resistance but if I win, you tell me what the Queen wants"

And just like that, without another word, Seth disappeared leaving sparks on where he stood. Seth appeared behind Harper and went for a round house electrical kick. Harper calmly turned around just in time to grab Seth's leg. Guros lives for ages and they get stronger through time. Electricity coursed though Harper's body but it barely made any damage at all. Leo charged, his fist bursting into flames. Harper swung Seth's leg and threw him to Leo.

Leo caught Seth just in time, "You okay?" Leo said, concerned but his voice is still firm

"Yeah" Seth answered, then Leo released him

Electricity burst form Seth's eyes, channeling and absorbing electricity everywhere. Then he shoots out a bolt of lightning towards Harper.

Harper barely dodged it, as it was super fast, but Leo came out of nowhere and punched him with a fiery punch. Harper flew across the parking lot, hitting a post. Harper landed on the ground but their assault was not finished. Seth appeared in front of Harper, hands sparking with electricity, and went for the punch causing an explosion.

Harper dodge just in time, swiping his leg, tripping Seth. Then swiftly, In a blink of an eye, Harper did a pirouette to a kick, hitting Seth in mid air. Harper didn't get the chance to rest as

Leo appeared ready with a fiery fist. Harper gracefully dodged, then did a penché, hitting Leo square in the face.

Dance is rare to be combined with combat, so it's usually really hard for Harper's enemies to fight him, when they don't know what to expect. Combining Harper's years and his unique fighting style, you'll just wish you never crossed him.

The battle went on. Seth shooting out lighting bolts and Leo shooting fire balls. Harper dodged every single barrage by creatively using his surroundings. He used a metal light post as a lightning rod, and bust a fire hydrant and redirected the water to the fire balls.

Seth shoots out another lightning bolt. and knowing that water is a conductor of electricity, Harper kicked a car making it fly toward the lighting bolt, making it as a shield. Leo bursts out in flames and charged towards Harper, engaging in a fiery CQC.

Harper taught his students well, making it a little challenging for him to battle both of them. Not to mention, they are two of the best students of Harper.

Leo punched, making him open. Harper pulled Leo's arm, making Leo stumble forward. Then Harper kicked Leo on the stomach, making him flew back. Leo hit a brick wall so hard that it shattered the wall into pieces. Harper was not immune, as his arms are covered with burns, giving a dull ache.

At the most worst possible timing. Charlie ran out of the studio, as Seth and Leo both recovered.

"Sir? is everything alright? I heard a-" Charlie came running out, and saw the whole trashed parking lot and his eyes widen. Both Leo and Seth turned to him.

"Charlie, get out of here!" Harper shouted. Blood streamed from his face.

"Sir! Are you okay?!" Charlie started to run to Harper but Harper Stopped him.

"Charlie, go back inside now!" Harper shouted

Seth and Leo nodded at each other, having a silent agreement. Then Leo faced Charlie and started at him.

"Don't touch him! he's innocent!" Harper shouted, running to where Charlie is but he was blocked by Seth.

Charlie stood there frozen and terrified, while Leo charged at him, his whole body flaming.

With fist raised high, burning, Leo went in for the punch. Charlie raised his arms, shielding his face. Then suddenly a huge shield appeared floating in front of Charlie, shocking Harper.

Leo's fist made contact with shield, absorbing all the impact. The shield glowed bright and returned the impact back to Leo, 10 fold making Leo fly across the parking lot, demolishing what's left of cars along the way.

"What the-" Seth turned to what happened, making Seth open.

Harper immediately took the chance and gracefully and swiftly maneuvered his way through Seth, grabbing his right arm. He then twisted Seth's arms in all kinds of way, while he did some all kinds of grappling, in a very graceful effortless way. It happened all too fast that Seth wasn't able to follow what was happening until it was done.

"I'm sorry Seth" Harper whispered to Seth, then Harper twisted Seth's right arm in a completely opposite way making Seth scream in pain. Seth was forced to kneel as his arm was twisted, then Harper did a font aerial walkover to an axe kick, dropping to the ground, breaking Seth's arm. You could hear the loud breaking of Seth's bones which made Harper wince.

Seth rolled on the ground, screaming in excruciating pain, gripping his broken arm. Harper knelt in front of him, with pity in his eyes. Seth shoots out a bolt of lighting at Harper with his good hand, but Harper easily dodged it and grab his good hand.

With so much sadness in his eyes, Harper broke Seth's another hand, making Seth let out another excruciating scream. Harper physically wince as he hears his former student's cries.

"Sleep" Harper whispered, as he scatters a pinch of sleeping powder on Seth.

Seth started to feel the effect of the sleeping powder, as his cries started dying down and his eyes lids turning heavy. He slowly closed his eyes and his breaths became even as he falls into deep slumber.

Harper got up and took one last look at Seth and turned and went to where Leo landed. Leo is in a much more worst case that Seth is, covered in blood and in a dazed state. Harper's pretty sure that his body has more broken bones than Seth has right now.

Leo moaned in pain, and Harper being the soft hearted and caring person that he is, couldn't take it anymore. Harper knelt in Leo's side, then he uncapped a vial attached to his necklace, containing a green liquid. Harper supported Leo's head and make him drink.

Leo coughed as he swallowed the bitter taste of the green liquid. Harper made sure Leo couldn't cough out the rest of liquid by gently closing shut Leo's mouth. The serum is a gift from Tea, it helps you recover in an instant. But a certain amount is needed for all types of injuries, ailments and whatnot. Harper was saving it in case of emergency but his good heart cannot not let Leo stay like this.

"Don't cough it out, you have to drink it" Harper said gently

Leo slowly started getting better, even for just a bit, since he almost cough out most of the serum Harper gave him. Harper made sure that he left some for him, for the future.

Leo's eyes started to have dull life in them but it was enough for him to show Harper how much he regretted everything and how sorry he is.

"Master...." Leo croaked "So..... Sorry...." Then Leo started coughing

"You don't have to apologize" Harper said, his voice gentle, while he cradle Leo's head

Leo shook his head lightly then said "Had... No.... Choice, Queen..... Has... Hearts..." His voice full of apology, trying to make Harper understand.

"I understand" Harper said "but what does the Queen want?"

"Le...gends.." Leo said

Harper's face turned serious "I thought so" he said, getting the confirmation he was waiting for.

He then said to Leo "Rest now, okay" scattering a pitch of sleeping powder on Leo.

"So.. Sorry" Leo said again as he fell into deep slumber.

"Charlie!" Harper shouted, but there's no response. He turned to Charlie and saw him stunned in place, shaking terribly.

"Charlie!" Harper shouted again, snapping Charlie out of it.

"S-sir Harper!" Charlie shouted running to Harper.

"Help me get him inside" Harper said, and without question Charlie helped him carry Leo inside of the studio as gentle as possible. When they settled Leo on one of the waiting couch on the waiting hall, both then carried Seth in the studio, who is by the way twice the size and weight of Harper.

After settling both Seth and Leo, Charlie just couldn't hold it in.

"What was that? What just happened? Are you okay? Who are these guys? What do they want? -" Charlie asking a barrage of questions.

Harper turned to him looking serious making Charlie stop.

"I know you have a lot of questions, and I promise to explains everything later. But right now we need to leave. Pack only what you need, and make it light. I'll be waiting for you here" Harper said, His voice urgent but calm.

Charlie nodded and run to his mini apartment up stairs. Grabbing a duffle bag, he began filling it with clothes, his hygiene kit and whatnot.

Harper grab his phone and dialed a number.

"They're coming" Harper only said, when the line connected. Then he drops the phone and crushed it with his foot, the same time Charlie appeared.

"Ready" Charlie said. He does a good job of keeping calm, when he's still so shaken of the recent events.

"Good, let's go" Harper said picking his bag, both rushing out of the studio.


Seth woke up, dazed. He lift his hand to rub his eyes but winces when a dull pain coursed through his arms, just then he remembered at happened.

"Seth?" Leo called his voice was soft and low

Seth immediately stood up and pain immediately coursed through his arm and hand making him wince. When the pain subsided and became more bearable for him, he slowly moved to where Leo is. Leo couldn't move his entire body except for his head.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked, his voice concerned.

A sad smile appeared in Leo's face "We lost, how could we ever think that we could defeated him" Leo said, letting out a humorless laugh.

"We had to try" Seth said, sadness and regretted feeling his voice.

*tsk* *tsk* *tsk* "And try you did" Someone said, with mock sympathy.

Seth turned to the source and his eyes turned deadly upon seeing the person.

"What are you doing here?" Seth asked, his voice hard

"Oh, the Queen wants me to eliminate both of you" The person said, nonchalant. "She said that and I quote 'I don't need people who doesn't live for me, so get rid of them'"

Taken aback upon hearing this, Seth stood ready to fight, even with two broken arm and hand. But Leo stopped him, his hand clenched on Seth's shirt. Seth dropped his gaze to Leo, with tortured expression because he knows its hopeless and that he's no match for this person even if he is in top shape.

"The Queen knew from the very start you weaklings couldn't do it, but she still wanted to test you and guess what? you both failed epically" The person said, with mock sigh "So she asked me to kill you two. But since I like both of you, and I wouldn't want to destroy those pretty faces of yours. I'll just leave you both alone and let you guys die a slow painful death" The person said, with a wicked smile.

The person lifted both his arms. Black spectral ravens formed out of the shadows and started filling the room. The Person then swung his arms forward, making the ravens flew in the direction of Seth and Leo.

Seth stood up to shield Leo but the Ravens flew around him. The ravens flew straight to Leo and started entering his body.

"'Beeeep!' "Seth cursed as he realized that he was not the target. "'Beeep!'" he let out another curse as he watched the ravens enters Leo's body. Leo gasp and started convulsing as more ravens entered his body. The room brightens again when all the ravens entered Leo. Seth dropped down to his knees, looking very defeated and pale.

"So..... if you'll excuse me, I have a legend to catch" The person said, passing a defeated Seth and walking out of the studio, humming.

Seth was shaking with anger and frustration and sadness as he just stood there and couldn't do anything.



Adam knocked on the Queen's door to her private quarters.

"Come in" the Queen said from inside

Adam opened the door and entered. The Queen just finished taking a bath and is walking around the room in all her naked glory, but as Queen it doesn't really bother her. As Queen, she's confident in her beauty and shes not afraid to show it. She's taking the saying 'If you have it, flaunt it' to a whole new level.

"Adam" The Queen hummed in delight, upon seeing Adam.

"My Queen, please forgive me but I bear bad news" Adam said, wearing a serious and hard expression.

This turned the Queen's delight into a frown.

"The two failed and the Legend escaped, with another extraordinary Gifted. But worry not, the Raven is on the hunt for the escaped Legend" Adam said

The Queen let out a disappointed sigh, turning back to her cold, calm self.

"You disappoint me Adam, and you know what happens when you bring me bad news?" The Queen waved her hand, a mahogany cabinet opened and a whip flew out and into the Queen's hand, as she makes her way to Adam.

Adam's expression didn't change.

"That's right, you get punished" The Queen said, cupping Adam's face "Now, be a good boy and maybe I'll reward you after" she whispered in his ear, then bit his ear.

Adam immediately obeyed without question. He removed his leather jacket and shirt, then he get on the bed and knelt, facing the foot of the bed.

The Queen stood on the bed, behind Adam and said "You know I'm only doing this to show my love for you, that's why I'm disciplining you. You understand, yes?" The Queen said, snapping her whip producing a loud cracking noise.

"Yes, my Queen" Adam said, still calm as ever. Adam has been whipped a lot before, so this is nothing new to him. The Queen has powerful healers, that could heal Adam's scars with out a trace.

"Good" The Queen said, satisfied. Then proceeds to whip Adam.

The Queen whipped Adam so hard that the leather of the whip bit into Adam's skin, slicing the flesh. Adam let out a painful groan, clenching his teeth.

So, as you can see the Queen is one twisted, crazy woman. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As you can already guess, Leo is the Lion and Seth is the Wolf.

Seth's last name Volkov came form the russian word Volk which means Wolf

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