
Gift of gods

story of a boy named Jarvis who on his death bed met a God who told him that he took his talent away. wath him struggle to become the world strongest mage side by side with 4 other hero like him. TO Know more read the novel

hell_godjustin · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Battle Of Life and Death

After getting by blood mammoth skill he flew to a tree , which caused 3 of his ribs be broken.

He only manage to stay awake bye his will power because he knew that he will die if he even pass out.

So, he bear the pain, because he doesn't want to die. he got up in bloodied state all the blood was slowly coming out from his skin as it got scratches all over.

He let out a loud roar in pain, as he began to walk toward the blood mammoth as increased his paced.

He started to conjure spear of light and used ice sword dance skill and aimed it toward the blood mammoth eyes and it's legs to make it a cripple.

His sword hits the eyes of blood mammoth as it's one eye got damaged and other attacks were of no use as it's has high defences.

Blood mammoth charged toward me as he used his skill blood manipulation making spears and swords from the blood of monster around us .

He throw it toward me as I began to move between the gap of the spears and sword and started using my dagger to counter some of it's attack and began to move toward it nad use my skill which I got some time before killing monsters " stealth " as used it seals my presence to the enemy and i can easily mover toward the back of enemy.

I used stealth as I began to move at its blind spot and hitting it's skin as it gott damage slowly but it can seen that the mammoth was also losing its stamina while I also am losing stamina.

I used the healing and mana potion. To recover the stamina and mana i lost.

I then used my every offensive skill to aim toward the mammoth. and managed to injure it's legs.

I the used all the mana i have left to reinforce my arms and used it to hit the mammoth head.

At the time hit the mammoth it tried to attack but i used wind magic to boost my speed and my dagger speed and strength to make it pass through it head.

The mammoth fell on the ground bleeding profusely and died. A notifications appeared in front of me.

{You have Defeated the blood mammoth a death level peak monster }

{ You have obtained the "blood manipulation "skill -tier 5- peak level }

I was confused what the this tier means, so i asked the the system " system what is this tier and peak level after the skill"

{ Host, this is the level of destructiveness a skill can have, the tier are divided into 7 tier and there sub unit are" low - mid - high - peak "it is the level of difficulty to learn it manually. }

{ But u can learn it easily as you have me the system as you, even though I know you can't learn it without me because you are an idiot} system said, which I could fell that it was mocking me.

" Was it necessary to say the last part , well never mind, how can i learn it" I asked the system

{ The host just need to tap the skill and an option will appear which will say " learn it or not " and it will be Transfered directly to your mind}

I then pressed on the skill and a window appeared in front of me

< blood manipulation 'tier -5 peak level skill' -- requires blood to be used host can not use his own blood, controlling host blood circulation is possible , can aslo control enemies blood with enough mastery of the skill>

< TO Learn the skill confirm >


"YES " i said in a excited tone. As it will be the best skill I will have , maybe I will have more powerful skill tha this in future.

As I said it a surging pain came from my bones to my muscles and at last to the brain it lasted for minimum 5 mins, butt it feels like I was in hell, with boiling in a pot of hot water.

{ Congratulations Host has leaned "blood manipulation}

" system why does I have to fell pain while learning a skill "

{ since the I for. information is sent directly to users mind and aalo the body need to adjust, so the host to fell some pain every time you want learn a skill with help of the system}

{ Dungeon is closing, host will be sent to his world in 5 seconds}

{1 2 3 4 5 host will be sent to his world now }

I was sucked in another portal which opened behind me, and I was sucked in it

I opened my eyes in my room in which I used the dungeon key.

this is my first novel , I know sometimes you will not understand the script but i promise it will improve my writing skill to fit you need so please just helpe raise it's views

And yeah, you can call me selfish for asking for views when I know the novel is not that good

hell_godjustincreators' thoughts