
Getting Married To The Infamous Heir

"Kaia, you have to get married to him, no matter what, or else, your mom won't be treated," Madison threatened as she watched Kaia struggle with her emotions. She could see the tears in her eyes and she felt pleased with herself. Kaia glanced at the windows and she could see her mom connected to various equipments just for her to breath and stay alive and she felt suffocated deep within. She had no power and she had never felt so hurt in her entire life. "Fine, I would marry him in your stead," Kaia answered after thinking thoroughly about it. This was the only way her mom could be saved. She couldn't retract her promise as this was what was best for her mom. She just had to do this. "Perfect, you just made the right decision," Madison replied with a smug smile. She just got rid of that old man and he was Kaia's burden now. She wouldn't care about him anymore. Kaia Benjamin is the second daughter of the head of the Benjamin's but she was always treated as an outcast due to the fact that her mom was a lowly maid, impregnated during a drunken night between her and Kaia's father. Kaia had to become a stand-in bride for her sister and who she was getting married to, she had no idea. She only knew she had to get married so as to save her mom from the illness which troubled her and could take her life away. To gain more information, join my discord server https://discord.com/invite/Wg3CVZ6R Or message me directly on Discord

Starshine_2007 · Thành thị
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81 Chs

Chapter 3: Retort

"I only hope you find peace and happiness because you truly deserve it," Angelica said whilst looking in the direction she rushed to. She took one last look before she walked into the ward.

"Your daughter is doing all she can so that you might end up waking up, don't disappoint her," Angelica said to the unconscious woman.

Meanwhile, Kaia ran downstairs into the parking lot. She looked around for Madison's driver but she could not find him and she was getting quite frustrated.. She was about to call Madison when she felt an hand on her shoulders and she jolted immediately.

She turned and frowned seeing that it was an unknown ma though he was looking quite handsome. She was about to speak but he beat her to it.

"I was sent by miss Madison to pick you up," the person who turned out to be the driver said as he looked at her with obvious contempt.

Kaia was speechless feeling his eyes which held disdain for her and she wondered if she had ever offended him. Clearly, this was the first time they had met so she wondered the reason for the disdain.

"Shall we go, you have wasted so much of my time and you are still doing the same by remaining rooted in that spot," he said while rolling his eyes before walking away.

This caused Kaia to feel scared. Different thoughts roamed through her head as she dragged her feet's behind him. She didn't want to follow him.

What if she ends up dying by his hands due to the hatred which he didn't bother to hide? She clearly thought too much though.

Reason told her that she was doing it for her mom but the fear in her hoped for her to run away and never return. She didn't want to return to the city.

"Why are you still dawdling, I still have a date with my girlfriend," he suddenly yelled as he turned to her causing her to jerk in fright.

Sher hastened her footsteps as she nodded in understanding though he wasn't seeing her. It turns out that he was going on a date but he was asked to pick her causing him to feel disturbed about it. She would also feel the same way though.

They finally approached the car and Kaia was expecting him to open the car's door but he didn't. Instead, he went ahead to sit in the driver's seat without paying any attention to her.

"You have thought too highly of yourself Kaia," she said to herself, flicking her forehead at the same time before she opened the car's door to the backseat herself.

She made herself comfortable as she rested her head on the seat closing her eyes at the same time. She was really exhausted. She had not had a good rest for the past days.

The driver looked at her through the mirror and he felt his lips twitched. She really thought that he was her driver. If he wasn't about to be late for his date, he will not have agreed for her to stay at the back.

But then again, if she stayed at the passenger seat, they could be mistaken as a couple and he didn't want any argument with his girlfriend for he could be seen by any of her gossipy friends.

He purposely drove roughly so as to scare but who was Kaia? She was someone who had gone through a lot in her life and so a mere rough driving wouldn't freak her.

Instead, she slept throughout the ride as she was woken up from her sleep previously so she was catching up on her lost sleep. The driver was quite frustrated seeing that he wasn't able to ruffle her feathers so he just stopped trying to get on her nerves.

"Hey, wake up, we are here already," he woke Kaia up once they got to Madison's penthouse.

Kaia rubbed her face lightly as she carelessly asked, "are we there?"

"If we weren't there, would I wake you up, please don't dawdle as I still have lots to do," he rudely replied and she raised her brows at his attitude.

It seems most of Madison's characters has been rubbed unto her employees. He was really rude, this was the observation Kaia made.

"Go in, you will find her inside, I'm off," he said and drove away with the car.

Kaia was stupefied seeing that he was able to drive the car away but it wasn't her business. She only needed to meet with Madison. Her mom's life was more important. With these thoughts in mind, she walked into the penthouse.

"You finally made your way here, I thought I will have to spend my entire lifespan before you show up," Madison's voice had a different ring to it as she stared at Kaia who just made her way into the living room.

"I'm here now, that's the only thing that matters, don't you think?" Kaia asked her while she folded her arms. She was getting fed up by Madison's incessant taunts.

"Whatever, so the reason I asked you to come over is this, the wedding would be happening tomorrow, not to worry, it's a court wedding and not something huge, with your status,

You would be fortunate to see someone who wants to get married to you," Madison still taunted Kaia with her words and those words made Kaia stifled so she said,

"Remember, I'm doing you a favor, if it weren't for my mom, do you think I would want to waste time talking to you, don't test my patience Madison,

Just because I don't speak, that doesn't give you the right to talk down at me," Kaia bursted out as she stared at Madison with hatred which couldn't be concealed at all.

Madison was definitely not expecting her to talk back to her so she had a completely blank expression on her face for a while before she regained her senses.

"Just stay in one of the room, the stylists would be here first thing tomorrow," she said and quickly left the room but from others perspective, it felt like she was running away.

"Good Lord, Kaia, your mouth will definitely end you, remember you are doing this for your mom and nothing else," she said to herself as she slapped her mouth.

She then turned to look around.

"She said I could use any bedroom but she didn't specify, does she thinks I'm the owner of the house or not, her pride is something that will definitely end her, no doubt," she mumbled as she made herself comfortable on the sofa.

No way was she going to sleep on her bed. What if it was a trap? She had already made a sofa her bed for the past few weeks so she was quite comfortable with it.

With these thoughts in mind, she laid on the sofa, curled up and drifted off to sleep. Her body needed some rest and she was going to get it.

Madison walked out from wherever she went to. She looked at the sleeping Kaia and a sneer left her lips.

"Tomorrow, you would be out of my life," she muttered to herself as she stared at Kaia viciously.

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