
Chapter Eleven.




Dropping to my knees, I grabbed the hem to Buhle's trousers and pulled them down to his ankles.

With my eyes focused on his hard, that was pressing against his Calvin Klein briefs, I pulled down his underwear and let his penis free. I could tell that his piece was ready for me by it's hardness, the swelling of veins and the pre cum that lurked at the tip.

Because I love to tease, I licked around the tip slowly. I didn't want to punish Buhle too much so I took him down after a short teasing session.

"Fuuuuuuccckkk." Buhle moaned across the room.

I don't think my ears will ever get tired of hearing that. The cursing and grunts are literally everything.


It was already the year 2020. Time really flies. Sindiswa was still alive, but she was practically dead now because, she had seven of her fingers chopped off, scars on her arms, burns on her legs and feet from acid and boiling water and A shaved head. Other than the physical impairments, Sindiswa developed ulcers too. She was getting really sick.

Maybe it was high time she rested her soul after all. My sister also went mute, I didn't know if it was a choice, or it was due to all the mental torture and physical torment.

Siwe was in second grade now. She was all grown up. She was walking down my route for sure, she was only seven but she acted at least ten or nine. Buhle and I moved in together eight months ago. I was now the lady of his gorgeous housing. Buhle and Siwe where the best of friends and I was completely in love. I was promoted at work too, I had my own office now.

For the first time in my life, I was happy. I could feel the joy in my chest every single day.

Life was finally perfect.

For a week I had Sindiswa on my mind. I wanted to end it all. She suffered enough. Six years was more than enough. I couldn't go through with most of the torture appointments I had for her, I left it all to Luthando but I had to be the one to end her life. I don't know why I wanted that credit.

My Sunday was free, Siwe had a play date and Buhle had a meeting. I planned to end Sindiswa's life then. I had the gun prepared. I was going to miss seeing Grace at the store though, she was a kind woman. I was also going to miss my conversations with my sister, but this part of my life had to end.

"How and why are you ending this?......... our contract is not over and I need the money!" Luthando argued.

I was getting the gun ready. Sindiswa was in her high chair, tied up as always paying a deaf ear to the current situation. Luthando and I had an agreed contract of holding Sindiswa for 10 years, but I was tired of all this.

"Luthando I'm sorry, but I'm tired of all this ...... I'll pay you the usual for six months and then that's it." I told him.

"Six months?......Qhamani what the fuck! How am I supposed to find a job that quickly after not having one for six years?" Luthando complained but I ignored him.

Luthando went on, and on with his reasons as to why I should change my mind, but my mind was set.

With no further delay, I walked over to my sister and shot her in the head 10 times. I had no last words for her so I wasted no time. I handed the gun to Luthando and took my gloves off, placing them in my purse. As Sindiswa's blood flowed, Luthando was silent. He then stormed off to his little quarter. I proceeded to pour bleach all over my sister's body. I love to watch how it reacts to her skin. After paying my last respects, I walked out of the warehouse with the empty bottle of bleach. Sindiswa was Luthando's shit to clean up.

It was all over.

"Baby girl ....... The answers are on the diagram. You just have to look carefully." I told Siwe as I helped her with her homework in the kitchen.

"This is hard." She complained.

I heard the front door open and close. I knew it was Buhle so I rushed for him.

"Hey you." I greeted Buhle with a smile.

"Hi." Buhle responded with the same energy and Pulled me in for a kiss. As we kissed my phone started ringing, so I pulled away, when I looked to see who was calling it was an unknown number.

"I'll be upstairs." Buhle told me and kissed my cheek before he left.

"Hello." I answered.

It was Luthando. He was blackmailing me. Apparently he had Sindiswa's body still, and he was ready to take it to the police. He wanted a large sum of money that I didn't have, I knew Buhle would have such a sum, but what would I explain?Blackmail involving money never really had an end. I knew that even if I gave Luthando the money he wanted he would be back for more. I had to act fast.

That night, I left my house and went to the warehouse, the grocery store was still open so as usual, I pretended to shop. I escorted myself down to the warehouse with bleach and a rag. When I got to the door, I wiped it down with bleach, both sides, The handle and the area around it. Luthando was very dumb to still have this please open. I wiped the bleach on every object I may have come in contact with every time I visited. Objects that I knew Luthando touched I put in a fireproof box. I was burning this shit down, but with some evidence against Luthando. As I cleared my tracks, Luthando sent me pictures of Sindiswa's body, and threatened to send them to the police. This man. After I was all done with the place, I looked around. I lit one corner up and walked out. When I got to the store, I changed into different clothing and wore a hat over my head with shades and just as expected Grace did not recognize me. I waved her goodbye without a single purchase and left.

For two days I lived carefree until the police walked in on me and my family at the dinner table. Rebecca was standing behind them, clearly scared, and I was even more terrified, but I kept a straight face

"........... how can we help you officers?" Buhle asked.

"Qhamani Ntuli you are to come with us to the station." One of the officers said and the rest began what looked like a search.

Buhle Couldn't keep calm and was yelling all across the room. Siwe was crying. I begged Rebecca to take her to her room as I was pinned down on the table and searched. Other than my arrest, the police had a search warrant for my home as well. There was total chaos.

"What are you Taking her in for?" Buhle kept asking the officers continuously in the middle of assuring me that I would be okay.

Fuck Luthando.

When I got to the station, they took in my fingerprints. With the body being in police custody, already as well as the gun, I used to kill my sister, they built a case around me, and since my sister's case was considered a heinous crime, they had me in the system in no time. I overheard most of my possible serving charges...... kidnap, torture, false statement of death and murder which was at the highest. As I walk down the passages of the prison center in my yellow overall, all I could think about was how I never pictured this moment. How I felt like I deserved none of it. I kept thinking about Siwe and Buhle .... And my parents too. I know I did it...... I killed my sister, but I didn't kill her for no reason she killed me first....... she killed me over and over again for so many years. I was pushed into my cell and pushed out of my thoughts as well. I picked myself up from the floor and dusted myself off, I didn't understand why all the guards were so angry and rough.

"Satan!" A woman yelled out from a cell right opposite mine, and every other inmate on that floor echoed the same.

I didn't really know how to feel about the echoing. My brain was numb. I breathed out and sat on what sadly was my bed now. I played with my fingers trying to diffuse my anxiety. I kept thinking about any possible element that would connect me to Sindiswa's murder. I was always smart. Right?


murder? My mind could not rest as I kept thinking about Qhamani's arrest. The whole story was baffling. Sindiswa died four years ago. Qhamani told me that herself, so I was so confused. I couldn't believe any of it. My baby wouldn't hurt anyone, especially not the sister she told me she loved so much. I mean even her father mentioned the amazing bond the sisters shared to me. Qhamani even kept Siwe as her own, to keep a part of her sister even in her death. Qhamani was innocent, right? Because if not, what the fuck? Now I was doubting myself. I kept tossing and turning in my bed. I wondered how Qhamani was at the very moment.


Was Siwe okay?......... did Buhle question his trust for me? Did my family believe any of it? I couldn't sleep.....How could I?...... I could envision the news on TV tomorrow and onwards. I was a monster, and everyone was going to know about it. I killed my sister......... 10 bullets to the head. After I tortured her for six years. I was Satan himself. I deserve to be here. Don't I? In fact, I deserve even worse probably.


'I don't think my mom is a bad person'. I wrote in my journal, shaking and crying. Only bad people go to prison. I couldn't write another sentence in my journal. My mother told me that a journal is a good way to express emotions that you cannot share with people. Today not even my journal was of help. I wanted my mother to be with me. I needed her home. I needed her where she belonged.


As much as I planned to stay low-key and avoid trouble, trouble came to me anyways. The women in this prison attacked me because of a mere allegation that they weren't even sure of. I was beaten up so bad a day ago that the officer in charge moved me to an isolation cell. It was then that I lost my mind. I dreamt about my sister's shooting every single time I closed my eyes. As such, I slept less.

My first appearance with the judge was set for tomorrow. I had been in police custody for nine days, tomorrow would be my 10th day. I had no phone calls or visits. I had to wait to see the judge first. The hearing was for my bail grant or bail rejection. I didn't know much about the case on the opposite end, but from what my lawyer explained, I may not be granted bail. Buhle found me one of the most expensive and highest rank legal representatives. I wanted freedom, but it wasn't fair to the law that I got it.

When the next day finally came, and I had to stand at the face of the judge, I finally had a glance of my man. My family sat at the back as well, my mom, my dad, my siblings, and my grandmother. When I looked at Buhle he looked so bothered probably because of the condition of my face. My hair wasn't looking as good as it did too. I had grown it all back, I should have kept it short. Maybe it would have been neater.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you bail." Buhle apologized. We were in a room with my lawyer.


" I brought Siwe to come see you, but.......... If I feel the way I do seeing you like this, she'll feel even worse. Your parents took her to the house with them........ She cried a lot, but she'd have cried more here.

"I looked at my family before the judge started talking..... out of all of them only my father looked like he believes I'm innocent. It was heartbreaking to see Belelani in such hostility..... his always on my side unlike my sister and my grand mother, but today he looked like he wanted me to die."

"He doesn't want you to die........ trust me. No one wants that for you."


"Who did that to your face?"

"......... inmates......... it's not the best thing to be known as a murderer."

"They'll pay for having you in here....... I'll do everything I can to get you out of here very soon and that's a promise."


Very soon turned into a whole year of me being behind bars. The investigations were so long and complicated. I appeared in court six times and all those times it was clear that the people were losing. They just wanted to pin someone for my sister's death. This was a story too great to just let go. They were so dedicated to putting me behind bars as to avoid looking for another killer. In the months that passed, Sindiswa's body was at a lab....... For months, DNA samples were being collected and tests were being carried out. My family stayed at my house with my baby girl and Buhle. My father didn't trust Buhle with his grandchild so they took her and since Siwe wasn't too fond of them and wouldn't go unless Buhle did, Buhle stayed with her. In the year that passed my father visited multiple times, my mother about three times. I never saw my sister nor my brother. My grandmother came once. She insulted me so deeply I couldn't hold my tears back. I know I killed my sister, but it still hurt to be described as a monster. She wished death upon me. She basically cursed my whole life.

Buhle came to see me more than anyone else. I appreciated the gesture, but I couldn't show it. Emotionally I was broken, Despaired and I lost so much weight. I looked so close to death. I hadn't seen my daughter not even once. I didn't want her to see me like this. I know it hurt her, but I was hurt too. If I could kill myself right now, I could. My chest ached every single day and the mockery from inmates never seized. The guards disliked me too so my life was a living hell.


I have stayed at Qhamani's house for more than eleven months now. At the beginning it was for Siwe's sake but now I didn't know why I stayed. Siwe never said a thing to me. The eyes she gave me were those of hate and anger. I really wanted her to see her mother just as much as she did but Qhamani begged me not to take Siwe anywhere close to the prison in which she was held. I was stuck in the middle. I haven't talked to Siwe in over a month. This wasn't a good development. I planned to talk to her tonight, just to make sure she was okay. I sucked when it came to heart to heart conversations with her but I had pull myself together.

"Hey." I greeted Siwe when she let me into her room. She looked like she had been crying for hours.

"Are you okay?........ is there anything you want to talk about?"

"......... can I talk to my mom?"

"............. Sweetheart she........"

" I want to see her please." Siwe begged me crying. "Please." She added.

The talk I planned didn't happen. It ended up being a comfort session. When Siwe fell asleep. I tucked her in. When I got up to leave, I noticed that her journal was open at a table. When I walked over to close Siwe's journal I read 'I hate Uncle Belelani' scribbled in the large font across two pages. I'm not nosy, so I closed the journal. I wondered why she wrote that though.


I asked Buhle not to bring Siwe to my cell to see me but I missed my baby and I think a year was just too long. There was a possibility of me staying in prison for the rest of my life so I might as well allow my daughter to see me. Because Buhle pulled some strings. I had a special visit with my daughter in my isolation cell. My eyes filled with tears the minute I saw her. My princess was now eight years old and she had grown a lot. When the guard opened my cell Siwe run over to me and hugged me. We cried together in that position for a minute. Buhle watched for a while, but left us to our privacy. I sat Siwe on my bed, and we both crossed our legs. My cell wasn't that pleasant in smell because of my condition but I tried my best to keep it as dry as I could. The nightmares kept me awake so I barely slept. My problem actually improved here. That wasn't important. My baby was here. We talked like I wasn't in jail........ we laughed and joked. I love that Siwe didn't cry too much to make the whole visit one with only tears. I don't know what strings Buhle pulls because none of my inmates would ever get such intimate visits. Good thing I was in isolation. If they saw this, my face would be the target for all their envy.

"Do you get bullied at school?" I asked.

"Yeah......... but the teachers and the principal always handle it."

"That's good."


"Buhle told me that you were moved a class up. I'm so proud of you my baby." I said excitedly.

"Yeah." Siwe answered with no energy at all.

"Baby......... are you okay?"

" I googled something but I'm not sure if it's that." Siwe started with her eyes full of tears.

"What did you Google?" I asked dying from suspense.

"Promise you won't be mad at me." Siwe told me now crying even more.

"Baby I can't be mad just tell me......... you're scaring me."

"......... I don't know.......... But I think Uncle Belelani is raping me."

My world shattered. I lost my presence in reality. I was in denial. I asked Siwe to describe what happened. It was fucking rape. THAT SON OF THE DEVIL raped my daughter five times in her room. With threats she stayed quiet but now the truth was out. I had to get out of this place. My baby needs me. When Siwe and Buhle left, I knelt to the ground in prayer, I know God hates me, but I prayed for my baby girl. She doesn't deserve this. No child deserves it.