
Chapter 99: A Venture Into The Past.

The leaves of the local forestry bristled as a blacked haired girl walked gingerly through the monster-infested forest. They stalked her, watching her movements with the utmost caution, but none moved to engage.

The moment they did would mean their death, so the creatures constrained themselves to just human gazing. A wind blew from the north and the girl seemed to find something funny, as she began to laugh.

The laugh is reminiscent of that of a songbird, it was a pleasant sound filled with the vibrancy of youth. The sound filled the abyss creatures with a strange feeling of calm and tranquility, something they had not felt for centuries past.

A feeling that faded along with a bygone era. Many sought to regain the source of such a feeling, but some were simply content to fade away in the evermoving waves of time and life.

The Hilichurls continued to stalk the girl but whatever murderous intent they had was now long gone. All that was left was a curiosity for the being before them.

A strangely human quality is to be found in the monsters of the wilderness.


Emmy took a long stroll through the far-out areas of the forest she remembered when she was a much younger girl. The trees that seemed so large back then were hardly something to speak of now.

She was barely a bud then, happily content in her futile efforts to simply protect what was precious to her from the attacks of others.

Such a passive approach to life would do no good in keeping anything safe, much less a human being. Something that moved on its own by its own rules and beliefs. Such a being could not be kept locked in.

"A more active approach is needed in the defense of everything precious. Things that were lost due to inaction and passive movements were not destined to be kept. Their loss was inevitable."

Emmy would now be taking the first step in the direction she was heading, a decision that would affect not only her but the world. Not a war of men and weapons but one of discovery. Enmity with the divine, the archaic, and the abyssal forces that ruled the realm of destruction.

Emmy was going to look for her siblings and find out the mysteries of her past. Why she was called the Tenth, why she was born with such talent, why the system chose her, and who was the [The Crown of Aversion].

What happened in that lab all those years ago, even as bits and pieces of her memories remain locked away in the depths of her mind to keep her safe, Emmy still wanted to know.

"To want is to be human, there are many things we want but most of my wants could be considered a need."

Her current need was to keep something or someone safe. Lose was not something Emmy needed nor was it something she wanted; but, life continuously attempted to grant her such a thing in large loads. It didn't care that she was a little girl, in its eyes she only deserved suffering.

Though she did not know why.

To Emmy, loss was uncomfortable.

It could happen to anyone else but her, Emmy bit her lip as she walked along the path to Mondstadt from the Whispering Woods. She flew across the ocean to arrive here; Inazuma's thunderstorm wall was of little challenge to cross for someone of her strength.

She had contemplated teleporting but she would like to enjoy the scenery for once.

Emmy looked up at the sky to see the sun well on its way to the zenith and she turned her eyes to the city in the distance. She stepped forward from the cliff she was on and then blasted high into the sky to begin her journey above the clouds.

There was someone she had to meet and something she had to give.

Emmy eyes were slightly downcast, the slithering aura within her body that ate at her energy reserves and continuously damaged both the ethereal and metaphysical veins in her body was even more active today.

She had to hurry and complete some things before she left to complete one final piece of her life. She had to see those who were the first, the ones who were there on day one.

'No, was it day two? Haha...' Emmy chuckled as she closed her eyes in pain.

Oh, the misery~ Nightmares make up half of my memories~

Emmy hummed, though she didn't know where she heard the song or rather, where it came from. It was a song one of her teachers sang though she didn't receive much teaching from him but she doubted that person could make something like this with his weird accent and clothing. She added a twist though.

Not that it mattered. She had things that need to be done before...

Before she was gone.


The city of Mondstadt was busy as usual. The Alliance that was formed 2 years ago had accelerated various developments within the nation and the people were happier by a large margin.

For one, there was finally something more entertaining to do than drink alcohol or play some cards.

"I heard that [Rex Incognito] is going to put on another performance later today! I swear they are the best idol group by far," A woman said excitedly in a bar.

"You're wrong my friend," a man said as he gulped down his drink.

"Why do you say that?!"

"[Wind Saints] are just better you see~"

It didn't take long for the people in the bar to jump the man who said such words. As if it was blasphemy, but others shouted in agreement. They came to his aid and the fight continued for a very long time.


"[Einferno] is better than all of them put together. Little Miss Xingyang's tunes are out of this world both in their lyrical brilliance and emotion. Her plays are filled with passion. Although her skills are rough around the edges, her smile makes up for it."

"She 13 though," A bald man shouted unhelpfully, and the others watched the man who said a whole essay about her skills in disdain.

"Music is food for the soul, no matter who cooks it. Don't you all eat Xiangling's food? I betcha she's younger, I don't see y'all acting up over her."

Emmy quietly sat somewhere in the corner with her hood on as she looked at the ongoing debate on which Idol group in the world was the best.

Everything was going according to her plans.

The question of why she would engage in such a thing still begged to be questioned. Why did she think making idol groups was a good idea?

Well, it all started when she met that little girl 6 years ago when Mondstadt was in a particularly dire situation. At the time of her awakening, Emmy had heard a new word, something she was aware of but had little interest in at the time.

To Emmy, the term 'idol' was quite strange, and she wondered why someone would like to be dancing and singing for others. Was it fun to show off and sweat in front of others? What if you missed a step or choked on a fly or something, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

These thoughts eventually lead her to ask the girl why she wanted to be an idol, to agree on her reason, and then form some tech that would allow her to be an idol.

She was Jean's sister after all, so Emmy supposed that was enough of a reason to help the small bean out. Jean and Emmy were business partners but also close friends, so Barbara could be considered her baby sister to an extent, the same as Noelle.

Some music began to play and Emmy recognized it as a song from a new idol group she signed at her 'agency'. Idols were relatively new in Teyvat but due to Emmy they slowly gained traction, and she ensured that all of them were safe.

As being an 'idol' meant putting a human in the position to be worshipped, which by Emmy's calculations would not end up well. Stalkers did exist and her secret security service made sure that they got the memo when it came to targeting her people.

'But enough about the reason why, let's enjoy this nice little song Barbara sang.'

[Wind Saints] was the name Barbara came up with when Emmy asked if she wanted her to help her make an idol group. They were quite small but cute and their voices were equally so.

Emmy eyed the [Bard Box] that was in the corner that was playing the songs. There was also a smaller box on top of it that was used to play the music, this was the album of [Wind Saints] their very first in fact.

[Flawless Dandelion] and the song on top was [Will I Ever?].

No matter how many times she listened to it, that song would always make Emmy sigh with emotion. Not because it was good or amazing but at what it represented in Barbara's thoughts and emotions.

'That girl, no matter how many times you tell her that all siblings are different. She seemed to always find a way to feel inferior to Jean.'

Anyone remotely close to Barbara and who knew of her inferiority complex could connect the dots and find out why the album and song were named that way. But most didn't but they could still feel the emotions inside.

"Ah, this song always makes me feel like crying for some reason," the man from earlier said as the woman nodded with him.

"Boss! I want some more wine! Drowning my sorrows away is the best. There isn't a more beautiful feeling in the world than this right here."

After the woman said that the bar was once again engulfed in a cheery atmosphere with the inhabitants dancing and singing along.

'Their voices are way off the pitch though,' Emmy giggled and then silently began to fade into the shadows of the bar.

That was until she heard something interesting.

"Hey, don't you think [Vanguard] have been getting a little crazy lately?"

"Oh! Do you mean how they fought those vishaps close to the [Stone Gate]? Or are you talking about how they discovered some ancient kingdom in some ruins?"

"I heard they found a pathway to the abyss and just dove straight in without even waiting for the adventurer's guild to come to check the area!"

As she heard those words Emmy had to hole in the urge to wipe her cold sweat. Her friends were reckless. Emmy thought that was all but nothing could stop her from the next words.

"I heard their archer got injured the other day, so they're on break," A man said as he shook his head in worry then he was lifted off his seat to meet eye-to-eye with Emmy who was in disguise.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"What happened to Fischl!" Emmy asked as she ignored the man's question, her gaze was intense as the gold and black wisps appeared in her eyes once more.

The man gulped suddenly intimidated by the mysterious person and Emmy thought she was going to get her information but then someone grabbed her shoulder.

"C'mon now lady, let the man go," The person behind her said but Emmy found his voice quite familiar.


She turned slightly to get a look and she was right, it was Diluc but older with a beard.

'Diluc grew so much already?'

In her shock, Emmy let go of the man and he got back into his seat, the man looked at her glaringly. Then he smiled and walked away.

"H-hey, where are you going?"

Emmy thought the man was a bit weird, she thought he was going to make her leave his bar but apologize beforehand. She wasn't against it, she did act up and nearly injured someone if it wasn't for her unconscious control of her strength.

The man turned, "I stopped you already, no need to go further than that. You're looking for Fischl right?"

Emmy just nodded, the large golden-blue Kasa on her head bobbed along with her movements. A faint amount of recognition lighting in her eyes when she realized who she was talking too.

She hid a smile.

"She's at their base, you should know it. They're quite famous after all,"

"Why are you helping me find them? I could be a killer you know?"

"With how worried you looked when you found out that lass was hurt miss, I don't think you're out to kill her."

Emmy mulled over his words and said, "Thanks, wine Ojii."

"Wine Ojii? Hey, is that you Em-" Before the red-haired man could continue Emmy simply vanished leaving a confused bar in her wake.

A few moments after Emmy left.

"Hey Erlin, look at this."

The man, Erlin, who the woman(Emmy in disguise) pulled up earlier looked down at his table just to see a note that said:

[Sorry about that! I hope you weren't hurt - :).]

Erlin, who was holding a bottle of emotions earlier no longer had any words to say and quietly began to drink his wine.

Though she thought she heard Crepis, the red-haired man, say something along the lines of 'Cheeky brat' it must have been the wind.

Barbatos was known to be a trickster after all maybe it was him.


Emmy appeared on the top of the Barbados statue and then Immediately activated several sensory abilities along with her Innate Talent. [Meta Targeting] locked on to a familiar signature and Emmy went there with haste.

She had to see what happened to Fischl, the wind whipped around her, and she headed in the direction of the church.

Meanwhile, Fischl had just walked out of the church with Barbara and Noelle. She flexed her wrist and did a few stretches.

"Ah, Fischl take it easy with the arm. It has just been healed so..."

Fischl grinned at Barbara and flexed her arms, "Fear not loyal harbinger of the gleeful lord of wind, could such a flash would incapacitate the wondrous and invincible Prinzessin? Is there any such thing in this world? Nay!"

Fisch laughed but then she keeled over a bit as she rubbed her ribs, Noelle hurriedly came to support her.

Emmy hid in the bushes somewhere, worried but afraid that she would intrude on something. It wasn't as if she hadn't seen Fischl in years and was being a coward by not moving forward to see her.

Not at all.

"Finally found you," Emmy felt a tingle down her spine as she heard those words, but she refused to look back.

Pretending as if she didn't hear the person just next to her.

"Not talking? Good. It would have made the next part much duller if you had," Andre said as he stood up and began to say something in a loud voice.

"Hey, Fischl guess who's here," Emmy felt a hand under her arms and momentarily debated whether to break free or not.

'There is no benefit, I did come to see Fischl today after all.'

So, Emmy, the 159cm 13-year-old and counting let herself be lifted in the air like a child by her much taller friend.

While she waited for her fate Emmy allowed herself a proud smile when she saw her friend's strength ranking.

[Andre - Rank: SS- | Most Notable Stat - Agility: SS+ | Title: The Effortless Crown]

[Fischl - Rank: S | Most Notable Stat - Mind: SSS(Hidden) | Title: Queen of The Imaginary Plane]

[Noelle - Rank: S | Most Notable Stat - Strength: SS | Title: Saint of Maids]

[Barbara - Rank: A- | Most Notable Stat - Agility: A+ | Title: Youngest Idol]


Her friends after 6 years became incredibly strong. Though if it was anyone else this rate of growth wouldn't be possible. Only Emmy's friends and even her subordinates in the army or otherwise could experience such growth.



"Emmy!" She was barreled straight out of the air by Fischl and nearly onto the ground if she hadn't activated flight when her body registered that she was falling. Her instincts were overpowered as usual.

"Yo?" Emmy chuckled as she looked into Fischl's eyes, at this time a million words came and went from her mind as her various skills struggled to sort them all but eventually, she settled on saying a few.

"I'm back."

'But not for long,' Inside Emmy's energy circuits and even her mana, a war was raging. In a fearsome battle between two forces older than time, the gold dispersed the blue-black, but the blue-black absorbed the gold and took its power.

Gold regenerated and the process repeated. They could go on to fight forever but their battlefield could not sustain them.

Emmy was running out of time but she still mustered a smile to comfort her friend.

'Fischl shouldn't be sad, ever.'


A/N: The next chapters will be a few flashbacks, a deep dive into Emmy's back story, and explanations of many things concerning her and the Fatui. Along with what will happen with her "Tenth" along with many other things.

Basically, this, is some Inazuma chapters going over improvements, the alliance, then some other stuff before Arc 4. The final arc before we go onto Genshin's original storyline. It's still an AU though so some things obviously changed.

Especially Mondstadts relationship with the Fatui. The Mondstadt and Liyue Archon quest storylines will take a shorter amount of time due to the various changes in the verse. The Inazuma arc will see many changes to the decree, how it came to be, and how the Shogun reacts to it.

I want to begin the Yuri part of the fic in Arc 5, whether the traveler is included or not will be left to see but I rather writing about mono relationships. Harems are overrated unless you all want the 2 love interests, then I will make an exception.

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