
Genis Manifestation

Kaile an orphan and a seemingly ordinary young boy, was adopted by a loving family at 8 years old because of an overprotective father. Now Kaile is 20 years old, living with his loving sister and mother, due to an unknown reason, he is extremely overprotective of his family. But out of nowhere, an unfathomable woman claims him as her husband. And to top it off, her dowry was…Evolution! The world is on the brink of destruction, but nobody knows about it! An ancient being cultivated from a mortal, broke the boundary of their home planet, reached the zenith of her universe and even surpassed it, yet now countless years later as she looks down on the countless cosmos beneath her feet, she feels unfulfilled, taking a glance up and spotting the boundary of the reality with just a glance, she knows she can brake past it but… ‘’What’s the point in all this strength, if I feel this lonely inside?’’ Follow Kaile the Mc and Eleonor his first wife, as he and even the plants around him evolve, see as Kaile and his wives experience evolution and how that evolution affects their mentality. Watch as Kaile and his loved ones simply become overpowered, and find out the reason as to why the world is on the brink of destruction…

Confligere · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

Chapter 15 Talk with a banished immortal like figure.

Chapter 15 Talk with a banished immortal like figure.

The banished immortal like women smiled, the smile looked dazzling to Kaile, but he also felt a tinge of familiarity. 

''Have I met you somewhere before?'' Kaile asked spontaneously after getting that feeling just now. 

''Only your soul.'' She replied, surprising Kaile, he really thought he would not get a response, as this is usually how it goes in novels he has read. 

''What do you mean by that?'' Kaile asked, trying to get more information.

''You seem to ask that question a lot huh?'' The woman replied, the small smile was still on her face. As she picked up the fallen book and lay down on the beach bench chair.

Kaile didn't know how to reply, and looking at the women's actions in front of him, he really thought she wasn't going to, but he was wrong.

''A very long time ago.'' She paused as if trying to remember something before she continued.

''So long a go now that it's faded and became like a dream, a young girl that was well off, her father was an emperor of a mortal empire. '' The women's voice sounded distant, like she was here but not at the same time. 

''That young girl was only 14 at that time, she grew up in the palace and was very ignorant of the outside world, that young girl thought everything revolved around her, that she was destined to become a queen.'' She stopped speaking.

Kaile wanting to know more said.

''Then what?''

The woman smiled before continuing, but the smile seemed a bit strange, Kaile was unable to put his finger on it.

''Some strange people that could fly on swords came down from the sky and landed in front of the palace. This scared everyone half to death as it was deemed impossible for someone to fly, the only thing the mortals could think of was to worship them as gods.''

''Were they not gods?'' Kaile asked.

''They called themselves cultivators. They said they came here to check if any new talents were born.''

''Were they?'' Kaile interrupted.

''Stop interrupting.'' The woman said peacefully, she didn't sound annoyed at all.

''The emperor at that time, didn't seem to be afraid but instead he looked excited, it was like he knew what they were before hand, which he did as a scroll was passed down in his family for generation stating, that if they could produce a cultivator their empire will last a 1000 generations.'' The woman got up and put the book down, she then headed towards the edge of the building.

Kaile wanted to say something but, considering she was still walking on air, he kept his mouth shut.

''The emperor took the young princess and showed her to the cultivators, after a check of talent, her talent was deemed as heaven defying so she was taken away before she could even understand what was going on.'' 

At this point in time the woman had her hands behind her back as she gazed out into the city from the edge of the rooftop, her hair swayed slightly in the passing wind. 

''What was her name?'' Kaile couldn't help but ask. 

''Her name was Eleonor.''

''Eleonor huh, sounds human.''

''Eleonor due to her nature, after finding out she was talented naturally thought she was above people in the sect she was brought to. This caused many troubles for the young naive girl. Fortunately she had a senior brother that helped her out of trouble many times.

This senior brother was not very talented, but he was rescued by the sect master, and as an exception was made so he became the disciple of the sect master himself.

Unlike his junior sister, his talent was just ordinary, its unlikely he would get far in the cultivation world, but the world was cruel. The senior brother wanted revenge, revenge against the ones that took his family away from him.

You see, he was only 10 years old when an injured cultivator was helped by his family, when he woke up instead of gratitude, his family was met by slaughter instead.

The senior brother was outside at that time, when he came home he saw the man killing his family, he would of been killed too if not for being rescued by the sect master.''

''Why didn't the sect master kill the cultivator?'' Kaile asked.

Kaile asked this, because it obvious, the senior brother still wanted revenge.

''Although the cultivator was injured, he still had many methods of escape, so he used a talisman to escape. The young boy vowed revenge ever since that day, the sect master finding him pitiful took him in as an adopted son secretly, but to everyone else he was just a disciple.

In the end his talent was too poor, revenge was out of reach, so he could only rely on his junior sister for help.

He sacrificed his life in the end to help his junior sister survive when the sect was under siege from another more powerful sect, the junior sister accidentally offended in secret, nobody knew about this or at least that's what she thought at the time.

But as the senior brother was dying, his last words caused her to re-think her past life choices.'' 

''What did he say?'' Kaile asked in interest.

''He said that he knew it was her that brought them here, and that he sacrificed his life on the chance that she can live and get revenge for him.'' 

''And did she?''

''Who knows, she spent most of her life on the run, eventual calamity stuck, and that whole world was destroyed, or more like the worlds calamity came, but was unable to withstand it.'' The woman finished speaking, and turned around in the blink of an eye; she was already in front of Kaile with an outstretched finger.

''What are you doing?'' Kaile asked calmly, still not taking a step back. 

''Removing something that doesn't belong to you.'' As she said that, her outstretched light caramel finger gently poked at Kaile's heart, suddenly that last hint of sadness in his heart completely evaporated. 

He fell into a daze, his eyes began to shed tears unbeknown to him, and he saw an illusionary image of a family of four, a younger sister, a young boy and a mother and father, the image evaporated, fading away like the sadness in his heart, but the image of the family will be forever etched into his mind. 

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