
General ZIRI

SYNOPSIS The Population on Earth has become too much, the atmosphere expanded and interfere with the Dark matters and it led a disease known as Odiene's Curse. Billions of people lost their lives, the disease stop but portals opened all around the world and Zombies were coming out of the portals and creating choas and destruction. The Government found a way to destroy the portals but new ones keeps coming up, everyone has to join the military in order to learn how to protect themselves and loved ones. Ziri was a young boy that was caught up in the mess, he became an orphan but he went on to become a General and great warrior, but what he truly desire was peace, it seems impossible as the war upgraded from a war between humans and zombies to a war between humans and different aliens from strange dimensions and his adopted father stood as an obstruction in his path. Ziri father wishes for a world without suffering and in order to achieve that world, he has to kill adults and train the children to love and care for each other but it will lead to the very mayhem that Ziri was avoiding. The Question is who will prevail. The Aliens and Zombies Ziri, the peace maker or His Father , the world cleanser Find out in this thrilling novels.

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28 Chs


Ziri ran inside the class room and could see that almost all the N.S were lying unconscious while some are receiving first aid as they had obtained serious injuries.

While all the students with the U.N.S uniforms was sitting on the ground and shivering in fear, some were also receiving treatment . The children was separated in five halls in this manner.

Frank and two all other children were standing and walking around and there was also three students that were standing and walking around in each of the halls.

Ziri entered the hall that Frank was and tushed towards him.

Frank was it is happening ? " he inquired".

Don't mind those fools ,the N.S wanted to murder all the U.N.S so that the people that are participating in the komoyo trial will be reduced, we put an end to it, you can sit down ,we are waiting for the teachers to come and give them their punishment.


In the second building ,where the seniors are, a Colonel appeared.

The recruits were watching the new students on a laptop that was connected to the CCTV in their hostels and was contemplating on what to do, the assistant to the principal appeared instantly, the students stopped what they were doing and saluted.

Are they done" the Principal assistant asked"

No ma "one of the recruit responded ", some of the students restored order, take a look ma. The students showed her the laptop.

Are this not the students that rejected the V.I.S uniforms " the colonel asked "

Yes, ma.

They have caused enough problems, go and deal with them and let the children continue and be quick with it, cut out all the network services so that the children will not be able to contact their parents or the Chapters "the colonel said as she teleported away".

Eight Recruits and two captains went to the building of the new students ,they parted into two and went into the five halls .

They started attacking Frank and the people that settled the choas.

Frank and two others was facing the two seniors, one of Frank teammates has super speed and strength ,while the second one has super stamina and was also a martial artist.

One of the recruits fired a huge ball of flames, Frank used wind to diverse the fire ball back to the shooter, the second recruit waved his hands and used telekinesis to send the fire ball back to Frank, the ball stood still and didn't move because Frank was also applying pressure to his wind but the other recruit was able to hold on.

The guy with super speed and strength quickly appeared at the back of the fire recruit and punch him at the back of his head, he groaned and pass out ,Frank stopped struggling to control the fire ball ,he allowed it to come close to him and used wind to quench it off, he quickly used wind to lift the other recruit and pushed him toward the super guy, the guy grabbed the recruit by the neck and used his elbow to hit the recruit on his head, the recruit head burst open and blood splashed everywhere.

oh shit, I couldn't control my strength " the super boy said as he wipe off the blood off his face"

You guys didn't allow me do anything "the martial artist complained"

Everyone run to your rooms and lock yourselves,"Frank ordered the students"

Go and help others, those soldiers want these kids dead "Frank told hus teammatee as he ran to other halls"

Frank was checking the halls one by one ,the U.N.S in the halls were running away except one hall, he could see that everyone in the hall has froze including his fellow peace makers, two captains were in the room, they were resting against the wall,immediately one of them saw Frank and the two coming, she quickly flicked her hands and they frozed, she took her phone from her pocket and called the other soldiers.

Send the healing teams and those with super strength that will be able to break the hostel door of this rats, "she said as she cut the call and smiled wryly".


In the Military building , Croc was sitting on a chair and smoking when he saw some soldiers running towards the new students arena.

Wait, where you guys going ? " he asked as he blocked them"

Captain Tim requested that we send a backup "one of them replied "

Which set ? "he asked and puffed out smoke from his nostrils".

The medical and strength sets "one of them said as he smiled", this is going to be fun.

Okay go on"Croc said with a frown on his face as he went to the backyard and called someone but the call was not connecting

Oooo, shit, they must have cut the network" he said as he sat on the ground and started meditating, within few moments his shadow came out of hus body and went beside him"

Boss ,this is getting out of hand "he said as he continued meditating" the soldiers intervene and they overwhelmed the team, they are sending a back up, they really want carnage and I don't think the students can handle them.

Let the soldiers on our side intervene ,if they want war let ,them face it."the Shadow responded in a echoing voice".

Croc stop meditating and stood up, his shadow returned to his body.

It has been long I fought a worthy battle"he said as he flexed his body"