
Gemini (Twilight Fanfiction)

What if Bella had a twin sister? Read to find out what happens...

Auroraa_ · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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19 Chs


Blaize POV:

It's been four months since I was turned. Four months of avoiding Mom, Dad, Bella, and my other friends. I can't say my control has improved, as I still can't stop hunting with human blood in the air, but we've all been more careful. With the exception of Emmett. He doesn't really care if I divert the hunt. 'What's best for you,' he simply says. But deep down, I know I shouldn't be doing that.

My eyes are now tinted with flecks of gold rather than remain a crimson red, which is an improvement. I'm trying my best to reign in the thirst; the quicker I get it under control, the sooner I can see Bella. The thought of that is enough to excite me that I usually end up crushing something. Superhuman strength isn't always a good thing.

A gentle knock on my new room's door interrupts me from my train of thoughts. Edward is behind the door.


He creaks the door open a fraction, before slipping in. His eyes flicker around my bare room, spare for a small bookshelf in the corner. I mean, now, there's no point in all that furniture. Giving me a crooked smile, he says, 'Are you thirsty?'

I shake my head. 'I fed yesterday. I'm good.' Even though he can read my mind, it's nicer to converse out loud.

'Good. I want to take you somewhere today.'

Usually, this means going out the back door into the forest, and avoiding the town at all costs. But Edward adds, 'I want you to meet someone.'

I raise my brow. 'Okay.' I know better than to ask who.

I open the window, and get ready to climb out, but a firm hand grabs my arm. 'No. Front door.' Oh. I follow him downstairs, and really, for the first time in forever, walk outside.

'We can run,' Edward says. 'Follow me.' We take off at a sprint. The route, for some reason, is familiar. Too familiar. With a sickening jolt, I realise where we're heading.

I slow to a halt at the edge of a forest. 'The treaty line is there,' Edward murmurs. Then, in a louder voice, he calls, 'Sam!'

Sam and the rest of his pack being to file into view, though I can hear them long before that. We're downwind, but I still gulp in some air. It's okay, you can take a breath, Edward's voice says to me. And so I do.

What hits me first is not the appealing human scent, but the smell of wet dog.

The strongest scent is Seth's, undoubtedly. No. Not bad at all. I take a few steps forwards, and Edward murmurs, 'Careful.' All the werewolves suddenly turn their gaze on me.

A strangled noise comes from Jacob's throat. 'Blaize?'


Bella POV:

It's been four months since Blaize... went. Charlie believes she's away, safe on a student transfer. Unharmed.

But I know what really happened.

And I don't know what will happen the next time I see her.

I know I have Edward.

But my sister is not here.

And I miss her.

[The End]

Hello again :) I hope you liked it, and thanks for reading till the end! Lots of love and stay gold!

Auroraa_creators' thoughts