
Chapter-2 Mother And Son (Part 2)

At dawn, in the bedroom, Visenya and Jaehaerys were in bed completely naked, hugging each other. Sweat covered both of their bodies, they looked like they'd just done a high-intensity workout.

Visenya placed her legs between Jaehaerys's legs as she rested her face on his chest.

Visenya's cheeks were flushed and her breathing was erratic and short. She lay comfortably on her son's chest and calmly listened to the strong pounding of Jaehaerys's heart.

Gradually she calmed down and a cold, indifferent face returned to her face.

After a while of silence, Visenya felt Jaehaerys's fingers gently caressing her back, bringing pleasurable shivers with the slow touch.

"You are getting better at this."

Visenya with her eyes closed enjoyed the caresses and spoke in her usual cold voice with a touch of laziness.

Jaehaerys showed a calm look at his mother's words, but inside he was a little happy, he never won against Visenya, only in bed did he have a slight chance of winning.

"Jaehaerys, you must remember, you must not indulge in carnal pleasure, it corrodes the mind and makes you addicted, so you must learn to control yourself. All beautiful women are dangerous, the prettier the more dangerous she is." Looking at the satisfied look on Jaehaerys' face, Visenya was also happy to make her son feel good, but she didn't miss the chance to teach Jaehaerys.

"A king should prioritize his own interests over his feelings, in that sense your father was a waste." She continued to speak seriously.

"He always had a melancholy feeling around him and loved to play sad songs, as if he was suffering eternal pain." At this point, she couldn't help but mock Rhaegar, who always had a wistful look on his face.

"Mom, you never talk about my dad, it seems like you didn't like him very much." Jaehaerys couldn't help but ask curiously, in his past life, there weren't many things about Rhaegar Targaryen, being his son in this life, he wanted to know what he was like, but Visenya never answered his questions and would always show a look full of coldness when he broached the subject.

"If it weren't for our father, your grandfather, to keep the Targaryen blood pure, maybe he would never marry me, in his eyes, I was not a woman, but a rude man who only knew how to use a sword and wore trousers." Remembering Rhaegar's indifferent eyes on their first and last night, Visenya showed a look filled with irony and contempt for her dead husband/brother.

Seeing her son's confused eyes, Visenya's eyes showed a rare soft look, she held her son's beautiful face and gently said, "In his eyes, a woman should be at home wearing beautiful clothes and arranging flowers or doing embroidery. He didn't like me wearing men's clothes and he also didn't like me training with a sword."

"He preferred Ellia Martell who looked frail and sickly, to satisfy his desire for conquest." Visenya continued and her and Jaehaerys' foreheads met, the two looked at each other with gentle and tender gazes.

"Mother, I saw you fighting a bear, you looked like a goddess of war, beautiful and full of bravery, you looked as dazzling as moonlight in the night sky full of stars." Jaehaerys said with a big smile on his face.

After so long living together, how could Jaehaerys not know what his mother was like? Most of the time, Visenya can appear cold and aloof, but this is just a mask to hide the loneliness she feels and the desire for affection that she was never given as a child.

Over the years, Jaehaerys tried to make those feelings fade over time and it worked, Visenya who never showed a sincere smile, smiled from time to time at him.

Visenya also smiled and hugged her son's body tightly while burying he head between her breasts; she had never felt so happy in her life as this moment. Looking into her son's face, Visenya thought:

'Though I disliked Rhaegar, he gave me a most precious treasure who loves me as I really am. Though I still hate you, I hope you suffer a little less pain in the seven hells, Rhaegar.'

"Remember, my little dragon, you are the brightest Targaryen after Aegon the Conqueror, you are smarter, prettier, stronger, and above all that, you own a dragon, Jaehaerys Targaryen, you are destined to sit on that throne and make the Seven Kingdoms bow their knees to you." Visenya cupped the young Targaryen prince's face in both hands and spoke looking directly into his eyes, as if she wanted him to etch her words forever into his mind.

"But in the line of succession, Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen are ahead of me, this could cause a lot of problems, especially when I start my reforms in the realm. My enemies can use this to sponsor and ally themselves with my uncles (Daenerys and Viserys)." Jaehaerys said hesitantly, as someone who has seen the series very well, he knows how much Westeros respects the law of the firstborn, as shown in House of The Dragon. This could cause a lot of problems for him in the future, as he is destined to carry out many reforms and centralize the power of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Just kill him, I never liked that arrogant brother of mine, who always thought he was the center of the world and everyone should bow down to him, that look was disgusting, plus he always showed signs of madness in childhood, our family didn't need more mad kings." Visenya answered the question with a cold and indifferent answer, she really didn't like Viserys.

She knew that the young prince grew up close to his father, Aerys ll, knowing through him a majestic and imposing vision of the Targaryen family and its legacy. This made him believe that he himself was a dragon and had divine rights to rule.

When she was in the Red Keep, she especially mocked Viserys by referring to him as "Stupid little dragon."

Jaehaerys was hesitant to kill Viserys, but remembering how many times he physically and mentally injured Daenerys, the hesitation disappeared, because of the series, he didn't have a good impression of his supposed uncle either.

"As for Daenerys, you need only wed her, after all, she is the only pure-blooded Targaryen woman besides me, worthy to be a queen to you." Though she despised her father Aerys II, she also knew the importance of pure blood to the Targaryens. The blood flowing in the veins of every Targaryen was magical, the greater the purity of the blood, the purer the magic, the ancestors in the ancient Empire of Valyria used magic to tame dragons and created a gigantic empire controlling countless territories and slaves that lasted five millennia.

"Jae, sleep now. Tomorrow we are going to travel far away." Kissing her son's lips tenderly, Visenya restored the cold and indifferent look and said in a majestic voice and giving Jaehaerys no chance to refuse.

As an orphan in the past life, Jaehaerys himself was especially obedient when his mother spoke in this life, he closed his eyes as he smelled the pleasant scent coming from his mother.

For some reason, I can't put the Incest Tag...

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