
GAME Changer

Kadmiel, known for his merciless persona and cunning business strategies, finds himself captivated by Anastasia's fiery determination and elegance. Unbeknownst to her, she becomes the target of his revenge, intertwining both their fates in ways they could never have expected. * * * * In a world of opulence, danger, and hidden agendas, Anastasia Garcia, the daughter of a man who "betrayed" a powerful family, finds herself caught in a web spun by Kadmiel Luca, a merciless Mafia boss driven by revenge. At an extravagant masquerade party, their intense encounter sets off a clash of wills and ignites an undeniable attraction. As their paths intertwine, they are bound by fate, pushing each other to the limits and blurring the lines between love and loyalty. With secrets, danger, and a fight for power swirling around them, Anastasia and Kadmiel must navigate a treacherous landscape where trust is scarce and the consequences of their choices are high. Will they succumb to the darkness or find solace and redemption in each other? In this gripping tale of love, intrigue, and self-discovery, their destinies collide, unraveling a story that will leave readers breathless and yearning for more. The story explores the boundaries of love, trust, and redemption, uncovering the complexities of power and the choices that define us. "Game Changer" is a gripping tale of forbidden passion, revenge, and the search for identity set in a world where danger lurks behind glamorous facades. As Kadmiel and Anastasia navigate their shared destiny, they must confront the dark forces that threaten to tear them apart and ultimately decide if love can truly conquer all.

Becky_Ogoloma · Thành thị
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8 Chs


Anastasia sat slumped in her office chair, her frustration palpable as she dwelled upon the dire financial situation her company found itself in. Debts piled up like an insurmountable mountain, casting an ominous shadow over her entrepreneurial dreams. She tightly clasped her hands, desperately searching for a way out of this seemingly inescapable predicament.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she ran a hand through her tangled hair, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She knew that she needed a miracle, but little did she know that her visitor would bring not just a miracle, but a whole new level of tension into the room.

As if on cue, the door swung open, creaking slightly, and in walked Kadmiel Luca, the notorious mafia boss known for his ruthlessness and cunning. Anastasia's heart skipped a beat as her eyes locked with his icy glare. The room suddenly became suffocatingly tense, an invisible force wrapping around them as they stood locked in a silent battle of wills.


(through gritted teeth)

What are you doing here, Mr. Luca? Don't you have enough of my company under your grimy thumb?



Always a pleasure to see you too, Anastasia. Though, I can't say the feeling is mutual. Funny how things work, isn't it? You needing someone like me to pull you out of this hole.

Anastasia clenches her fists, suppressing her anger as her eyes narrow at the mafia boss standing before her. She knows that accepting his help would result in a significant loss of control, but she's running out of options and time.



You must be really enjoying this, Luca. Watching me squirm under the weight of debt? But let me tell you, I won't let you ruin me or my company!


(leaning closer, his voice dangerously low)

Oh, Anastasia, my dear. I don't want to ruin you. I want to own you. Your company, your soul. Everything.

Anastasia gazes at Luca, her eyes filled with defiance. She hates the idea of being indebted to him, of surrendering her hard-earned power. Yet, a flicker of realization follows her anger, reminding her that this might be her only chance for survival.


(smiling, slyly)

Anastasia... I must admit, you never fail to impress me. You managed to run your company into such debt, and yet, you still had the audacity to ignore my previous offers.

Anastasia clenches her fists, her frustration intensifying.



I don't need your help. I'll find a way out of this mess on my own.

Kadmiel walks slowly toward Anastasia, each step echoing through the silent room.



Oh, Anastasia, you always were so stubborn. But let's be honest here. You're out of options. Your company is drowning, and your pride won't keep the creditors at bay.

Anastasia grits her teeth, unable to deny the truth in his words.


(struggling to retain composure)

Fine! What's your deal, Luca? What do you want in exchange for saving my ass? Just remember, I won't be your pawn forever.

Luca grins, satisfied by Anastasia's reluctant acceptance.


My dear, all I ask is a small percentage of ownership in your company. You will consult with me on major decisions, and your profits will be mine, of course. But don't worry, I'll let you pretend to be in charge, at least until I decide otherwise.

Anastasia clenches her jaw, defeated and furious. This might be the only way out. Slowly, she nods, reluctantly agreeing to the terms.


Fine. But remember, Luca, this doesn't make us friends. I'll find a way to take back what's mine, mark my words.

Kadmiel's smile broadens, relishing in the power dynamics at play.



Ah, but my dear Anastasia, your ego blinds you. You have no choice, no other options. Play your cards right, and maybe, just maybe, you'll retain a semblance of control. But make no mistake, I hold all the cards here.

Anastasia rolls her eyes and says nothing.


(laughing softly)

Of course, my dear, just remember, you should be thankful for this opportunity. Without me, you'd be nothing.

As a menacing smile adorned Kadmiel's face, he extended his hand towards her, sealing their sinister pact. The air brimmed with tension, and in that moment, both knew that their future would be forever intertwined, a dance fraught with danger, power, and the potential for destruction.

And as Kadmiel Luca turns to leave, Anastasia watches him, her eyes burning with determination. She knows she has sacrificed a piece of herself and her pride, but she will stop at nothing to regain control, to turn this ultimate power play in her favor.

The room lingers with the weight of their heated conversation, both knowing that this new alliance will be far from smooth sailing as each holds their own agenda tightly, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.