

In space and time there exist many universes but there exist an extraordinary world, LAFOLIA. Lafolia was amazing world filled with magic and has been blessed by Goddess Aria, Goddess of peace and prosperity. But as there is light there is dark, in this magical world there exists demons, vicious creatures and the demon king, lizmo a lizard like demon which enjoy on devouring the humans cruelly. So to overcome a threat like this, Goddess Aria summoned hero named Blaze, he was bestowed with heavenly powers to kill demon lord.

The council of Gods are known to be creators of these worlds and their head is named as Cassandra, Goddess of life. As Blaze was summoned, Cassandra always objected and warned Aria against Blaze but Aria never listened. In Lafolia, there is beauty princess named Tiara, fate plays his role and Blaze fallen in love with Tiara but upcoming destiny was bitter. So Aria ordered Blaze to attack lizmo with his party which also includes Tiara as healer. So they went on their quest.

After killing thousands of demons, they finally reached the Lizmo's castle but they were ambushed and whole party met tragedy, most of the members were dead and what's left was injured Blaze and tiara. Lizmo was underestimated by Aria.

Lizmo appeared from shadows and grabbed tiara from neck and sensed a life from her stomach and concluded that she was pregnant with Blaze's child. Tiara never informed Blaze about their child. Hearing this from Lizmo shocked Blaze, but Lizmo was really worst. Firstly Lizmo threatened Blaze to kill tiara, Blaze begged Lizmo even falling in his feet. Then Lizmo ripped off tiara's stomach, killing her and unborn baby then devoured both, the whole skirmish took place in front of Blaze's eyes and after devouring her, lizmo held Blaze captive for many days. During This whole time Aria pleaded the council of gods to restrict her from the rules so that she can help Blaze but Valkyrie, Goddess of war veto voted and Cassandra also rejected her request and Aria was helpless, she spent her days wishing for Blaze's welfare.

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