

But before we get to the point where Zen went to the kitchen and saw whatever there was.

Lets rewind a little bit and see what happened after they had dropped Ferra at her home.

Ferra opened her house gate and as she entered the house she heard a voice

' So how it went, did Sera played her part well or not? '

As Ferra replied

' yes master, everything went just as you planned.

Even better then what you had foreseen. Zen fell in love with Sera in just his first meeting. '

As the voice replied

' great work done by Sera, i was worried what will happen due to her being a hot headed.

Thats why i told you to keep watch over her.

Keep watch over Him until i give you further orders. '

Ferra bowed her head as she said

' i am at your command master. '

To know what she is, here is quick rewind what happened .

The time when Zen told Headless to go away before he kills him, Headless reported this to his master.

As his master told him to be there and keep away from him.

His master was no one else but Kiramada's right hand demon, the ruler of Kalgesh “CLUSTER”.

He was the one who was keeping an eye on everything that happens in ghastle as he had many of his pawn running around there.

He made a call to one of his pawns, which is Ferra and told her the situation.

She analysed the situation and made that small act of her and the story too.

As she had made that ghost by using aura of hers to make a illusion of ghost that was following her.

But it was not a ghost and her story of being a ghost buster and her being saved by Mira was all a lie.

She just wanted to be close to Zen to know more about him as Cluster had told her to do so.

Everything after that happened was all in the series that it happened.

Just not the part where she went before Zen, when he had gone to restroom.

She went behind Zen just to make sure he doesn't do anything that passes her eyes.

As she went behind him, he stopped in the middle of the corridor so she hid there and kept looking at him.

She felt a strange sensation too at that time, But when used his aura she was sure that he will notice her there so she went ahead and made herself come out to him.

As she told him lie about the bad soul being there too, as she didn't what it was but she sure felt it too.

At the present now, she forgot to report it to his master but she thought that it was not something that his master needed to know anyway.

So she went to her bed and due to being exhausted she dropped on the bed and slept right away.

On the other hand, at Zen's house.

As he went to the kitchen, he found something strange.

He was looking at nothing, but he was sure that he had heard some noise.

He went inside the kitchen and looked around before lighting up the kitchen light.

He thought there might be a cat or a mouse around.

So he tried to look but didn't found any, so he thought that it would have been a rat and he would have hid from Zen.

So he started walking back, just as he was about to leave as he turned off the light.

He again heard a noise, it was a noise which was off like someone was munching on something crispy.

So turned the light on and looked around everywhere, he looked each and everywhere he could possibly look for it.

But he wasn't able to find it, being exhausted from the whole day he thought of letting it go.

So went back after turning off the light.

Just as he returned to his room, he again heard the noise but ignoring it he went straight to his bed before changing clothes.

As Venda in his mind also said

' I guess you should better off sleeping, its not like a mouse gonna choke you at night. '

Zen didn't gave her any answer and just dropped on the bed.

Some time after he got to bed and was sleeping.

Something tickled him on his neck.

He in his sleep just moved his hand on his neck, as he kept sleeping.

Then again he felt something on hi neck, so he rubbed his hand again on his neck in his half sleep.

Then he felt like someone grabbed his neck, he opened his eyes and moved his neck a little and touched it.

But there was nothing, he turned around to a side and again tried to sleep.

Just as the next moment he again felt a grab on his neck but this time it was hard choking, he woke up immediately and stood up.

He started breathing heavily as he looked around, but saw nothing.

He turned on the light but still there was nothing, he looked out of the window thinking someone would have done it but the window was closed and locked from inside.

His sleep was gone and he knew that he felt that choking on his neck.

Even Venda made him sure that there was something.

So he concentrated on his energy and tried to check his surrounding.

Just as he did that he was able to feel an strange aura around a single point.

He looked at it but there was nothing there.

So he tried to concentrate more on it and covered it with his aura.

The thing that was there, now tried to run away but Zen got a hold of it with his aura.

He asked Venda what was that but Venda had no idea.

As she remembered something and said

' wait could it be a ghost or a soul that Ferra was talking about. '

As Zen realised that it could be one.

So he kept holding on to it and picking up hi phone he took out the card that Ferra gave him.

He called Ferra as he kept holding on to the that thing, Ferra was sleeping tight as she got a call from Zen.

She in her half sleep picked up the call as Zen said with a racing voice due to being scared

' Ferra, its me Zen.

There is a ghost in my room, i am holding it with my aura for now but i won't be able to hold it for long.

So please tell me what should i do with him. '

As Ferra in her sleep hearing that said

' ohh you are holding on to a ghost, great. '

As she realised what he said and replied with a loud voice

' what you caught a ghost.

How the fuck is that even possible. '

As Zen replied

' it doesn't matter what is possible and what is not.

Just tell me what should i do with him. '

As ferra didn't understood what she should tell him. As she had no idea what do either.

As she told Zen that she was coming there, but Zen told her not to as he will not be able to hold it any longer.

Ferra was in pinch now, as Zen thinks that she is a ghost buster which she was not but she had to make him think that she is one.

So she had to do something or he won't trust her, so she said

' You remember what i said, i fulfil there last wish and by doing that they just go away on there own.

So ask that soul what its last wish is and try to fulfil it.

In the mean time i am coming to your home. '

Saying that Ferra cut the phone and Zen was left with the main question that he had no idea how to even ask the ghost for its last wish.

To which Venda replied

' i guess i can tell how you can do it.'

As she told Zen that

' See souls are suppose to be people who have died, so they are the inner self of a person.

Which mean the soul have its frequency too on which they can hear things and understand them just like people do, but due to having a medium like brain.

They can understand what they doing, seeing and hearing.

But soul doesn't have a medium so it can't do the same, so what if you make a medium for the soul to which you can send the message and this way it will understand what you asking. '

Though Zen didn't understood what Venda was talking but he had figured that doing something was more then doing nothing as he had not much time before the soul might get out of his hold.

So he tried he tried to make a medium for the soul as he threw some thing its way but nothing worked.

Venda told him to make a medium with his aura.

So Zen sat down on the ground and closed his eyes which made his hold on the soul strong and he was able to concentrate on cresting an medium for it too.

He tried to create a space from him to the soul which was going to connect his speech to the soul.

He made the aura path for it and adjusted its end from the side of soul to its frequency.

After creating it, he was ready to say something. As he asked Venda what should he say and Venda told him to introduce himself and ask about who he/she was.

As he said

' Hi, i am Zen a human.

I won't harm you. Please tell me your name. '

As he waited for a moment buy no answer came to him.

Both Venda and Zen thought that it was a lost cause and they had to try something else.

But before he was going to undo his aura path, he heard a voice with a very low pitch

' i-i- i am, i-i don't know. I just need to eat.

You came there, so i thought you enemy.

Don't hurt me, let go. '

As hearing that both Venda and Zen was shocked beyond imagination.

They had no idea what just happened and even if it was possible that what they just heard, but one thing was for sure that it was not a dream.

During this Ferra is on her way to his house, but she didn't had any vehicle and due to being midnight she didn't get any ride.

So she was running toward Zen's house and will be at his house in some time.

Read next....