

Linda got terrified to look at his hand.

She was not moving.

Her body was shivering in fear and terror.

Shin saw her shivering and realised he have to do something to make her calm down and relax.

He started calling her name.

Linda! Linda!

She didn't even flinched. As her mind was fully developed in fear.

Shin tried to look at his hand as saw for the first time how it looked like.

He thought it was sure different from the one Linda has.

As he tried to cover it with some cloth, took out a napkin that was on the trolley next to his bed.

He covered his hand and tried to wake Linda from her scared state.

She was not making any progress, Shin decided to slap her face and he did.

But it would have been better he didn't did anything except trying to call someone for help.

Just as he slapped, Linda went flying toward the hall of the hospital breaking through the door.

As she reached the hall, the other people and the hospital staff noticed it and immediately tried to tend to her and saw Shin sitting on the ground, from where Linda came flying.

As they looked at him with unsettling eyes of both anger and fear.

As they were trying to tend to Linda, she woke from her state of fear and came back to her senses.

Seeing everyone around her she startled a bit and as she sat down with their help.

She saw Shin sitting in front of him through the broken door.

She still remember what she saw but had come over the feeling what she had before.

She stopped everyone else who was tending to her wound and starting healing herself.

It took her a few minutes but she was able to heal enough to get back to her own feet.

She told everyone that it wise fine and to get back to their work.

Others still wanted to know what happened as the nurse asked her about how it happened.

But Linda told them to get back to their duties with a little yelling way.

They all understood that they shouldn't get in their personal problems and went back to their work which they were doing.

Linda with her little unbalanced state went toward Shin, closed of the room as she put the curtain on.

Shin asked if she was okay.

Linda said

' i am fine but what you just did.'

Shin replied

' i am sorry, i didn't wanted to make you fly away like that.

I just wanted to woke you up from your scared visions, but as i just tried to wake you up by slapping you which i did put a little strength in.

That just happened that you went flying through the door.

I seriously didn't realise that the power gear works so drastically, i would have restrained my self otherwise if i had known that. '

Linda replied

' i see now, that's why i went flying because of your power level.

As i am sure no one can use their power gear without them actually using it.

And you don't even know how to use it so how could you would have done that.

That may your demon powers that made you that much powerful on this normal form.

I'll give you an advise never try to use your power until you know how to use it.

Just do everything slowly and smoothly for now.

Or you'll break everything around you as you go.'

Shin understood what she was saying and that's why he said

' i do understand what you said but what you mean by normal form.

If i am power in normal form than how can i restrict my power in this form. '

Linda laughed at what he said.

As she then said

' you see the stripes show the level of our power and the farther we can go, as we activate these levels we develops the form of this level.

It isn't like your appearance changes, its just that due to rising level your natural strength and abilities rose up and due to which you attain a different form then before.

That is the reason it is called forms.

And you asking how you can control your normal form, i can tell you because i am doing that as we talk.

But if i unleash my full power on the normal form , that hit of yours would have not effected me at all.'

As she unleashed her full power at the base level and asked Shin to slap her again with the same force he did before.

Shin hesitated a bit but Linda told him to trust her and just hit him as she was not just an ordinary doctor.

Shin without holding back hit her with more force accidentally as he got carried away.

But this time, that slap didn't put a scratch on Linda's face or either she moved a single inch from her place.

She stood and took the hit without even getting fazed.

As shin was amazed by after seeing this and he was surprised that his sister holds so much power.

Seeing that Linda was able to hold that hit, he asked Linda to hit him this time and with her whole strength without holding back on the base level.

She refused to do so as it was dangerous, even for him as he might die.

Shin's eyes were about to pop out after hearing that she could kill him with a single slap on her base level, so how much stronger would be the max strength of her or his own who have greater potential then her.

So he asked her to show her more powers but Linda refused to do so as she was also in her controlled state now.

She said

' its dangerous to unleash my full power here, it could cause so much ruckus and you too, your power have to be sealed for now to restrict your energy and the aura you are unleashing.

I will seal your abilities before someone sees this aura of your and try to kill you.

I don't want you to get in any kind of trouble, who knows my Zen might be alive somewhere and you are the only hope to find a way to bring him back.

I don't want to loose hope on that so don't do anything stupid to put yourself at any risk.

I will support you in any way possible and will try to treat you like Zen as much as possible.

So please,


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