19 Self Blame "FRAUD"

An hour later, Lin Gang hurried to Qindao Branch.

  Lin Gang entered the second group office and saw Wang Haidong at one glance, staring at the other side severely.

  "Comrade Police, I'm Lin Gang, who picked up the phone."

  "sit down."

  "Thank you."

  "Where's my cell phone? Give it back to me!" Wang Haidong scolded.

  "You also sit down and make things clear." Han Bin said.

  "Comrade Police, what else to say is that he stole my cell phone and extorted my money." Wang Haidong said.

  "Comrade Police, don't listen to him bullshit, I picked up this phone." Lin Gangdao.

  "Lin Gang, tell me what's going on?" Han Bin won't just listen to one side of the word, and listen to the two's own words, in order to investigate the case more accurately.

  "I am a Didi driver. When pulling guests, some people will inevitably drop things. He took my car and the phone fell into the back seat." Lin Gangdao said.

  "Since you picked up the phone, why not return it to him and extortionate his money?" Li Hui asked.

  "You're wrong, how can I, a serious ordinary citizen, blackmail him?" Lin Gang was angry and angry, as if insulted.

  "Don't be excited, just to be honest." Han Bin said.

  "When I found the phone, he was already out of the car, and I didn't know where he was?" Lin Gang recalled:

  "Later, when I went to pull the job, the phone rang, saying that this was his phone, and let me send it to him. I was pulling customers in the car, how could I send it to him immediately."

  "After finishing the work, why not give him the phone?" Li Hui said.

  "I just finished sending a guest to the airport and he called me again and asked me to send the phone right away. I said, OK, I can send it to you, but I do n't follow the way there, you have to pay my return fare, 200 yuan. "Lin Gangdao.

  "Why isn't it going down the road, you won't pull one from the airport and go to my side?" Wang Haidong said.

  "When you say pull, pull, so easy?" Lin Gangdao said.

  "Stop arguing, what happened later?"

  "Two hundred dollars, he refused to come out. I said there was no way to help you deliver it. You can get it by yourself, and he exploded. He said there was a location on the phone. If he did n't send it, he said the phone was stolen and went to the police Local police. "

  Lin Gang snorted: "I didn't take it seriously, so I hung up on him."

  "Is that so?" Han Bin turned his head and looked at Wang Haidong.

  "No, he later said that such a good mobile phone would cost less than 500 yuan, otherwise, throw the mobile phone into the sewer and try to be quiet before I report the police." Wang Haidong said.

  "Comrade Police, I just said something offensive, I just felt that this person was too cowardly. I picked up your cell phone, and I did n't even have a thank you. They also let me pay for it myself, delay the pick-up, and send it to you. There is such a thing. "Lin Gangdao.

  Through the dialogue between the two, Han Bin probably understood the situation and said, "Wang Haidong, he is not willing to send it over. Why don't you get it yourself?"

  "Comrade Police, I am a foreigner and I am unfamiliar with the place of life. He said, I do n't know where?" Wang Haidong spread his arms.

  "So you report false alarms," ​​Li Hui said.

  "I did not report a false alarm. I thought my cell phone was stolen and I was ransommed. As long as he returned the cell phone to me, I could withdraw the case." Wang Haidong said.

  "Do you think the police station is your home and say you want to withdraw the case?" Han Bin hummed.

  "I just want to get my phone back." Wang Haidong said.

  "How about a cell phone?" Han Bin asked.

  "Here." Lin Gang hurriedly took out his phone.

  Han Bin held it in his hand, shook it, and said, "Is this your phone?"

  "Yes." Wang Haidong reached out and was about to take it.

  "You said yes, just? Password."


  Han Bin enters the password,

The phone is turned on.

  "Look, Comrade Police, this is really my cell phone."

  "I'll check, if your identity can be proved on the phone, it will be given to you naturally." Han Bin said, opened the phone gallery, wanted to see if there was a photo of the owner, and verified.

  "Comrade Police, you can see my WeChat, I have photos on WeChat," Wang Haidong reminded.

  Han Bin ignored him and continued to look at the gallery.

  Pink, white, red, big white legs, etc. There are many photos of women's skirts on the phone.

  The more Han Bin looked, the more ugly his face was.

  Wang Haidong on the side was also a little nervous: "Comrade police, it's really my cell phone, give it back to me."

  "Pop!" Han Bin slaps his phone on the table and says, "What are these?"

  "This ... these were downloaded from the Internet, I watched and played." Wang Haidong's face became very ugly.

  Han Bin opened a small video. On a escalator, she was shooting the bottom of a woman's skirt. When the woman got on the elevator, her phone shot turned and she took a picture of Wang Haidong himself.

  He grinned and said, "Hey, my favorite pink, I have to see it at night."

  "This isn't downloaded from the Internet," Han Bin said coldly.

  "You jerk, I hate people like you the most." Li Hui cursed.

  "Well, this is the Qindao Taylor mall. I know that this turtle grandson actually ran to our Qindao city and took a photo of the skirt. If I get caught, he will have to strangle him." Lin Gang cursed.

  "Speak carefully, this is the police station. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Han Bin said.

  "Yes, I'm used to it." Lin Gang gave a mouthful.

  "Okay, now it can be proven that this phone is indeed yours." Han Bin snorted, and then Feng Feng turned:

  "According to the" Policy on Public Security Administration Penalty, "those who peep, secretly photograph, eavesdrop, or distribute the privacy of others shall be detained for less than 5 days or fined less than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for more than 5 days and less than 10 days, and may be concurrently punished 500 Fine below $. "

  "Comrade Police, the first time I came to Qindao for vacation, give me a chance. I am willing to pay a fine, so don't detain me?" Wang Haidong begged.

  Li Hui reached out and patted Wang Haidong's shoulder, and said, "Let's go and take you to another place for vacation."

  Wang Haidong was just like the eggplant beaten by frost, and the whole person was choked.

  He himself knew that such things were disgraceful and could not quibble.

  "Well, I put myself in for two hundred dollars. It deserves it." Lin Gang took a sip.

  Han Bin looked at Lin Gang and said, "Let you run a car empty, do you need gas?"

  "No, I don't lack that money. I just feel guilty and threatened by doing good deeds. Now it's much cooler. What is 200 yuan?"

  "If you encounter such a thing in the future, explain it to the passengers, don't talk so aggressively." Han Bin educated.

  "Yes, you must pay attention later." Lin Gangdao.

  "Go." Han Bin said.

  "Thank you." Lin Gang nodded, then hummed Xiaoqu and left the office.

  "Ding Dong, congratulations to Police Officer 577533, who resolved the dispute between the common people and caught a sneak shot criminal."

  "Reward merit value +1."

  Han Bin smiled, this is not bad, sitting in the office can also earn meritorious value!

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