
Fury of a Lover

When private investigator, Deborah wellington undertook work on an important project. She was so invested in showing her superior that she was a good fit for the job. Not once did it cross her mind that love would be a contender. Timothy Johnson, was a Houston doctor and a nerd, a terrible combination on Deborah's dating radar. The unusual pair soon grow fond of each other and Elizabeth goes with the flow, yet she refuses to commit her heart fully. Timothy's ex moves back into the city and Elizabeth is thrown into a love triangle. Pregnant and alone wasn't a future Elizabeth envisioned for herself, but falling in love with a nerd wasn't a part of the plan too. A nerd that she discovered almost too late that she very much loved and wanted to spend forever with him. Darn it if she was ever going to allow one sleazy queen bee steal her man away from her. Not while she could do something about it.

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3 Chs

Chapter Two

Deborah was happy with herself. The ball was now in her court and she intended on playing it well. She giggled, at her desk, as her phone screen continued to flash. It was the stranger. No, Mr. Project. This game

of theirs was getting fascinating. She needed her name tag, he needed his project file. But hers was less important. She could easily get what she needed from the

warehouse, the next day, when Jeff would be on duty. She continued with her work, resting for only a few minutes. She needed to get the location of Mr. Jonas In addition to other projects, waiting for her attention.

That wasn't difficult to get.She had managed

to set a GPS tracker on his car, before thetailing. Her current, client, Mr. Jonas wife,

suspected her husband was cheating on her

and wanted to know who it was, he was

cheating on her with. She was willing to pay

any amount, for the investigation. Mr Smith,

Deborah's boss, was pissed off at first, when

Mrs. Jonas contracted them to investigate her husband. He planned to turn down the offer, but suddenly changed his mind, when she offered six thousand dollars. Six thousand dollars? To tail her husband?

Who offers such money, for a minimal and

irrelevant work? Well, it was irrelevant to him, but relevant to the one who contracted them. Luck, shone upon Deborah, when Jeff the warehouse manager, suddenly showed up. It was meant to be his day off, but he felt bored at home, and had to return to work. His wife and children travelled to New Orleans to see.her mother, leaving only him at home."Good morning Mr Jeff," she greeted

enthusiastically. "Good morning," he replied with a smile, which he readily gave out to everyone. What joy she felt at seeing him. She failed to see the angry look on Chris face, when Mr Jeff asked her, what she needs. She rounded up her work, and walked to the warehouse, which was a few steps away. "Mr. Jeff, can I get these equipments? I need them for an assignment, tomorrow morning.""Okay.

Chris, collect the paper from her and. give her what she needs." Chris felt a sudden rush of anger in him. He felt ridiculed, especially with the sheepish grin on Deborah's face, which loudly said," I got it

at last" He grudgingly handed over the equipments, to Deborah, who collected them with swag,and dashed back to the office. Her phone was beeping, when she got to her.desk.

"Twelve missed calls! Oh, it's from Mr.

Project." She had saved Timothy's name as

Mr. Project, so she could identify his number

anytime he called. It was at dusk, when she was heading home, she picked his call. He had called incessantly over and hundred times, disrupting her at.every point. She finally decided to temper judgment with

mercy. Hello, she said saucily, as she picked his call. Who's this?" She asked, pretending, she didn't know who has been calling.

"It's me. The guy whose project is with you,"

he responded immediately, soundingrelieved. "And what do you want?" "I really need to retrieve my project file from you. It's important. I'm to submit, in two days time. Deborah was about exploding with laughter. His plea was so enticing, that anyone but her would have asked him to get his file from them, a long time ago. "Okay. I'll think about it" she replied graciously. "You'd think about it? About my own project?" Timothy shouted in fury. He was totally pissed with her childish attitude. "Are you shouting at me?" Deborah asked sarcastically. He was silent until she asked again. " I'm sorry." "That's better. Let's meet at the coffee shop,

close to the University's gate."Alright" he said and hung up.bThe university was just fifteen minutes drive from Deborah's office. She entered her car, and drove to the coffee shop, where they were to meet. The shop was a usual spot for her, where she spent a good part of her lunch hours. She strode into the coffee shop, where Timothy was already seated, eagerly awaiting her arrival. Her head was pitched high, to give her a good view of everyone in the shop. She moved a few to the left in a bid to sit and wait for Mr. Project. "Good evening, miss Deborah" one of the waiter's, who knew her as a regular, greeted. She turned her head to the direction; the

greeting came from, and was surprised to see the waiter, just by the side of Mr. Project.She recognized him at first glance. Her ability to recognize people easily even after a faint glance, helped greatly in her investigations. "Are you miss Deborah Wellington," Timothy asked, as he stood upright before the damsel at his presence.

She was beautiful, and he admired her beauty,nbut for a short while.."Yes, I'm Deborah Wellington and you are Timothy Johnson, or should I call you Mr. Project?""I prefer you call me Timothy" "Okay. So Mr. Timothy can I have my name.tag?" Debora h asked, without wasting any time on pleasantries. He brought out her tag from his pocket and handed it over to her, with discomfort. He.wanted to get this done with as soon as he could.She took it from him, and cleaned it like an

unclean substance touched it. She brought his project from her bag and handed it over to him, "Take it" He collected it and dusted it in the same manner, she dusted hers.

He muttered a ' Thank you', stood up and left. She was pleased with herself. He wouldn't dare mess with her if their paths ever crosses.She stood up minutes later after drinking her cup of coffee which she had ordered, after he left. She arrived home, totally exhausted, even though she didn't do any stressful work through the day. She took some slice of bread, and sat by her system. She had to closely monitor Mr. Jonas location, for her operation the next day.She sat glued to her system, waiting for hours for hosting location to change from his house. Three hours later, when she was already dozing, the system beeped twice indicating Mr. Jonas movement from his current location. She jerked up, noted his location and went off to bed. She slept peacefully, dreaming of her third impending bonus, she'd get from the work. It enticed her, making her forget she was to be at the location of Mr. Jonas as early as five A.M She woke up an hour behind schedule to

find out he had changed location back to his

house. "Oh no," she moaned in anger at her

stupidity. She was back to square one and had to wait for his location to change back to his side chic's. It was killing. The frustration. This was her third failed attempt at catching Mr. Jonas.She was downcast, but for a second. She got up from the bed and dashed into the

bathroom by her left. She could still make

something from nothing, she said to herself

as she cat walked. "Mary has a little lamb, little lamb" she sang, sitting put in the bathtub she had feel with soap lather. The hot water and Irish soap rejuvenated her entire skin. It was tingling. The effect of that bath. She felt lofty at that moment, imagining herself while she receives the award as the best investigator of the year from the governor. The thought gave

her ecstasy, making her forget temporarily

her plan to catch Mr. Jonas. She was still in

heaven, when a Knock was heard on her door. She paused her singing. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud, reaching for the towel hanging useless on the railing. "Who is it?" she asked again, but got no reply. The silence made her scared.

Gently picking up a baseball stick, she tiptoedto the door, and silently opened it. "Oh my God! It's you" she exclaimed, when she found her neighbor standing at the door.

He smiled." Good morning, Deborah." "Good morning," she greeted, dropping the.stick on the floor. "How may I help you?"" I don't know, if you can please reduce your

singing. I'm trying to sleep" he said, staring

into her boobs which were awkwardly

positioned as a result of the towel wrapped

around them. "Oh! I'm sorry" she apologized. I didn't know I was singing so loud" "Oh, I see. Can I come inside?" "To do what?" Deborah asked with growing annoyance. His continuous stare at his bosom annoyed her.

"To chat and have some fun with you, ofcourse" he replied, smiling sheepishly. His

smile showed his intentions without any iota of shame. It was devilish. " I'm sorry, can you please leave my apartment?" Deborah requested with all form.of courtesy she could muster. "And if I say I'm not leaving, what would you do to me?" he asked, gradually awakening the violent spirit lying low in Deborah. He shifted some steps forward, grinding his groin into her. That movement caused a rush.of heat in Deborah. She needed to act fast. And fast, she acted.nShe turned around, raised her left hand and.landed him an explosive slap. It made his face tingle. Her hand left a huge mark on his face. "You slapped me?" he asked with rage. He couldn't believe it. His pride, dignity, brought to shambles by a mere lady. It angered itgreatly, and forced him to act irrationally.

He pushed her hard, causing her to fall unto

the sofa lying just by her back, before

advancing towards her. But she was sharply.

Sharper than three of him combined. She

raised her leg in mid-air giving him a hard

kick on his testicles.b"Ouch! He cried in pain. Great pain. His testicles surely must have been damaged bynthat kick. He landed on the floor, as he continued to groan in pain

Deborah hurriedly stood up, rushed into her

bags and picked her cuffs. She clicked it upon his hands, rendering him helpless.

"Let go of me! Leave me!" he screamed loudly,.rolling like a bag of dirt he was.

The investigative spirit in her, wanted to teach.him a lesson, right there. But she objected it. Such fellow needed worse than just a fewbeatings. He needed something worse than

that. A jail sentence. That should land him

about two years imprisonment. She called the police, and in less than fifteen minutes, they arrived at her place. "please, leave me," he pleaded as they dragged him out of the house. He shot a devilish look at Deborah who returned it with a more devilish one.

She returned to the bathroom, as soon as the police left.She needed to take a shower after that fight with the son of a bitch. "I should have taught him a bigger lesson"

she said with a pang of regret..She was running late, and she needed to catch Mr Jonas right in the act. His schedule stated he was to have a class at 7am, but his

location was currently showing the coffee

shop situated a little while away from the

university..What is he doing there?, She wondered in surprise. He must be waiting for his girlfriend" she concluded quickly and hurriedly packed her bag. She wore her custome made up of a black gown, sunshade, strawhat and a trainers. She also made sure to put her pistol in her bag, in

case things go wrong. Minutes later, she arrived the coffee shop, and was lucky to find Mr Jonas and his girlfriend, sitting by the lawn, sipping their cups of Americana Expresso coffee. "This is the perfect opportunity" she said to herself, as she glided from her car. "How would I take a picture of them, without causing them to be suspicious?"She thought deeply, racking her brain for the

perfect game plan. It came quickly, causing

her to break in a faint smile. She walked up to the duo fondling each other passionately. They were oblivious of her presence, till she gently tapped them. "Who are you?"Mr. Jonas asked in annoyance at the intruder.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I can get a picture

from both of you. You look perfect together"

Deborah asked In the gentlest voice she

could come up with. "Of course," the duo said in agreement, smiling like little children who were handed a candy. "Thank you" Deborah muttered an appreciation. It was genuine. What joy she felt, by hearing that phrase. She began to take shot of them, arranging their heads in various pose, placing an undetectable camera in their hairs. She was almost done with them, when Mr. Jonas stood up abruptly. His face was flushed

with anger. "How dare you?" He shouted at

Deborah." so you're the investigator hired by

my wife to spy on me right?" He asked with a loud voice, reaching for the pistol hidden

carewas a well known man who was dreaded by all investigators in town, not because he was evil or something, but because he was witty and a carbon copy of the devil. He could twist a case going in your favor,

against you at the dime minute, making you

look stupid before a gathering of people.

Deborah was about taking her bath, when her phone beeped thrice. This preceded any important information from the office.

She jumped unto her bed in a bid to pick the

phone, but ended up hitting her chin on the

wood. "Ouch!" she cried in pain, rubbing her

chin vehemently with her left hand. The pain

persisted for minutes, causing miniature

discomfort to her. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed in surprise. She couldn't believe the information passed to her.fully in his coat.