
Further from the light

The duchy of Goldhart has four viable heirs, so it makes no sense for the late duchess to have given it to her. Nonetheless Allisyn is now the next duchess, whether they like it or not and with her coming of age ball she is hoping to find a suitable man to stand by her side. But love is not all sunshine and rainbows, a lesson she will learn the hard way. The only problem now is that with every bump and thorn in her way, Allisyn falls deeper into the darkness

Fic_lover · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

at first sight, or so i would like it to be

The mood around the ballroom felt amazing, then again not being subject to hateful looks and always having to be on the lookout incase somebody tries to kill you, can do that. It can make what people refer to as a decent party heaven in your eyes.

"May I have the duchess's first dance." He turned around, meeting blue eyes with specks of gold. Silver hair cut short but stylish for their time, matched with slightly tan skin.

"Your highness" she bowed to the prince.

"Your highness? what happened to Rendy, you used to call me that when you were younger". He held out his hand and led her to the dance floor. They started swaying together, the prince taking the lead.

"I was just a little girl back then, barely six if I recall correctly. Back then there was no prince Rendell Laciyas Landenmore or Duchess Allisyn Marigold Goldhart, we were just Alli and Rendy. Unfortunately circumstances does not allow us to go back to that time." the prince said nothing, just continued to sway back and forth with her, spinning her around a few times and then dipping her.

"You were always a terrible dancer" he chuckled while she blushed

"Your highness! It is not my fault I was born with no talent, and unlike academics I can't seem to grasp it no matter how much I try."

Again the prince replied with nothing, continuing to sway her around. They paid no attention to their spectators who were whispering and speculating about their connection. The prince never danced with anyone, that fact used to be set in stone.

"You look beautiful tonight, and I'm happy to have had your first non-official dance as duchess. If you will excuse me, I think you have some more suitors who wound love a dance with you."

They broke apart, she curtsied in thanks, and although he did not have to, they prince also bowed. She watched him walk towards his father before being hijacked by giggly girls.

"My lady, may I have this dance?" she did not recognize this new man, no matter how much she dug through her memory. Her confusion must have showed on her face because the new comer chuckled.

"Forgive me for my rudeness my Lady. I am here on behalf of Kaizenland empire, I am count Palious Shefer. It is truly an honor to meet you" he bowed as was customary. Allli gave him her hand and they begun dancing, nothing too complex, just simple enough for her to follow his lead.

The Kaizenland empire, Landenmore's neighbour. The two were not friendly, but they were not fighting either. They used each other for routes purposes, as Ladenmore had their own coast and port which Kaizen needed to trade with other countries outside their continent, Kaizenland on the other hand was rich in raw material that were hard to find elsewhere. It was for this reason that the two lived in relative peace with each other. Although that peace was now in danger as rumors were starting to spread of Kaizenland wanting to take the port for themselves.

"I am honored to have a royal of the empire at my ball, but you will have to forgive me for my rudeness with this question. Why did a noble such as yourself come instead of the usual representative? And to send a count at that, a baron I would understand, but not a count."

"Is it that strange that a single and young noble such as myself would want to try his luck with the beautiful duchess."

"Of course not" she accompanied her statement with a smile "after all, you are only after what every single men in here wants. Even the married ones."

"Ah, so you are aware, and here I thought you father was just being a typical proud dad when he said you were intelligent."

"Only a fool would be ignorant to the atmosphere in this room. Every man here, except the prince of course, wants the Goldhart riches and title. How does Duke Shefer sounds, music to your ears right, although it makes me wonder. Where would you loyalties lie then, lord Shefer? A truly domesticated pet would never leave their master, regardless of what he does. If you marry me, you will have a say in how both the port and kingdom is run. The empire can easily reduce their tax when they have a man inside. Trade would be smoother for them, wouldn't it?"

left foot forward, right food back, a spin before the count brings her close and whispers in her ear

"You are a smart little girl, aren't you. Don't you know men like their women a little dumb."

"Lucky for me I am in a position where I don't need to play dumb for a man."

The count responded with an evil smile, all teeth bared to Alli. "I like your spirit my lady, you remind me of our queen."

"A fantastic queen i hear" the gentlemen nodded.

"I have taken enough of your time and it seems my mission has already failed. Your Highness, Thank you for the dance." he bowed, excusing himself

Earl Palious Shefer from the Kaizenland empire. Shoulder length curly red hair, brown skin and grey eyes. He seemed like the kind of man Allisyn would choose for herself. He would not be oppressive , and would not undermine her opinion as he already acknowledged her brains.

"Finally on you own your highness." Nicholas Rismus, considered one of the most handsome men along with the prince and a few others. He had beautiful long black hair, brown eyes and pale skin, add in his height and you had an eye catching man.

"Lord Rismus!"

"May I have this dance my lady" She knew they were off to a bad start when Nicholas chose a more complex dance instead of the swaying he did with the prince and count.

"You look beautiful Alli" first name basis already? She doesn't remember her and the lord ever conversing that much for them to be on first name basis. And unlike with the prince, they never played together when they were younger.

"Thank you lord Rismus." unlike with the previous two suitors, there was no in between conversation. The dance was fast and Alli had her entire focus on not messing up the routine

"You are a terrible dancer Alli, not fitting for somebody who will be the wife or a noble" she froze, causing Nicholas to step on her foot as she missed her cue.

"I apologise lord Rismus, dancing was never my strongest suit."

"It's fine for now but when you marry me you will have to learn." the arrogance and self assurance shocked her when it shouldn't have. She already knew her father was up to something especially with how he made sure to mention Nicholas in their sparse and far between meetings

"What makes the lord so sure I will be marrying him" she already knew the answer, but needed confirmation from the man himself.

"Your father has assured me countless times that he will make it happen."

"Oh father."

"That's what I said. Your father has told me of your intelligence but you seem a little slow to me. Don't worry though, I have no need for an intelligent wife."

at least she already knew who she was not choosing in this sea of eligible suitors. She already knew what she wanted in a man, and she refused to settle for a man like him.

"Lord Rismus, you will have to excuse me. I feel dizzy and tired, perhaps why I have been so off with you."

"I see, you can go sit down and have a drink. I will continue to talk to and built relation with the other nobles." He did a little hand gesture of dismissal, which angered her so much. There was no way she was going to marry this entitled man, who was already making decisions for her like he owned her. She smiled and excused herself with a curtsey heading towards the table where her little brothers were