
Captain Eraso in danger of being fired

 --The day after Captain Eraso failed his B-rank quest.

"Hey, Eraso! What the hell are you doing? !

 Captain Eraso was summoned to the guild master's room.

"Gilmas ..., what is it?

"What is it? I heard that you failed your B-rank quest and came back to escape! Our guild's reputation is going down the drain because of you!

Guillermouth! It's not like that! It just happened.

You idiot! You can't smear the guild's name on a fluke!

No, it's ....

I was a fool to expect anything less from you.

 Guillermouth looked down at Captain Eraso.

And you have no management skills!

"Oh, management?

The warehouse operations have been delayed and we have not been able to redeem any of the items. Thanks to you, we're running out of working capital.

Oh, the warehouse? I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

If so, let them get on with it! You have until the end of the night to catch up! If you don't, you're fired.

"Yes, sir!

 Captain Elasor ran out of Gilmas's room with great speed and headed for the warehouse.

 There, a man was working with a tired face.

 He was the one that Eraso had hired as a part-time worker to replace Artoo, who had left.

'Hey, you! Why are you behind on the sorting!

 Eraso shouted.

"Captain! There's no way you can do this much by yourself! Don't be absurd!

"Nonsense! Why can't you do what even that incompetent Artoo could do?

I'm sure you've heard of him. That guy used his skills to organize the warehouse! You can't beat me!

 --Yeah. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 It was because he was Artoo that he was able to handle the recklessness.

 So it was understandable that he would feel unreasonable if he was put in charge of it.

"Look. I want everything in here sorted by tomorrow morning. If you don't, you're fired!

What the hell?

 The scullery maid lost his temper at the captain's insolence.

I quit already! I can't do this job! I don't want to do this job! I'll ask for it before I get fired!

 With that, the scullery maid leaves the warehouse.

 --And with that, the scullery maid leaves the warehouse, leaving behind a large amount of unorganized loot.

"Oh, you! Wait a minute!

 But I don't hear a word Eraso says.

"Oh, hey! What are you going to do?

 Eraso was at his wit's end.

 If we don't clean up the warehouse by tomorrow, I'll be fired.

 My men have already been disbanded.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

"... Damn it!

 Elasor had no choice but to start organizing the warehouse with his own hands.

 Artoo had obtained a D rank license, which allowed him to take quests up to B rank.

How about this quest then?

 Artoo went to the quest introduction guild and was introduced to a B-rank dungeon quest.

A dungeon in the Asil Mine! Sounds good.

 He was able to find the exact dungeon he had hoped for.

We've already conquered this one, but there are still monsters. This is a quest to defeat them. I'll give you permission to kill them for two days. Feel free to take home the loot.

"Thank you.


 Alto immediately headed to the Asil Mine.

 The mine was located about an hour away from the city.

 There was a good reason why Artoo had chosen the mine to attack.

 He had been exploring the dungeon as a member of the party.

 Thanks to his automatic magic, he had been able to explore quite efficiently and had collected quite a few rare items, but he had rarely been able to get a share of them.

 The reason was simple: Artoo could not defeat monsters alone.

 Where there are expensive magic items, there are strong monsters.

 Only by defeating those strong monsters could he collect them.

 So even if you only had the skills to search, you couldn't enjoy the benefits of collecting items.

 --However, the Alto of today is different.

 He has acquired not only the skills to explore, but also the combat ability to defeat B-rank bosses with ease.

 So, if he explores the dungeon again, he can get the rare items all to himself.

"... <always search> activated.

 Artoo activated the automatic magic for searching.

 The target is a magic stone.

I can't carry heavy things, so I'll limit my search to ... hard-to-find but highly valuable items. ... Good.

 Artoo walked out in high spirits.

 Naturally, he encountered monsters along the way.

 Many of them were B-rank level monsters, trolls.

 They are difficult for an ordinary adventurer to defeat.

 However, for the current Artoo, they are a piece of cake.

"Fireball (extra large) activated!

 The troll is burned by the fire.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Okay, I can defeat it without any problem.

 Artoo picks up the magic stone from the ashes and returns to his search.

 As he walks down the darkened path.

[Notification. "We've found the magic obsidian.

 It tells me that a rare item was caught in the search for automagic.

"Oh, an obsidian!

 I open the window and check the location of the obsidian. I dug a little deeper into the wall of the cave at the location indicated, and found a shiny black magic stone.

'One of these will get me a week in a good inn, right!

 When I found it on a guild mission, it didn't cost me a penny, but now I have it all to myself.

 I was extremely grateful.

[Notice. "Longan Stone has been found."

 Before I could even catch my breath, the notification rang.

 Digging in the area indicated on the map, I found another rare item, the Longan Stone.

"This is another rare item that can be exchanged for gold coins!

 --And then the notification rings again.

 The more I walk, the more rare items I find.

 The more you walk, the more rare items you'll find, and since you'll be killing monsters and exploring alone today, you can keep all the results you collect to yourself. ----


 --After a day of exploring, Artoo headed to the work introduction guild.

Welcome back, Alto. How was your day?

 The woman at the reception desk greeted Artoo with a smile.

Yes, I killed a lot of monsters, but I also got a lot of items, so can I get some cash?

That's good to know. ..., all of this?

 She jumped a little in surprise.

I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to do. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm sure you'll agree.

I've always been good at exploring. ...

 I'm not sure what to make of it.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.

 And then she told him the result with surprise.

Ten gold coins for ....

"That much?

 Alto was surprised at the amount.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.

I had no idea how much I was actually collecting. "It usually takes ten people to collect this much in a B-rank dungeon with strong monsters. How strong is ... Alto-san to do that by himself!

No, I was able to defeat the monsters rather smoothly, but I didn't expect ... to be able to earn so many gold coins.

 Artoo himself was more surprised by the result than anyone else.

 It's not that I don't want to make a lot of money, but it can actually help.

(...If you earn money like this, you can quickly accumulate enough money to enter a knight school. ...! 

 --No skills, but I'll be a knight.

 This is the first time I've been able to do that.