
Full Attribute In Naruto

The story of Hirota Nobu an orphan in Konoha, and his journey from procrastinator to ... Coomer.

KageCoomer · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Civilian Class

Civilian class

As Nobu was getting lost in the possibilities that would soon be available to him, A kind looking old man wearing a red kasa hat came onto the stage and cleared his throat.

"My name is Saruto Hiruzen, and I am the third Hokage of the hidden leaf village. I welcome you all to the Ninja Academy of our leaf village. It is my hope and dream that you'll become the future generation of ninjas in this Village, and that through what we teach you here you may carry the will and spirit of this Village to everyone you meet. You will shortly be divided into classes based on what your sensei's believe your capabilities to be, but know that your initial results aren't written in stone. If in the future you manage improve your performance is highly likely that you will be put in a class more befitting of your talents, so do not be discouraged I believe in everyone of you whether you are Clan children or ordinary citizen. All of you that graduate will possess the courage and capability to become excellent ninjas of the Hidden Leaf Village."

After the long-winded speech of the third Hokage, the pony-tailed teacher once more appeared in front of us this time with the list in his hand. He proceeded to tell all of us to line up in the row he pointed us to when we heard our name.

By the end of the triage process Nobu found himself in the class consisting of mostly other orphan students and normal citizens including, and Hideki.

While most of the people whom Nobu assumed were Clan children were put in the same three classes.

In his mind the reason for this was that it was highly likely that these children had been trained by their families from a very early age while an orphan would have received no such training.

However, how could a child grasp the disadvantage they started with.

Thankfully the Hokage did state that with hard work they could be upgraded to a higher level class, and that was what Nobu wanted after all to be put in a class where he would be able to learn and apply more the skills that he would be taught by the academy.

So although he was put in a class consisting only of Orphans, and frail looking children he believed that with his new found ability it was only a matter of time before he climbed up the ranks.

Another thing Noble found odd was that some of the Clan's children appeared to be older than most of the citizens partaking in the selection.

Perhaps their parents thought it a better idea for them to start their training at the academy later, although anybody could start their official ninja training at the age of 4.

After the selection process, everybody in my group was brought to what I can only assume was a training field in order to, according to the new Sensei assigned to us, engage in a basic fitness test to see who met the necessary minimum requirements in order to continue engaging in Academy training.

This the teacher stated would be the Baseline to measure our progress at the middle and the end of the year, and that if by those times he found us lacking, then we would be expelled from the program.

Today was just a Baseline, but he hoped that he hoped we could improve upon until we'd met his standard for civilian Ninjas.

And in the event that we could go even beyond that standard, then we would be allowed to join the same group as the clan children.

"You ready loser." Hideki smirked at me as everyone lined up in front of the track we had to run.

inwardly smirked at him no longer worried about anything that you could do, know that I come in contact with my special ability my confidence was through the roof and I believe that no matter what happened today whether he think you could beat me or not in the end we become to Victor.

so as everybody prepared themselves to run with all them might towards the Finish Line I too filled with confidence decided to do the same.

"Ready, set, GOO!" Shouted the sensei.

The moment he did everybody around me rallied forward and ran as fast as they could, I did the same and although I tried my best, my frail body did not allow me to keep up with the demands of my will, and by the end of the race I found myself amongst the last to finish, the second slowest to be exact.

Although i was disappointed by my performance, There was a silver lining, because as everybody was painting around me trying to catch their breath after having ran at their max speed, all around them floated a plenitude of red and white attribute bubbles.

Although my lungs screamed at me to stop and sync to my knees, I dragged my tired body to each and every attribute bubble and collected them, even the one next to Hideki which earned me a scowl and shoulder bump for daring to come near him.

Ding 0.3 physique gained.

Physique : 1.4

Immediately I felt myself become less tired and all of a sudden felt as if I was refreshed instead of being completely drained.

I had a bit more energy left in the tank.

I'd never felt anything like it, to grow stronger simply from reaching for bubbles.

The feeling was exhilarating and it once more reinforced the notion that with this ability I would be able to achieve anything I set my mind to.

It also revealed another mystery about the ability.

It seemed that with any sort of physical exertion that reaches a certain point people would drop attributes, at least physique attributes as far as I knew.

He now knew of two ways to increase his strength, fighting, and the physical attribute tests that they would be undertaking at the Academy.

There were 60 kids in this class and it seemed half of them had dropped some kind of bubble after the exertion they had just gone through.

This was a great sign, knowing that they would most likely be partaking in some kind of physical activity daily.

His growth, unlike that of his comrades who could only grow so much, would be proportional to how hard they tried. He did not even have to try his best; he simply had to watch them do so and collect the fruits of their labors, while growing at a rate which they could never compare to. Life was about to get really good.

Hard days work

KageCoomercreators' thoughts