

"Asher, no." She said weakly. She sounded needy and pathetic according to her but that would have to for the moment. "I can hear the need in your voice, you little liar." He whispered as he came even closer so that his breath was tickling her neck while he spoke in her ear. She herself could feel the need as it made a bead or two of sweat to form on her brow. She was excited about it much more than she could ever tell anyone. She however knew better than to do it on the day her sister was meant to get engaged. "At least not today." She whispered back with her eyes shut trying to calm her racing heart down enough to reason with him. "So you saying if it wasn't today and we were in the same position you wouldn't hesitate?" He asked so close to her ear that she shivered in delight and a small giggle left her mouth at the same time as it was her tickle spot making him chuckle at the feeling.

Bess_Charming · Thành thị
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12 Chs


Asher knew exactly what he had brought upon himself the moment he had decide to open that door. Seeing her half conscious on the floor focusing on the tap in her kitchen was enough to direct him on where she had been headed before her legs gave up. He decided to put the responsibility on his shoulder and grant her unspoken wish. He had not been aware of how she would spend the night since she had cancelled their usual date plans on Friday nights. His other women were busy and in as much as he was a player he'd hate to be a victim so he decided to pay her a visit. He was glad when he found her drunk but the sweet relief was short lived as he realized she was a real drunkard and she just toned down while he was around. Judging from the number of cans tossed all around her living room and the wine bottle still on her hand he knew she would have it bad in the morning. He placed the cup on her lips and she took a sip then smiled as though she had seen something stupid maybe she had because at that rate he was sure she was hallucinating

I'm really drunk." she said to herself laughing at the thought.

"Yes you are." He answered from right beside her causing her to turn and look at him

Her gaze was filled with questions before some kind of dawning came upon them as if she had realized something.

"You know I always wanted to spend my life with you? Anyway, you wouldn't know coz you are a figment of my drunk imagination." She claimed as she struggled to keep her eyes open for a bit longer.

"Maybe I'm not. You never know." He answered as her eyes dimmed an indicator that her brain had just shut down from the strain of the night.

He picked her up and took her to her bedroom, a room he had been in countless times that was why he had been able to navigate through the dim lighting. He placed her on the sheets before pulling the comforter over her and watching her for a while before deciding to place a bucket next to her on the bed incase she needed to hurl which he was afraid she would. Something was still haunting his head though. The fact that she was drunk because she thought he didn't want to do life with her. Not that it was a lie but being responsible for her state at that moment didn't taste quite right on his tongue. He left her room and came back with a bottle water and a container pills and placed them on the bedside where she would find them when she woke up the next morning. He was almost out of her room when he heard her crying in her sleep and was touched and decided against his better judgement to stay the night. Before getting to bed he decided to tidy up just a bit given the ruin she had left in the living room in an attempt to comfort herself. He picked up the trash and treated the stain on her carpet from the red wine she was having. While at it he decided it wouldn't do much harm to have a beer as well for the night.

One had turned into two and two into more and before he knew it he was also very wasted when he decided to join her in bed. The only difference between them was that he wouldn't wake up as hungover as she would since she had mixed all brands of drinks while he had stuck to one. Somehow he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He hadn't known he was that tired until he was in bed. One moment he was lamenting on how he wasn't sure if his decision was the best and the next he woke up in a tangly mess with her. She was still asleep something he was super appreciative of. Their compromising situation would have been questionable for a drunk night. He slowly detangled himself being careful not to wake her up. He took a quick shower and then decided to make himself a coffee for the day. He had been right. He was not hungover even the least bit.

After getting his coffee he checked on her one more time before leaving a note on her bedside table. He had pre typed and printed severals notes making sure they all sounded like they were from her sister and even signing off in her usual style. One was on her bedside table, one in her closet next to the dress they had spent a fortune of his money on and the other one was on the coffee table in her living room together with roses that he had ordered for her while he was having coffee. He hated that he had to be romantic but for money he'd have done anything. He had one final note that he'd give to the limo driver who he had prepared for her. Such was the price he had to pay in order to become the man he always dreamt of.

He made a few calls as he drove back to his place to get ready for the big day. He called it that as would alter his life deeply in way that he had never anticipated. At first he had been worried about what her answer would be. They had been together for just a few months and he was worried she would think it was a bit too fast he himself was worried about that but hearing her confession in a drunken stupor had just made him realize the answer was positive. Either that or nothing after all he had spent an insane amount of money on that one afternoon so it had to pay off. He got to his pent house and walked straight to his walk in wardrobe where he had his outfit for the day ready. To make it less suspicious he'd be dressing up for the event while at work but he'd put on his usual casual official as was his norm for weekends.

He could picture her excited to attend an event organised by her sister for once in her life. Maybe not before taking advil to help with her massive hangover that would be pounding her skull. She deserved it after the amount of alcohol she had taken the previous night. He laughed at the thought as he threw a tshirt on. He changed to a pair of khakis and decided to put on loafers so that he wouldn't have to carry an extra pair of shoes to change to as his outfit could only go well with black loafers.

Getting to the office, he decided to get some work done. There was no slacking in as much as it was a special day as his mother would so affectionately refer to it as. He liked to think of it as he day he'd be making one of the biggest mistakes of his life but who knew. Maybe it would turn out to be great and he'd fall in love with her and maybe have a couple of kids but how could he forget Lora. She was the woman he had always desired and that wasn't going to change because he was going to get married. How would he explain that to her? How would he get her to understand he loved her either way even as a married man? That was enough to ruin his cherry mood that morning. He drove to the office being reckless and running red lights maybe in hopes that he would be crashed by a loaded truck to save him from his misery but God was turning a deaf ear to him

Somehow he got to work safe and disappointed. He hadn't wanted safety but he had gotten it. Pissed of he forcefully shut the door of his vehicle making a loud bang in the company parking basement. He got on the elevator stopping on the way to his floor to give a card to his driver. There was no use trying to fight it this time around as God seemed to be working overtime to make sure it happened. He settled himself in his comfortable seat but today it seemed to be ridden with nails that were embedded with the sharp side up. Why had he allowed himself to get to such a point in his life? Where he had to be with a woman he didn't want at the expense of the heart of one he did want. He so desperately wanted to hear her voice before walking into his mistake but he dared not ring her. He knew if he did he wouldn't go through with the proposal and he would never hear the end of it from his mother. Needless to say Asher spent all morning in the office staring at one paper trying to get through one line but he couldn't. His mind was ridden with many thoughts and regrets of what was to come and what had passed.